Chapter : 5. A made-up doll..

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“What is going on in here? Stop. Stop this right now? Camilla? What are you doing? Why are you punishing her?” “My king. I found her lurking in your privet bedroom secretly. I knew the moment I saw her that, eighter she was there to steal, or seduce the king for wealth. Peasants like her are always behind one thing. She desurves to be whipped in front of everyone so that she or anyone never dares to make the same mistake again. Guards. Continue.” “Stop. Just stop for a minute. You saw her in my room?” “Yes.” “Did you see her steal anything?” “No.” “Then what made you think she was there to steal? Don’t judge anyone without knowing the whole truth. You are the queen of Warlock kingdom. You have to be wise and kind.” “If she wasn’t there to steal, then what was she doing in your private chamber at this hour? It can’t be a mistake because everyone knows they are not allowed in our bedrooms without permission. She didn’t even give me an answer when I asked her to tell the truth..” “She was there for me. She was there to see me.” “What.. What do you mean?” “Camilla. I haven’t told you before that she’s my destined mate. And she’s a mute.” “What? She’s your mate? This slave? You chose this mute slave over me?” “No. I didn’t choose her. The moon goddess did. It was the goddess' idea, not mine.” “Then what are you still waiting for? Reject her this instance and end this shame from our lives.” “I can’t. I have thought about rejecting her too, just like you. But then I realized that she is the blessing of the goddess, and I can’t deny the goddess to earn her anger. Who knows that rejecting her blessing won’t put a curse on us and our kingdom? As the king of our Warlock kingdom, I have to think about my people first.” “Then what about me? I am your queen. How can you replace me with a slave?” “Camilla. You are my queen and you always will be. I am not going to replace you. Even the goddess herself can’t make me replace you. Yes, she is my mate and I will accept her. But she will never become my queen. She will remain a slave as she is, and my mistress. That way, we all will be happy with our lives. My love. Your king’s heart belongs to you and it always will.” Sitting on the cold marble floor of the palace, I watched my mate kiss another woman in front of everyone. I was on my knees in pain, covered in cuts from the whip. My clothes were spotted with my own blood. But still that pain was nothing compared to the one I was getting from my mate when I saw him hug his queen close to him. He did accept me, which is a good news, but I will never become his queen and live my life as his mistress. This is not how I imagined my love life would be. It took me some time to accept that I was the second choice of my own destined mate. But soon I told myself that he is a king and I am a slave. I should be glad that he didn’t reject me and gave me an opportunity to stay close to him. And like every great king, he also has to think about his kingdom first rather than himself, which he did. I am not a lycan to stand beside him. I am a mute, worthless alpha. So, instead of being sad over what I didn’t get, I should be happy about what I have. I should be happy about the chance I got. Right after I was announced as king Harry’s destined mate and royal mistress, I got promoted to a higher level maid. I wasn’t doing the cleaning duty anymore. My task became to arrange the royal meals. I got new clothes to wear. Even though they were not as expensive as the royals, but it was new and nice. I even got a new place to live. I was invited to live on the floor of King Harry’s private bedroom. They told me it was his idea to keep me close. I was happy when Ma told me that my mate wanted me to live in his room so that I can stay close to him. I thought maybe the bond made him like me. I thought, even not as his queen, I could be happy with him as his mate. But it wasn’t what I expected. He told me the reason behind his decision to accept me, on the very first night we mated. “Don’t be too excited because I allowed you to sleep in my room. I had no choice but to do so. This stupid bond is making me crave your scent. My wolf needs you near to realx. If not for it, I wouldn’t even let a insect like you get near my shadow. And don’t even get any idea about making me fall for you. I accepted you as my mate only to keep my good image in front of those stupid commoners. This is not my kingdom. So, to make them believe how great king I can be, I accepted a mute slave like you as my mate. Especially to that silly princess and her parents. I worked hard to earn my place and now you are going to help me keep this image of mine.” That was the first time I got to know his real face. Till this day, I thought King Harry was a good guy and he cared about his people. But now I know that he is as evil as his brother. It is all his trick to fool this entire kingdom into making him their king. And now he wants me to join him in this to put up a good image of him in front of the world. I can’t do this. I only wanted a mate who would love me from his heart. A life partner, with whom I can feel peace at the end of the day. And possibly someone who can understand me without the need for words and save me from this horrible life. But here it’s going exactly the opposite of what I wished for. My mate is not only expressing his hate for me and my state, but asking me to join him in his sinful acts. All my life, my dad taught me to do good deeds for others, not make their lives more miserable. So, I am not going to change my morals for this evil man now. I made up my mind and decided that I wouldn’t be his mistress. I don’t need a mate like him who doesn’t appreciate me. I will survive the rest of my life by myself. So, I turned around and was walking towards the door to leave him for forever when he caught hold of my hair from behind. “Where do you think you are going? You can’t walk away from me anymore. You are a part of my life now and you have to accept it even if you don’t want it. You will live your life as my mute doll to whom I can tell anything I want and do anything I need. And you have to bare it silently for the rest of your life.” I tried to get away from his hold to tell him that I didn’t want to be his doll. I want freedom. But the more I struggled, the more he kept hurting me. “You are so brave to still keep fighting me. You want to get away from me desperately, don’t you? But as I told you. You are never getting your freedom back. Let me mark you tonight so that you can never escape from me. I am going to lock you up in this palace, my silent mate.” That night I was r*ped by my own mate and was forcefully marked by him. He didn’t allow me to mark him too, putting me in an invisible cage with no signs of freedom. Although no one else ever touched me again, love making with only my mate was more than the pain I got when I was r*ped by several men at once. Now I know why lycans can only be with lycans. Others can’t handle their needs in bed. That is not the only pain I got from my mate. I felt like dying whenever he mated with his queen. I felt every single second of their passionate moments in my stomach with unbearable pain. Also, everytime he was frustrated, he beat me up like a made-up doll they use for training to get his anger out. He told me every crime he did and I had to bury it inside me forever. This made me realise that this is the sole reason of why he wanted me to stay in his private room. He wanted someone he could let all of his emotions out on. I went along with all of this for about six months until one day I was so fed up that I wanted my freedom back. I wanted to escape from this prison and go wherever I could. I needed to get away from King Harry. So, seeing a perfect opportunity, I fled out of the palace and didn’t look back. I think I almost made it to the borders when a few soldiers attacked me and took me back to him forcefully. That was the day I will never forget in my life. That was the day I promised myself that I would never try to escape again, because that day, he not only punished me for running off, but also all the guards and maids who I worked with. King Harry whipped every single one of them for not watching over me, along with Ma, and made me watch it as a punishment. And after it was over, he brought iron rod and kept hitting my legs repeatedly until both my legs were broken in several places. Thankfully, it wasn’t unfixable like my throat and after some time I could walk normally again. But I learned my lesson and never made the same mistake again to think about my freedom. For three years, I lived my life as my mate’s mistress. I worked as a slave, I was treated like a trash, I was beaten like a doll. But never even a sound came out of me. With every pain I got through those years, I blamed one person and only one for it. King Philip Plandach. He was the one who brought this misery into my life. If he didn’t made those rogues attack us, I would still have lived with my dad happily. My dad wouldn’t have died that night, I wouldn’t have lost my voice, I wouldn’t have come to this kingdom and become a slave. If I had my voice, no one would have dared to treat me like this. Even my mate would have respected me for who I was. I had a chance of a happy life that he took away from me. And one day I will make him pay for all the pains I had to go through because of him. And after waiting for years, I finally got the chance. One night, I was working in the kitchen with Ma when two strangers came to me and asked me if I was King Harry’s destined mate or not. By the first look at those strangers, I knew who they were and why they were asking those questions. I still remember the smell of the Warlock kingdom to know that they were coming from there and king Philip sent them here with a purpose. I just have to know what it was. So, I nodded my head yes and instantly, they started tying me up with chains, letting me know that I was being kidnapped and I had to go with them to their king. Exactly what I wanted. Ma tried to stop them, but I motioned her to calm down. The smile on my face and not resisting the bonds made her confused. And before long, I was on my way to my long awaited revenge, with my enemy's men.
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