VI. Worries

1254 Words
CLAIRE "Please hurry up, Mr. Kim," I plead to the old man as we drive to the hospital. It's the longest ten-minute drive of my life. When I found my father lying on the floor unconscious, my world stopped. I didn't know what to do. I immediately kneeled by his side to check if he was breathing and was relieved to find out that he was. Oh, thank God! I wanted to cry for help, but my heart crawled to my throat. Luckily, the two guests from room 203 arrived. "I wonder if there's any food left in-" Mr. Kim and his wife were on their way to the kitchen when they saw my father and me on the floor. "What happened here?" asked Mrs. Kim. "I don't... I'm not sure. I just found him this way. Please help me take him to the hospital." "Of course. I'll go get the car," Mr. Kim said and quickly left. "We need to carry him, but I don't think we can," Mrs. Kim told me. "Claire, you'll have to ask for help from your neighbors." I reached in my pocket for my phone, but I couldn't find it. Where the f**k is my phone?! And why haven't I thought of just calling 911? I tried checking on top of the table and the counters to see if it was there, but I just ran outside the hostel when I didn't see it. I banged on my childhood friend's door. "Mikey! Mikey, open the door!" "Jesus, Claire. Do you know what time it is? What's wrong?" He was squinting as he tried putting on a shirt. He clearly just got out of bed. I kind of felt bad for him. "I need your help. I found my dad lying on the floor unconscious, and we need to take him to the hospital now. I need you to-" Mikey didn't let me finish. He grabbed my wrist, and we both ran back to the hostel. Mr. Kim's car was already parked in front, and we all went inside. Mikey was a big man, so he didn't have trouble carrying my father and putting him gently inside the car. "Go! I'll meet you guys there!" Mikey didn't wait for a response. He went to his garage to get his car. The old couple and I quickly jumped into the car. Mr. Kim drove as fast as he could. As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I immediately went inside the Emergency Room. After that, everything is a blur. All I can remember is how the medical staff took my father inside the hospital on a stretcher. Once inside, the nurses tend to him while one of the attending physicians asks me about what happened. "Are you the patient's daughter? Tell me what happened." "I just left him for a few minutes in the kitchen when I..." I can't speak. "I'm sorry, I just.." "I understand how you feel, so don't worry. We will do everything we can. In the meantime, please go to the registration desk." He is about to leave when he stops and adds, "I also need to know your father's medical history." I'm stunned. No, no, no. Please, this cannot be happening again. And that's when I feel everything. A moment ago, I had this numb feeling in my hands, but now they're gone. Now, I can feel how fast my heart is beating in my chest. I can feel the hot tears rolling down my eyes. I'm silently crying in a room full of other patients, so I can say that I don't look out of place at all. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Mrs. Kim squeezes my hand, trying to console me. "For now, all we can do is wait." "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, for helping me bring my dad here." Mr. Kim puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Don't mention it, Claire. Let's just hope for the best." I bite my lip, trying to hold back my tears, and then nod. "Claire! What did the doctor say?" Mikey arrives at the hospital. He wraps his arms around me, and then I start sobbing into his chest. Mikey doesn't say anything. He just hugs me tight. At least his touch brings me a little comfort. "If anything happens to him, Mikey, I don't think I can-" Mikey holds my face between his hands. My eyes are red and puffy, and my lips are trembling. "Don't say that, Claire. You know how strong your father is. Nothing's gonna happen to him," Mikey tells me to calm me down. "I can't lose him, too, Mikey. I can't." "Shh, you're not going to lose him. Stop thinking that way." Sniffling, I wipe my tears away. He's right. I need to be strong. Crying won't do me any good. I tie up my hair in a bun and straighten my clothes. I'm a mess. I want to be optimistic, but then I suddenly remember Corey. It's like I've been doused with icy, cold water. "Oh my God, Corey. What am I going to tell him? Should I tell him now? He's in school, so I don't think it's a good idea. But I'm sure he'll be furious once he finds out that I didn't immediately tell him, and oh, I can't even find my stupid phone!" I'm starting to get hysterical, so Mikey has to stop me. "Claire, you have to calm yourself. Let's see what the doctor has to say first, and then we'll call your brother. I have my phone with me." "You're right. I'm sorry. Again, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, thank you so much for helping me. I can't thank you enough. I wouldn't want to keep you guys here in the hospital, so I think you can now go back to the hostel. I'm sorry for ruining your vacation." I'm very thankful, but at the same time, embarrassed. I have no idea how to repay them. "Claire, you don't have to apologize, okay? Just let us know if there are any developments." Mrs. Kim's nice words make me smile, even for just a second. "Thank you, Mrs. Kim. And oh, by the way, if it isn't too much to ask, could you please put a small note on the door saying that the hostel is temporarily closed? I'm not sure when we can go back home, and guests might arrive so.." "Sure, Claire, no problem. We'll go now." And then she leaves the hospital with her husband. Mikey watches the couple as they leave. "Are you done with the registration?" "Oh no, not yet. I forgot about that," I groan. "Okay, let's do that now, and then let's go get a cup of coffee or something. And don't you argue with me. I'm sure the tests will take some time, so there's really nothing much we can do here." "Fine. But let's hurry." After filling out the hospital registration form and telling the nurse that we'll just step out for a few minutes, we go to a nearby coffee shop. I ask Mikey to just get me a bottle of water, and so he did, but he also got me a bagel. Mikey sits down and starts taking a sip of his coffee. "And now we wait." Mikey looks at me with deep concern, but I pretend not to notice. I take a bite of my bagel, not sure if I can keep it down. And now we wait.
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