Chapter : 6. My love..

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Philip’s point of view :- --------------------------------- Who is this girl? Why does she look so familiar? Specially her eyes. Her eyes are exactly the same shade of the one I once fell in love with. Those vibrant green eyes reminded me of my first love. So, could it be that she is the same person? No. It’s not possible. Even though her eyes look the same as my love, she is a whole different person than her. The one I love has the face of an angel, full of kindness and joy. But this girl has arrogance, hate and anger visible in her face. My love has the sweetest smell of vanilla that will make your heart full. But her scent is more like attractive lavender. The girl I love lived right in this kingdom. But I kidnapped this bi*ch from Warlock. Most of all, a girl like that will never end up with a man like Harry. The goddess would never pair that angel up with such a devil. But if this girl is also not the one, then where is she? Where did my Emereld go? How can she vanish like that? I have been looking for her for the past five years, but I never found her again. It’s like she was truly an angel, sent by the goddess for my help. And after rescuing me from the pit of hell, she went back to heaven again. But it seemed so real. She seemed so real. I still remeber the day I first saw her and fell in love. It was exactly five years ago when I was still a 2o year old future king in training, waiting to sit on the throne after my father, King George Plandach. I was really excited that year because, after preparing all my life, I was finally going to become the king and take care of my people and my family. You see, right after I was born, I lost my mother in an unknown illness. To give a mother figure to me and to give a qeen to his kingdom, my father found himself a chosen mate. Everything was going nicely in our family and my stepmother actually loved me for some time. But it was until they got a second son, Harry. Ever since Harry was born, I became the enemy for Beatrice. She hated me from her soul and wanted her son to sit on the throne. She even fought with my father a lot about it, until the council and the king finally decided that only the son of a lycan kings destined mate could sit on the throne. Ever since, I became an outcast of my own family and just accepted that the entire kingdom and its people are my family. No matter how long I need to wait, I will become the great king my kingdom needs. I will care about everyone, ignoring their status and position. I will treat everyone equally. I will protect them with my life. But I think I was too naive at that time to know that no one in this world is ours. Even our own family. Right after the day my father discussed about my coronation with me, he died. Waking up the morning with cries all around, I found out that my father was dead. And when the doctor came to check on him and find the reason of his sudden death, he announced that the king had died due to poisoning. Someone fed poison to him. But who? “It’s him. It’s Philip. He is the one who gave my mate poison. I saw him enter his private chamber last night. I noticed he was holding something in his hand.” It is true that I had been to his room the previous night to discuss about my coronation with him privately. But it’s a lie that I took anything inside with me. And it wasn’t even that late in the night. So, why would my stepmother say something like this? “My mother’s right. I also saw him go towards my father’s room late at night from the kitchen. He was carrying some food with him. I know it is him who gave that poison to my father because he wanted to claim the throne desperately. He must have grown tired of waiting for all these years, so he killed the king to take his place. I noticed he had been arguing with my father for the past couple of days. It is him who killed our king.” That was the moment I realized the extent of my stepmother and stepbrother’s hate for me. None of what they said is true. Instead, it’s quite the opposite of what they are saying. They were the ones who had been continually fighting with my father for quite some time. They wanted the throne desperately. So, maybe they were the ones who killed my father too. “This is not true. I didn’t kill my father. I loved him. I loved him so much. And why would I need to do such a crime for the throne when it is already mine? It is just a matter of days before I take his place as the king? Instead, you are the one who was angry at him because he refused to give you the throne. So, maybe you were the one who killed him. You have all the reasons to commit this crime, I don’t.” “But I have proof to support my words. I have some workers with me who will also speak the truth against you. They saw you do the crime. But do you have any proof against me? Why don’t we just present ourselves to our people and let them decide who is telling the truth and who is not? Who killed the king and who didn’t?” And we did so too. I thought the people of my kingdom were my family and they would raise their voice against this lie. They know me, they love me and they will support me. I thought the workers of our palace would never lie about me. I thought they would be the ones to prove my innocence to everyone. But I was so wrong about that. None of them stood up for me. None of them gave me a chance. As soon as Harry spoke up his lies, everyone believed in him, making me the murderer I never was. He even set up a few workers against me who didn’t hesitate to lie for him. That’s it. That is the moment I lost my love for my people. I lost my care for them when they blamed me for the death of my father. I was hurt. I was betrayed. The ones I always thought of as my own, broke my heart and I can never forgive them for that. “We don’t want a murderer as our king. Banish him from our kingdom. We don’t need such a cruel person in our kingdom. If he can kill his own father so mercilessly, the goddess knows what else he is capable of. Banish him from the kingdom. Banish him right now..” People raised their voice against me instead of raising it for me. They not only wanted me off of the line of the throne but also banished from the kingdom. And this was the moment my stepbrother and stepmother were waiting for. They didn’t waste a minute and instantly banished me from my own home and my own kingdom, even after knowing that I had nowhere else to go. This kingdom is all I ever had. But being betrayed by my own people, I was so heartbroken that even I didn’t want to stay there for a second. That’s why I left the palace right at that moment, empty-handed and alone. As I was walking out of there, many people spat at me and cursed me. They called me names as if I was doing the walk of shame. Every word they said pricked my heart so badly that I felt the blood of it come out through my eyes. I had no idea where I was going. I just kept walking and walking until I found myself in the middle of a secluded forest. I was very tired even though I was a lycan with immense power. Maybe the broken heart of mine made me that weak. I kept hold of myself as long as I could. But as soon as I stopped to rest, all the suppressed emotions overcame me and I ended up crying out loud to get relief. I punched the nearby tree as hard as I could while screaming as loudly as my lungs were capable of. And after doing it for a few times, I finally felt calm and sat down to understand the situation. I kept thinking- What did happen to my life that I ended up in this place? I had everything yesterday, but now I am all empty from inside and outside. I have nothing left. I have no one beside me. I have no where to go. What am I supposed to do now? What did I do wrong to end up like this? “Excuse me? Are you alright? Are you hurt?” I was deep in my thoughts when I heard an angel's voice. At first I thought I was just imagining it until I heard it again. And when I looked up to find where that voice was coming from, I found the angel standing near me herself in a human form. With the first look at her I was completely mesmerized. Although she’s still very young, I don’t think I even saw such a beautiful person before in my life. And when she came to sit beside me, I was completely overtaken by her sweet scent of vanilla. It was like her scent was engulfing me in a peaceful dream. When that angel came close to me, I noticed another important detail about her that I had never seen before. It’s her eyes. Her eyes were bright green with a slight hint of blue in the middle. I never saw anyone with such green eyes in my life. I couldn’t help but keep staring at them, getting lost in that green meadow. I could barely even make out what she was saying. All I could hear was that her name was Emerald because her eyes were of that colour and she wanted me to speak of my troubles to her. I couldn’t help but get amused by how such a little girl could act so mature in front of a stranger. She was so cheerful and so wise that she even made me forget what I was sad about. So, I finally gave her a brief version of my story and told her how helpless and alone I felt because no one cared about me anymore. “I care about you.” That was it. That was the moment I fell in love with her. She didn’t know who I was. For her, I was just an unknown rogue who was banished from the kingdom for some crime. She was supposed to be scared of me after hearing that. But instead, she told me that she cared about me. She told me that no one is useless in this world because the goddess sent us here for a purpose. I just have to stay strong and keep fighting for what is right until I find my purpose in life. She also told me not to worry about those who abandoned me. Instead, she wanted me to get back what’s mine and make everyone pay who did wrong to me. She made me believe that I was still alive and stronger than them to make them pay for their sins. That day she not only gave me a hope and strength to fight, but also a path on which I can achive my goal. It became my sole target to get back what belongs to me and take revenge on those who put me in that position ever since. And as a luck, my love gave me her lucky charm, which changed my life forever..
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