
The Alpha's Nemesis


My name is Elsa and for as long as I can remember, my life has always been peaceful and quiet. I also had no problem with my family ignoring me until I met him—my mate—the most powerful Alpha in the whole world.

After he marked me, my life changed for the worst. I was said to be the Chosen One. But why did my life look more miserable even with the honourable title?

My fate, as I was told, was that I would be sought after by various enemies, both known and unknown. I'd get diced into pieces, die in a car crash, get buried alive, would be flung from the sky, fall off the tallest mountain and all sort of terrible things would be metted out to me but I'd always make it out alive.

How it would happen? No one could tell—not even the one who prophesied it.

I tried to live with it but in the long run, I figured out there was more to being the Chosen One.

They were a lot of things which I had to do that killed me without spilling an ounce of my blood.

And the one which broke me most, was the fact that my mate had to bear the pain from my numerous deaths. I'd feel it for some minutes before it'd magically be transferred to him.

This, I learnt, was his retribution and so I became not only the Chosen One but The Alpha's Nemesis.

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Chapter 1: Alpha's Rebelling
"What are you doing here?" A crisp voice rang out in Elsa's ears. Elsa didn't bother opening her eyes. She smiled and said: "I came to rest. Do you have a problem with that?" Standing opposite her, Eva's eyes turned hostile but was gone as she noticed the people around who's attention were now on them. Smiling, she said: "Of course not sister. It's just that you've never liked coming home" The reply was thought provoking and like she aimed, others around stared dissatisfying at Elsa. Elsa smiled, then her eyes flew open. Her silvery eyes pierced into Eva's face. She stood up, yawned, then stretched. "You don't have to remind me of such bad memories sister. I would've been making frequent visits here if only it was a real home" Elsa wasn't in the mood to deal with Eva's madness, so she just strolled out of the pack and into the woods. Finding a hidden place, she transformed and let her wolf race around. "I don't why you tolerate her. She's so despicable!" Ava, her wolf, muttered. Elsa who was in a happy mood after transforming back, chuckled. "Why do you sound more aggrieved when I'm the one who was wronged?" Ava huffed, "I've lost my patience Elsa, tame her or the next time imma hop to her face and scratch off her eyeballs" Elsa scratched her nose smiling: "I wish her wolf can hear you say that!" "Tsk, who the hell said that? Who said I'm scared of her? I just hate the fact she tries using dubious means to win a duel!" The laughter which Elsa tried to hold back refused. The wood which was previously quiet was now filled with the sound of her laughter. "Yeah, laugh all you want! The mouth is yours!" Elsa finally stopped laughing. "Umm...Ava, I'm sorry alright? I'm not saying you're scared but seriously, you're almost on par with Eva's wolf. The last time we fought, she left you seriously injured" "That's cause she used silver on me!" Ava sobbed. Recalling the experience, it was really painful. "Ok, let's stop talking about that now. I'm In a good mood, how about we go to train." Elsa suggested. "Alright. I need to train hard so I can give that little thing a big fight and return what she left me with!" "Alright alright shut up" Even though Ava refused to admit the fact she lost to Eva was because at the moment, her mind was preoccupied with the thought of her mate. Apparently, he seemed to be nearby but because of the situation she was in, she couldn't leave to sniff him out. ...... In a dark room, Alpha Damien leaned back on his chair with a stoic expression, his eyes closed. Beside him stood his Beta. "Tell me what the problem is?" Beta Asher asked, his left hand lightly tapping his jaw. With his eyes closed, Alpha Damien replied: "It all started last year. My wolf wandered about secretly around the woods and came across two female wolves in a duel" "So? Go on, don't leave me hanging!" Beta Asher snapped after five minutes of waiting and the man in front of him kept mute. Alpha Damien sighed, his eyes flying open; "I found my mate but....I'm worried" Beta Asher lowered his head, he understood that feeling. Alpha Damien had had two mates which he had strangled consecutively after his madness began. Staring towards his beta, he asked: "What if she'd be like the others?" "Honestly I don't know. Just give it a try" as soon as Beta Asher finished speaking, a knock interrupted them. Instantly, the aura around Alpha Damien changed to that of a true Alpha. He no longer had the demeanor of a confused person like he had some minutes ago. "Go on" he thundered. The man outside shivered inwardly but still hurriedly reported: "We've gotten word which has been verified that armies of Gray Wood Pack and Greenwood Pack are on their way to attack our kingdom" Damien chuckled. He had expected such. Graywood pack and Greenwood Pack had been showing serious signs of rebelling. He had given them a choice the week before to choose a side. Now they were attacking him. What audacity! Damien strolled to the door and pulled it open. Face-to-face with the man, the man shrunk his neck in fright. "Prepare the troupes, eliminate all the soldiers and bring me the two Alphas. I'll behead them myself!" Damien commanded. The man nodded vigorously and raced out. The war was soon won and the two Alphas were brought before Damien. Damien stood over the two Alphas who knelt on the ground. Their faces were devoid of fear as they already knew they were as good as dead. Pulling out his sword, Damien brandished it with a serious expression. "Three soldiers are dead, six seriously injured and the rest escaped with minor injuries" Damien said. Taking his eyes off his now extremely sharp sword, he muttered audibly: "you cost me so much, you really don't think I'll slice off your throat off and out an end to you so easily and quickly, do you?" None of the Alphas said nothing. Chuckling, Damien returned his gaze to his brandished swords and played with it's tip. "How about I peel your skin layer by layer? Or use a whip with thorns on it which would take off a little of your flesh each time it makes contact with your body? Or I can use my special needles! I'll inject it into your bodies, into your blood vessels and slowly reach into your heart bit by bit...." Damien mentioned the different methods with a serious expression. Beta Asher who stood at the other end of the room shook his head. He knew exactly what Damien would say next. Just like he expected, Damien whipped his head towards the Alphas with a serious expression. "How about....I use all different methods on you two?" It wasn't a question, Damien already had the thought in mind, nodding his head at one of his men, the man walked out of the room and returned back pulling with him a trolley.

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