Chapter 7-1

2110 Words

Chapter 7“Where are you taking me?” I asked Vasyl as we sailed along the night sky. “Back to your home, mon amour,” he murmured in my ear. “But you have to take me back to wherever Leif is,” I said, shocked. “Why?” he asked, wings spread wide, and he lean to one side; we began circling. “Because Leif doesn't know if I'm alive or dead. If Tremayne thinks I'm dead, he'll kill Leif.” “Eh bien,” Vasyl sighed. We still circled. “I can't let that happen,” I griped. “Maybe you don't have a conscience, but I do. You have to take me back to wherever you found me.” He made an exasperated sound in the back of his throat. “Sacrebleu, cherie, I do have a conscience. But, considering one of Tremayne's dogs worthy of my concern would be beneath me.” “Excuse me,” I said flatly, “but I work for the

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