Immortal 2 #7

2364 Words
Azura's PoV   I teleported to my palace, and when I arrived, I saw Zero sitting on the rooftop. I dashed over there, and he slowly turned to face me.   Zero was surprised because of what I was wearing, and when he got close to me, I bit my lip so hard that I wanted to complain to him about the fight in the elf palace.   "You look beautiful; It suits you. Do you have a party?" I hugged him after Zero asked.   Zero also hugged me back, but I remained silent and didn't say anything, which was annoying because vampires in the demon world are evil and heartless. Of course, they don't have a heart.   "What's the problem? Did you get into a fight there?" I immediately let go of his hug when Zero asked.   "Yes, there was a fight there! My dress was almost ruined! It's a good thing Queen Mei agreed to let me fight." When I told Zero, his expression changed dramatically.   "Who is that moron? I'm going to teach him a lesson!" Zero said to me, and I stop him.   "I already cut off his hand; I'm sure he'll be scared," I told Zero, and he was taken aback.   "Your retaliation against him is brutal," Zero said as we lay down together.   "What if I'm brutal in retaliation!" I joked, and Zero laughed.   I felt Zero-touch, my hand, so I looked up at the moon and stars. The speed of my heartbeat now increased because he looked dazzling in what I was wearing.   I expected Zero to ban me, but he didn't; when I looked at him, I was surprised that he looked at me, so I averted my gaze.   "Do you know how much I love you? I wish I could accompany you to the elf palace to defend you, but I can't," Zero said to me, and I quickly turned around and hugged him.   "I love you too; when I finish these things, we'll get married, right?" When I told Zero, he smiled.   "Of course, we have a lot of visitors, and I'll be bringing my family here," Zero explained. Of course, I was unfamiliar with his family.   "I don't know who your family is; aren't they in Sander's world? And what if he kills them because you left?" I asked Zero.   "King Sander cannot do that because there is still that pity in my family because we are simply poor," Zero explained to me.   Zero abruptly stood up, so I sat on his leg, and our faces are now touching. My two hands were on his shoulders, and my heart was racing at a breakneck pace.   Zero kissed me tightened his grip on my waist, the warmth of his lips as well as his breathing. Why am I falling in love with him? I let go, and when I looked at him, his cheeks turned bright red.   "Zero, I'll be back," I told Zero, and he hugged me again.   "Do you realize how badly I want to kiss and hug you? I want you to be here with me," Zero told me.   "That is, of course, not possible! I still need to train. We have time there as well," I said to Zero.   Zero surprised me by laying me down, and he's now on top of me.   "What are you up to?" I asked Zero, and he surprised me by suddenly touching my Boobs.   "Zero!" I used my strength to prevent him from moving.   "We won't be able to do that for now!" I told Zero, and I could tell he was upset.   When I remove the freeze power from him, he placed his face on my chest and took a deep breath.   "Zero," I call his name.   "I just want to kiss you and lick your boobs because you're so damn sexy," Zero said, and I laughed.   "I know that," I told Zero. I felt something hard was hitting my stomach right now.   "Zero, you're on top of me. Can you leave first?" I asked Zero.   "I don't want you to see it," Zero said, and I burst out laughing.   "What seems to be funny?" Zero spoke to me and looked at me.   "No! I can feel your d**k touching me," I told Zero, and he quickly gets away.   Zero was lying down when I got up, and when I looked at him, he suddenly stood up and stretched.   "Are you leaving?" Zero asked me.   "Yes, I'm going back to the elf palace," I told Zero, and he turned into his werewolf form, which puzzled me.   "What are your plans? I'll accompany you?" I asked Zero.   "Don't use teleport ability. I want to take you there," Zero said, and my heart skipped a beat.   "All right," I said to Zero with a smile.   I climbed onto Zero, and he jumped from the rooftop to the ground, dashing, and I touched his fur. He was still so hot that I liked to hug him for an extended period.   We arrived at the elf palace an hour later, and he came to a halt quite far from the entrance.   "You're only up here so the elves can see you and be scared of you," I explained to Zero, and he transformed into his human form and hugged me.   "Be careful out there? I'm confident you'll be able to handle your opponents or those who will fight you again," I laughed as Zero told me.   "Yes, I can; you guard the palace, but you are free to roam or buy whatever you want," I told Zero.   "I'm thinking about paying a visit to my family and telling them about you," Zero said.   "OK, go see your family, but be careful because Sander might find out," I advised Zero.   "May I bring a beast with me?" Zero requested to me.   "Which among the four beasts are you going to take?" I asked Zero.   "The snake's name is Gabriel," Zero replied to me.   "OK, be careful? If at all possible, bring them here to the demon world to be appropriately protected," I asked Zero.   "I'll tell them," Zero said, and I nodded.   Zero walked away, and I went straight to the elf palace, where I went to my room. I changed into my pajamas and then went to bed.   I touched my lips and remembered Zero's soft lips as I thought about what happened to us earlier. My cheeks became hot, and I shook my head and awoke.   How can I sleep if all I can think about is Zero? I stood up and considered going to the library.   I walked out of my room and didn't hear any noise; it appeared that everyone was sleeping. I walked and searched the library, and I went inside.   I lit the candle and searched for a book about dark elf power and how to make a large sword iron.   I sat down and read ideas; as I read, I formed a sword in my hand out of iron, but I still couldn't. As for the dagger, I need to focus, especially on getting rid of what I'm thinking.   I've been here at the library for hours, and I still can't do it; is there a sword destined for me that I can use for the rest of my life? I shut the book and turned off the light in the center.   I returned to my room and, fortunately, I had almost forgotten about Zero's kiss on me, so I went to bed and tried to sleep.   Why am I out of breath? Is this a race? I opened my eyes and stood up; I had been dreaming, but why don't I remember my dreams?   When I heard a knock on the door, I jumped out of bed, and when I opened it, Joz came up to me.   "Are you prepared now? You appear to have just awoken," I nodded as Joz said this to me.   "I'll fix myself first," I said to Joz as I shut the door.   I used my power to change my clothes, and I was instantly fragrant; I was now dressed in a red. I wore the cape that had been given to me after the competition.   When I was done wearing it, I went outside, and Joz told me that we would meet outside my palace again to train.   We teleported to my palace, and when we arrived, I noticed that Zero and Gabriel were about to leave; perhaps he will now visit his family.   "Can I say goodbye to Zero first, Joz? I'll give him something as well," I said to Joz.   "Where is Zero going??" Joz Asked me.   "He'll go see his family in the fixuiroius world," I told Joz.   "Doesn't Sander happen to be there?" Joz asked me.   "Yes, he's there, so I'll give him something for his safety," I said, and Joz nodded.   "Thank you, Joz," I said as I dashed away, hugging Zero as soon as I saw him.   "Are you planning on going to training?" I nodded when Zero asked.   "Yes, and I was thinking of saying goodbye to you when you leave, and I'll give you something," I told Zero, pulling a small sword from my pocket.   "Are you certain of what you're going to offer?" As Zero laughed at me, why that is why I had a poker face.   "There's nothing funny about what I'm going to give you; when you put it down, there will be a barrier so you won't get hurt," I explained to Zero, and Zero grabbed the little sword right away.   "I understand, but be careful with your training because sometimes you get hurt," Zero said as he kissed my cheek.   Gabriel suddenly spoke to us.   "Am I bothering to the both of you? We need to get going, so Sander doesn't know where we're going to his world," Gabriel said as I pulled Zero's hand away from my cheek.   "When you get back, introduce me to your family," I told Zero, smiling.   "Yes, I will introduce you to my family when I get back," Zero said as he walked away and left the palace.   I returned to Joz, and we began; I used my elf form and built a dagger in my hand using the iron power I had learned.   I rushed at Joz, and we suddenly fought with the dagger he also made; the dagger can also be used as a sword, but it is too small.   The strong impact of the wind he gave me pushed me back, and I stood up and forced myself to make an iron sword.   I was about to start when it suddenly vanished, and I saw Joz in front of me, so I quickly backed away, I accidentally sat down, and he floated.   "You're back training. We will be keeping an eye on things once more!" I heard Skyler, and they were still smiling while floating in the sky.   "Shouldn't you be guarding the palace's interior?" I asked Skyler.   "My lady, there are no traitors in your palace; they are kind because Zero always eats delicious food while we have a different dish," Skyler told me.   "Shut up first. I'm training," I told the three beasts solemnly.   I reconstructed the sword in my hand with my iron and rushed back to Joz, who burst out laughing.   "Azura, if you just attack, you won't win; you don't think before you rush," Joz said to me, and I came to a halt.   The sword I made vanished once more, and I fell; he also fell when Joz floated.   "What am I supposed to do? I'll give you 5 minutes before I attack you." I sniffed as I told Joz.   "You're becoming childish now," Joz said, so I took out my snout.   "Tell me now how to do it properly," I said to him and waiting for his response.   "Try to make a hammer," Joz advised, and I did so.   I made a large hammer, and it quickly formed; I expected it to vanish immediately, but it didn't, so I smiled.   "I mean, I feel more attached to this hammer–" I stopped talking when it turned blue on both sides and was surrounded by water.   "You appear to be connected with the hammer rather than the sword because you haven't been training wizard's power yet, so you can't form a sword," Joz explained to me.   "Of course, may we fight again?" I told Joz, and I was about to attack when a portal appeared between Joz and me.   Zero emerged from there, carrying a werewolf.   "What happened, Zero?" I asked Zero, but he remained silent.   "What happened, Gabriel?" I asked Gabriel, and he showed me the wolf, which was dead and covered in blood.   When I looked at Zero, I noticed that the wolf he was holding the neck was covered in blood and that he had been stabbed in the neck. I knelt in front of Zero, and his eyes were filled with tears.   "Zero! Tell me about what happened!" I asked Zero to speak and shook him, but he didn't seem to hear me.   "Sander killed them. His family just forced us to flee because his parents didn't want him to disappear either," Gabriel replied, and I became enraged.   Sander, what exactly did you do?!   "He's a true demon. I'll make it even worse by murdering him!" I sighed, and Zero let go of the wolf he'd carried.   "It's all my fault. I have to die too," Zero said, and I was surprised that when I stopped him, he would have removed the cursed ring.   "Zero never do such a thing! I can avenge you! I'm going to kill Sander! Let us take revenge!" I informed Zero,   "Did you use the barrier?" I asked Zero, and he nodded.   "Since Sander couldn't follow because I put a barrier on all the wolves in my family, Gabriel created a portal so we could get out of there right away," Zero told me, and I was sad.   "We need to bury them. They need to have a proper burial, Zero," I said to Zero, and he nodded.   **
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