Chapter 7-2

1978 Words

Hell. He probably already did. Tremayne seemed always to know what was going on. I wondered why my phone wasn't ringing like crazy. If it was still in my purse, it was probably on vibrate. I eyed my purse on the floor, but I refused to dig for it while I sped toward home. Screw them. All of them. Tremayne had his harem, and as far as I knew, so did Nicolas, who was more secretive about it than Tremayne—I happened to have met one of Nicolas' donors once. The two of them, at the time, wanted to keep me as their s*x and blood slave. I beg to differ. At least Vasyl's motives seemed more genuinely heroic, and unselfish. The world depended upon me, he'd said. Yeah. Right. The scent of straw and horse filled my nose as if I were still back in that huge barn. I had been breathing it in, wonder

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