IX. Fresh Start

1220 Words
ERIK Why is she staring at me like that? "Uh, hi. Do you have any available rooms?" I ask the girl behind the counter. I wish she would stop gawking. I walk towards the counter, feeling the heat of her gaze. "I'd like to book a room, please." "Oh, yes, of course. One room for?" Is she asking if I'm alone? "It's just me. Room for one." "I see. And how long will you be staying with us?" asks the girl as she types in my information on the computer. "I'm not sure. For now, seven days. And I'll be paying in cash." "Uhuh. Can I have your name?" "Erik. Erik Daniels." "Okay, Mr. Daniels. Here's the key to your room, that's room 206. Would you need some assistance with your luggage?" "No, thank you. I'll pay for the room now." "Oh, no. You can do that during check out time." "Really? You trust your guests that much?" "Yes, I do. " "Well, you shouldn't." "Why not? Aren't all hotels like that? Guests are supposed to pay for their bills after checking out, right?" "How old are you?" I ask her, and I immediately feel like I just crossed some line. "Excuse me?" "You just look so young." "I'm twenty-six." "I see. That's why." "That's why what?" the girl is starting to get annoyed. "Don't be so ignorant. Don't trust people so easily." "I'm sorry, but you don't even know me. How dare you talk to me that way." "Just a piece of advice, don't be too friendly to others," I say coldly. "People might take advantage of you." "Well, thanks for the advice, but keep it to yourself. You're just a tourist, and you don't know how things are done here." "You're right. I don't know, and I don't care." She just stares at me. She has beautiful eyes, I'll admit. Innocent, beautiful eyes. "Is there anything else that you need?" she inquires, this time without the warm tone she gave me just a few minutes ago. "Do you have Wi-Fi?" I ask curtly. The girl takes a piece of paper to write something down and hands it to me. I feel like it's all she can do not to roll her eyes. "There you go," she says. "Thanks." I take the paper and climb up the stairs. My room is at the end of the hallway. I open the door, and I'm immediately satisfied with the way it looks. It's not that big. The natural wooden floors, walls, and ceiling make the room cozy. All the colors are so warm that they remind me of a beautiful autumn landscape. My double-sized bed is in the middle of the room. The bedsheets and comforter are a mixture of beige, brown, and orange colors. On the left are a simple nightstand and a lamp. On the right side of the room, a table and a chair are placed by the window. On the other side is the bathroom. The curtains are drawn, and it's just a beautiful sight for me. Simple but beautiful. I set my luggage down and remove my shirt before lying down on the bed. It's so soft. I take out my phone and call my mom. "Hi, mom. I just got here." "Hello, sweetheart. Where are you exactly?" Even though I can't see her, I can imagine her worried expression. "In a quiet, peaceful place." I'm reluctant to tell her where I am. "And where is that?" "Mom, do you really have to know?" My mother remains silent for a moment. I can hear breathing, though. "Can we do a video call, Erik?" she requests. "Sure." I connect to the Wi-Fi and turn on my camera. My mother is with my father, and they both look deeply concerned. "How are you, son?" It's my father's turn to ask this time. "I'm fine. I'm staying in this place called Hostel Corazon. It's really nice here, and I like it." "That's good to hear," says my mother. "Now, are you going to tell us where you are?" "Why, are you going to follow me here?" I ask, teasing her. "What? No, of course not!" she replies defensively. "I just want to know where you are." "Beth, just let Erik be, okay?" my father tells her. I can see that my mother is about to cry, but she is trying to hold it back. I hate to see her like this. "Fine. I'll tell you where I am, but promise me that you won't just turn up here out of the blue." "I promise," she answers, smiling. "I'm in Alabama." They don't say anything. It's like I just dropped the bomb of the century. "Well? This is the part where you ask me why I chose this place." "No," my father replies. "From now on, we won't be asking you too many questions. We promised that we would give you space." "Thanks, dad. I really appreciate that." "Okay. So tell us, what are you going to do there? I mean, will you work?" asks my mother. "Hmm, I don't know yet. Maybe I will, but I'm not sure where or what kind of job I'll take," I answer. "How about you guys?" "We plan to go on vacation. Maybe Florida? We're not sure yet," my father proudly tells me. "That's good," I say, smiling. "Have fun, okay?" "We will. Just call us whenever you can, Erik." "Yes, dad. Okay, I have to unpack. I'll call you guys again tomorrow. I love you both." "I love you too, sweetheart," says my mother, teary-eyed. "I love you too, son." My father ends the call. I don't move for a moment and just close my eyes. This is good. This can be a fresh start for me. I'm contemplating whether to stay in bed or to go out and explore the place when I hear a soft knock on the door. I get up and open the door. It's the girl from the lobby. "Yes?" The girl is holding some towels and staring at me. Her eyes shifted to my body, and I realize that I'm not wearing a shirt. Goddamnit! "It's rude to stare. Didn't your parents teach you that?" "I wasn't..." she stammers. "I didn't mean to.." "What do you want?" I irritatingly ask her. I hate it when people stare at me, especially when they stare at my scars. "I brought you some towels. I forgot to put some towels in your cabinet," the girl says as she hands the towels to me. "Anything else?" I ask. The girl bites her lower lip, clearly thinking of something to say. She's got nice lips. So full and pink... "Yes. You're welcome, Mr. Daniels," she sarcastically tells me. She's obviously waiting for me to thank her. "Oh, thank you. I didn't get your name." "It's Claire." She turns her back on me and leaves before I can even say something. "Thank you, Claire!" I shout. I put the towels in the bathroom and take a quick shower. After that, I put on a pair of boxer shorts and go back to bed. As I close my eyes, I see the image of the young lady from the lobby. The thought of her warm, brown eyes, and full lips makes me smile.
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