VIII. Solution

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CLAIRE "Angina?" "Stable Angina, to be exact." Dr. Perez, my father's attending physician, was explaining to me my father's condition. "What does that mean?" "It is also known as Angina with physical exertion. You know how exertion and exercise increase our bodies' requirements for oxygen, right?" "Yes?" "So, because of that, the heart muscle can suffer." "Are you saying that all of this happened because of his daily activities? I mean, because of his work?" "That, and because he's exhausted. He lacks sleep. Are you aware that your father's having some trouble sleeping?" "No, he hasn't mentioned anything about that." "But, you're aware of his heart condition, right?" "Yes, I am." "Then you should know that your father shouldn't exert too much effort in doing things. In short, no strenuous activities. I'm pretty sure this is not the first time you have heard this." "Yes, I know that." "I'm not saying that your father should just stay in bed the whole day, okay? Just simple and light physical activities. You know what I mean?" "Yes, Dr. Perez." "Okay, so we are keeping him for a day or two to run some more tests." "I understand. Thank you so much." I knew it. This is all my fault. I should not have let him work that day. If anything happens to him, I will never forgive myself. And I'm pretty sure Corey won't, too. "Claire? Honey, are you even listening to me? I asked you if you're done packing my things. I can't wait to get out of this place." I'm so deep in thought that I don't hear my father talking to me. I can't stop thinking about what the doctor said. The nurse removes my father's IV as I pack his belongings and prepare to go home. "You've only been here for two days, Mr. Wilson," says the nurse. "Well, it felt like two weeks," my father jokingly answers. The nurse smiles as she cleans Mr. Wilson's hand before leaving. Dad can't seem to hide his excitement about going. "Corey, go check on Mikey. Let him know that we're ready." "Okay, we'll just wait for you guys outside," Corey says as he picks up our father's bag and leaves. He was furious when he got to the hospital two days ago because I waited for his classes to be over before informing him of our father's condition. However, his anger dissipated once he saw our father. "Are you ready to go, daddy?" "Oh, yes!" my father tries to get up from the bed, but I stop him. "No, dad. Let's wait for the nurse. I asked for a wheelchair." "Wheelchair? What for?" "What do you mean? It's for you. Do you think I'll let you walk out of this hospital?" "Claire, please. It's just a few steps to-" "No, dad," I say firmly. "Don't argue with me about this, not after what just happened. And don't you even think about going back to work at the hostel. You're not allowed to do anything anymore. I want you to rest. For your exercise, you can walk outside the hostel, and I'll accompany you. I can also ask Mikey to go with you if I'm not available." "Are you seriously going to bother Mikey just for me?" he asks me incredulously. "Yes. And besides, Mikey's like a brother to me. I'm sure he'll understand." "Oh, you're sure, huh?" Knock, knock. I open the door. It's the nurse with a wheelchair. "Mr. Wilson, are you ready to go?" "Fine." Mikey and Corey are waiting for us in front of the hospital. I thank the nurse for her assistance as Corey and Mikey help my father into the car. "How are you feeling, Mr. Wilson?" asks Mikey without taking his eyes off the road. "Fine. A little tired, but I'm fine." "That's good to hear. You had us all worried." "I know. It won't happen again." "You don't know that," Corey says quietly. "So you want it to happen again?" asks my father. "Dad!" I can't believe what I'm hearing. "What? You heard what Corey said." "You know that's not what I meant." My father chuckles, and I want to explode. "This is not a laughing matter, dad," I tell him. "Goodness me. I'm just trying to lighten up the mood. You're all so serious. "Well, it's not funny. Do you have any idea how scared I was when I saw you unconscious on the floor? I thought we're going to lose you." I try to hold back her tears, but I miserably fail. "Honey, I'm so sorry." I want to speak, but I can't. Mikey takes his right hand off the steering wheel to hold my hand as I cry. "We can't lose you too, dad. After what happened to mom..." Corey can't finish his sentence. "Oh, Corey. Come here," my father says as he wraps his arms around his son. "I'm gonna be around for a long time, so don't you worry." Neither Corey nor I speak. Mikey pulls over in front of the hostel and gets out of the car to help my father. I go straight to the front door to open it when I notice a sign written on paper posted on it. Hostel Corazon is temporarily closed. This must be the sign that Mrs. Kim made. I forgot to give the spare hostel key to the couple when they left the hospital two days ago, so I asked Mikey if he could give it to them. I remove the sign and toss it into the garbage can. "Corey, Mikey, please take dad to his room." "I think I'll just take a seat here, honey," my father tells me as he walks towards the couch. "Dad, go to your room and rest." "But I can rest here," he protests. Sorry, dad. Not this time. "Do you know what our problem is, dad? You are so stubborn." He is about to say something when I cut him off. "And do you know what the solution to our problem is? The solution is for you to listen to me. Now please go to your room," I plead. "Now, this is ironic. It's like I'm a child that's being punished by his mom." My father gets up and walks to his room. Corey holds his hand and touches his back for support. Mikey's already inside the room to set up the bed. My father is clearly annoyed. "Okay, ma'am. I'm going into my room now, happy?" he's teasing me. "A little, yes." I can't help but smile. Mikey bids goodbye to Corey and my father, and then he closes the door to their room. "How are you doing? That's a stupid question, sorry. If you need anything, just call me, okay?" Mikey tells me, smiling. "I'm so glad you're here, Mikey. And thank you for everything." I hug him, and for a moment, my worries disappear. "Hey, it's going to be okay," Mikey hugs me back. "Okay, I'll go now. And please find your phone, Claire." "I will." Mikey leaves, and so I'm left alone in the small lobby. I go to the counter and check the reservation system. I'm busy looking for Mrs. Kim's contact number when I hear the front door open. "Did you forget something, Mikey?" When I look up, it isn't Mikey.
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