Immortal 2 #13

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Azura's PoV   The next day I was ready to go to the witch's palace. I'll prepare myself to introduce myself and explain why I went there.   "Be careful there, Azura," Zero said as I put my hood over my head and turned to face him.   "Be careful here as well, the witch's palace is a little far away, and perhaps I'll just train there," I said to Zero, and my four beasts were in front of me.   "We'll take care of Zero, my lady; whenever you need us, just give us a call," Gabriel said, and I nodded.   When I arrived at the witch's palace, there was a female guard there, the witches here are all women, and there are no men, and no men can come here, so I'm hoping Zero doesn't come here to see me.   When I approached the witch guard, she was surprised when she saw me.   "Who are you, and why are you in our midst?" The witch guard asked me, and she cast her spell on me, claiming that the light was too bright to be blind.   "I've come to join the witches' tribe," I explained to the witch guard, and she lowered her hand.   "You didn't grow up here. It looks like you are from far away; the decision is still in the hands of the queen," The witch guard informed me.   "Can I speak with your queen? I'm only interested in learning your spells because I need to," I said to her, and she appeared hesitant to let me in.   "Raise your hand," The witch guard said, and I did, surprised when she put spells on it.   "What are you doing?" I asked the witch guard.   "I lock your power down so you can't kill the witch inside. You're not credible," the witch guard said as we entered.   When we enter, many witches fly around on their brooms, and I feel like a criminal looking at them.   When we entered right inside the witches' palace, all of the women looked at me and started whispering. When I looked at the queen, she was surprised and stood up.   "What is Caex's daughter doing here?" The queen inquired, and the witch guard who had brought me here was taken aback.   "She's the daughter of Caex Queen Daesy?" The witch guard asked.   "Yes, remove the spells you cast on her because I already know why she's here," Queen Daesy said, which surprised me even more.   Does Queen Daesy see the vision of what happened to my family? Or does she know what happened to my Mom and Dad?   "Azura Alwina Cynthia Feax is your name, isn't it?" Queen Daesy asks me when the witch guard is done removing the spells from my hand.   "That's me, and how did you meet my parents?" I asked Queen Daesy, and it descended as she sat on her throne.   "Because I owe a lot to Caex, and I also need your help because Sander murdered some witches in the fixuirouis world," Queen Daesy said to me, which surprised me.   "Is it Sander?" I asked Queen Daesy, and she nodded.   "I'm here to tell you that I'd like to practice your spells," I said to Queen Daesy.   "It's fine for you to train here for a year, but it still depends on you from how many months or years you can finish on your training progress," Queen Daesy said to me.   "I'm ready to learn the spells you all know. In exchange for you teaching me, I will protect you all here, and I will not leave you alone," I told them all, and they applauded.   "Thank you very much Azura, whatever happens, you are always welcome here in my palace," Queen Daesy said to me, and I nodded.   "Sam, take Azura to her training room," Queen Daisy ordered, and I followed the woman named Sam.   "When you need something, just ring this bell next to your door; there are books in this training room about all spells," Sam explained, to which I nodded.   "Thank you, Sam," I said as she walked away, and I went inside to take a look around.   Even though it is my training room, this room is comfortable and has a bed. I sat on the sofa first and took a deep breath. Why do I appear calmer here in the witch's palace?   I looked at the window and saw the witches who had grown up but were still playing; how could they join their siblings like they have brothers. Then others are studying in different tribes?   I looked at the shelf and noticed that only five books had been placed there. I got up as I lay on the sofa and picked up the five books to see what titles had been set there.   The first book I saw was about water spells and different types of magic to use. The next book I saw was about fire spells, and you have a lot of options here for what fire you can generate with that spell.   The third book is about locking other people's power, including poison and love potion. I don't have anything to enchant except a love potion for Zero when he teases me too much.   The fourth book focuses on the wind. This means you must bear the wind when casting this spell.   The fifth book is about the demon spell, which surprised me because I didn't realize such a spell can change what happens if I'm one of the chosen ones.   I opened that book and read what it said about how you can be chosen as a person who changes what will happen; if I change what will happen, I am sure I will be punished.   I put that book down and opened the first book I saw, which I read. As I read, I try to cast a water spell with my hand.   I was surprised when I came up with something that looked like a bird but was made of water; I'm glad it's pretty. What can a bird accomplish? I was surprised when it grew up and responded, so I'm now soaking wet.   I noticed that the book had not been soaked wet, which made me wonder even more: do these books have a spell? Maybe there's a spell because they can't be destroyed no matter what when they have an accident.   I was about to use the spell that allowed me to summon a small tornado when someone knocked on my door. I looked at the clock and realized how quickly time had passed.   I stood up, and as soon as I opened the door, Sam approached me with some food and drink in the tray.   "You haven't eaten since morning, and you appear to be interested in the witches' spell," Sam explained.   "Yes, I read them very well so that I can understand them better," I told Sam, and she just smiled.   I don't talk to witches much because I don't want to be friends with them, and their lives are limited, unlike mine. I shut the door and set my food on the table, and I sat down and begun to eat.   I'm sad once more; what if I'm mortal? Will my life returns to normal, and will I be happy? According to the book I previously read, mortals have their destinies, while others are born sick and do not wish to.   The others are healthy, but they want to disappear from their world; I'm not sure why God gave them that desire. Those who want to vanish try to get up to live because they believe that many people want to live and that they must live for those who are struggling and sick.   I ate first before studying the spell, and when I was done, I used my power to float the tray and take it out. I took it to the kitchen, and I'm sure they'll be surprised that I used my power to avoid having to stand here in my place.   I used my strength to close the door, and then I read again. I looked out the window and didn't realize it was nighttime.   I looked at my hand, surrounded by water, and cast a spell to create bubbles, thinking that it could be a barrier. Suddenly, the bubbles I created vanished, and my hand became wet; I hit my head on the table, and why am I feeling this way?   I feel that when I train hard, what I have worked for will be worthless. I closed the book I was reading, and I left the room with the quiet surroundings. I was sure the others were already asleep.   I teleported out and looked up at the sky, closing my eyes and releasing my wing once I was in the air. I was surprised at how close I could see the moon, and I was even more surprised when a phoenix approached me and revealed himself to be Zach.   "I sense you, my lady. Do you have a problem?" Zach asked me, and I just smiled a little at him.   "Nothing, I just want to fly, I just want to relax," I said to Zach.   "Can you detect my presence while I am flying in the air?" I asked Zach, and he nodded.   "Sometimes, my lady, I also go around the demon world, and the three beasts are left in the palace," Zach told me, adding that it's okay for him to go around the demon world because I told them they could do whatever they wanted.   "Why are you wandering the demon world?" I asked Zach.   "I'm making sure Sander doesn't come here, and I'm keeping a close eye on the demon world while you're training my lady," Zach replied, making my mind even calmer.   "Thank you, Zach, you've been a huge help to me; you're welcome to return to the palace if you so desire. I need to be alone right now," I told Zach, but before he left, I added something.   "Don't tell Zero we met; he might think I was just closed by and talking to you," I advised Zach, and he nodded and walked away.   I went down. I was surprised to see Queen Daesy approaching me.   "Why are you flying high? Didn't you see the broom that was in your room and the wing you used?" Queen Daesy said to me.   "I saw it. I want to clear my mind," I explained to Queen Daesy as I hid my wings.   "Is that so? Use the broom next time because other witches here might think you're a demon," Queen Daesy said to me, and I nodded.   "Thank you for reminding me," I said to Queen Daesy, and followed her into the palace.   I returned to my room and saw the broom that Queen Daesy was referring to; I touched it and was surprised when it suddenly floated away and landed on me.   "How come this broom appears to have its soul?" I muttered to myself and looked at the broom as if it were challenging me.   "Is this correct, as I can see? Are you moving? How am I going to use you?" I was surprised when the broom walked around here in my room,   All of the hanging and displayed plants fell, and when I yelled stop, it came to a complete halt.   "Are you also listening, and do you have the soul to be mischievous?" I asked the broom, but it didn't respond; perhaps it has a spell identifying the owner.   I held it again, and the broom didn't move; I smiled, expecting it to throw me again. I set it aside and went to sleep.   I closed my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place, with no one around me, as if I were the only one there. Why is this my dream, which I still have control over?   I opened my eyes to find the sky still dark; it was not morning, but I had awoken. The strange thing about my dream is that I didn't see anyone else there, and I knew I was the only one there.   "Come to me. You'll get nothing out of your training,"   I was startled when I heard Sander's voice, so I awoke and looked around to see if he was still there, and if he was, why was he whispering to me?! Is he going to kill me right now, or will he take me and make me his queen?   I sat on my bed and calmed myself again, and then I lay down on my bed again. I was about to close my eyes when I heard the sound of a flute.   Why can't I sleep? Where did that noise come from? I went outside to hear the sound of the flute, and I went out of the palace; a man was sitting in a tree.   He's been away from the witches' palace for a bit; what is he doing here? What if witches apprehend him? I approached, and he gave me a look.   "Can you tell me who you are and why you're here?" I asked the man with the flute, and he quickly lowered himself in front of me.   "Are you a witch?" The man asked me.   "I'm an immortal guarding the witch's palace," I clarified to the man, and he fixed her gaze on me.   "You indeed say you're an immortal, but I'm only here because I'm flirting with a witch," The man told me, knowing that having a relationship with their tribe was forbidden.   "Relationships are prohibited, so forget about her," I said to the man, turning away.   "Wait! Can you give it to her?" The man said to me, and when I looked around, he was carrying a keychain with a witch's hat on it.   "I just want her to know that I can wait for her for a few more years," the man said to me.   "Are you a?" I asked the man.   "I'm a demon. I liked her because I see her outside the palace all the time," The man said to me.   "Or do you mean you love her? Can you tell me what name of the witch you like?" I asked the man.   "Her name is Samantha Adera," The man told me. Wait! This is the girl who takes me to my room earlier.   "I know her, and I'll take care of giving it to her, but I'm telling you to stay away from her because witches' lives are limited," I said to the man.   "If you want to wait for her for a long time, wait for her reincarnation, but if she is not a witch, but someone else," I told the man as I returned to the witch's palace.   **
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