Alpha Damien? Disappointing!

1004 Words
Mabel stood with her eyes lowered in the middle of the training ground. Her eyes were filled with worry. Hearing footsteps behind her, she swiftly turned around to see Eva staring at her with an amused expression. "Cousin Mabel, is everything alright?" Eva's voice was light and easy flowing. Anyone seeing her or hearing her at the moment would think she genuinely cared about her cousin. Mabel clenched her fist at the question. She was on the verge of swinging it across the other party's face but with held herself. Smiling, she replied: "Cousin sister Eva has really changed. I can't remember the last time you were this caring." Eva was the perfect daughter in the eyes of the pack members so hearng Mabel, the girl who hardly said a word and who always minded her business say such words actually piqued their interest. Eva's gaze for some seconds turned ruthless but it was gone the next second and replaced by a charming smile. "What do you mean Mabel?" Mabel was too vexed to reply. Taking a deep breath, she unclenched her fist and walked out of the training ground. Behind her, Eva's gaze flickered. Just then, sounds of shouting rang out In the pack. Mabel's heart skipped. What was happening? She quickened her pace. Alpha Derik had come out too. It was the pack army. They had all returned unharmed but disheveled. One of the men ran to Alpha Derik and fell on his knees with a loud thud. "We got there and tried talking amicably with Alpha Damien but Elsa insisted on walking closer to him. Alpha Derik got angered by it and grabbed her." He narrated. "Surely, we couldn't sit back and do nothing, so we drew our arrows, some shape shifted and we attacked Alpha Damien's pack" The man had his eyes lowered so no one was opportuned to see his shaky eyes. Alpha Derik listened patiently. Frowning, he glanced at the faces of the Army memberes. "Where is Elsa?" "She's dead" Everyone fell silent. Most of the people around lowered their heads to hide the excited look in their eyes. The jinx was gone! Mabel ran forward and grabbed the man who knelt on the floor. "What do you mean by that? Are you messing with me?" It seemed she was the only one aggrieved as no one made a sad face. Not excluding Elsa's family. Glancing around, Mabel laughed angrily: "I see what this is." She didn't bother staying with them any longer and stomped out of the pack with tears in her eyes. ..... Elsa's eyes shut open. She stared admiringly at the ceiling. She turned to her side and was about calling out to Mabel when she froze. Staring at the unfamiliar face before her, she quickly recalled the memory of the day before. Reaching out, she smacked his head. Damien woke up with a jolt, his eyes gleamed dangerous. Stopping at Elsa, he raised a brow with his mouth curved into a smile. "Elsa, you're hurting my mate alright?" Ava yelled in Elsa's head. Rolling her eyes at the stupid voice in her head, Elsa glared angrily at the man in front of her. "You!–" Damien dodged her upcoming hand in time by taking three steps back. Leaning on the bed board, Elsa said: "So after running away from me for so long you finally show yourself?! You ever dared to forcefully mark me in front of Alpha Damien! Oh yeah...Alpha Damien where is he? Did he imprison us because of your impulsive action?" Damien blinked his eyes and then blinked it again. Who would have thought he could ever be looked down on by his mate? His eyes caught the mirror at the other side of the room, staring at himself quietly, he proclaimed he was still handsome and had the look of a master. He was still in thought when a hand grabbed him. Elsa who had already gotten up, said impatiently: "it seems we're not imprisoned. However, I heard Alpha Damien has a quick temper so hurry up so we can apologize to him before he comes for our heads!" Damien lowered his head and blushed in embarrassment. He cared less others said things about him, but being called quick tempered by his mate came with a feeling he didn't understand. "Umm...the door is over there. Alpha Damien usually takes a stroll every evening, I think he'd be in the garden right now." Damien muttered coming back to his senses. Elsa nodded, hooked her right hand with Damien, no, Ava hooked her right hand with Damien and they walked out of the room. Maybe Elsa was so distracted with thinking of how to apologize to Alpha Damien that she was oblivion to the workers respectful attitude towards Damien. They walked into the garden and Elsa instantly sighted a looming figure who had his back straight. Subconsciously, she glanced at the man beside her to see he had a more dignified posture. It was quite unfortunate he wasn't opportuned to be in power. Instantly the man who Elsa had presumed to be Alpha Damien turned. Seeing the two approaching, he walked quietly with a nervous face towards them. Seeing him that way, Elsa mistook it for anger. "Alpha Damien" "Alpha Damien" The two voices rang out at once. Elsa widened her eyes. The man cleared his throat, still having his body bent in a respectful posture, he said: "Luna Elsa, it's good to see you're up. I'm Beta Asher" Luna Elsa? Wait...did that mean that the man standing quietly beside her was Alpha Damien? Tilting her head to his side, she asked thoughtfully: "you're Alpha Damien?" Damien nodded, displaying a proud look. Elsa stared silently at him. "What? You're shocked ain't you?" Damien asked smugly. "I really am" Elsa replied. Damien was already in high spirits when he heard her say: "you're in no way near the man I pictured as Alpha Damien in my memory. You look weak and stupid"
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