Is She Really Elsa?

1012 Words

"Anything?" A low voice asked. A dark figure which had itself bent sniffing the ground, shook it's head. Moving to where another figure stood, beside a table, he said, "I can't smell anything" "Oh" the other man raised his brows, staring at the table before him, he asked, "How about here?" The other man nodded. Walking to the table, he sniffed all around it. He did the same thing for three minutes, a frown slowly making its way to his face. "I don't know why, but something seems wrong" he muttered staring strangely at the table. Stretching his fingers, he motioned at a part of the table, "over here, Eva's scent is all over but over there, there's nothing. It's just the same" Seeing he was in a daze, the other man asked, "How are you sure someone was there?" "If you look at the

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