Chapter 6

2638 Words

Chapter 6I knew I wasn't asleep but in a fog—or rather deep in a vampire's thrall. When I opened my eyes, the thrall had lifted. The aroma of straw and horses caught in my nose. My Knowing told me I lay in a bed of straw in the hayloft of a barn. Most importantly, my Knowing also told me that I wasn't alone. He was here with me. My movements set in motion the male form across from me. Vasyl slowly turned around. His dark silhouette bisected silver moonlight framed in the open haymow door in the upper section of the barn. His white silk shirt almost glowed against the ebony of his long, wavy hair. The wings were gone, now. Invisible, or whatever it was master vampires could do with them. Vasyl slowly, sinuously stepped toward me, cutting the distance in half. Unable to avoid my fear— beca

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