Chapter 2: A Beautiful Sight

1023 Words
"A goldfish has a memory span of seven seconds?! Oh, poor things!" Ava yelled in Elsa's mind. Instantly, Elsa slammed the fact book she was reading shut. "For the last time, Ava shut up!" Elsa also yelled. Placing a finger on her forehead, Elsa calmed down. "Why exactly are we here again?" Ava sighed. She was one that loved trouble and fights. However, for the past few months, the land had been trouble free and no fights. "Dad's asking for you" Eva announced walking in. "Ok" Eva stared at her for some time, then turned around and left. "She's so annoying" Ava exhaled. "Once again shut up!" Ava fell silent instantly. Sounds of loud footsteps rang out and someone came running in. "Elsa!" A boy called coming into full view. Placing a hand on her chin. Elsa answered lazily: "Tell me" The boy stopped close to her and regained his breath before saying: "Alpha Dreg and Alpha Bett of Graywood Pack and Greenwood Pack are both dead" "Oh" Elsa muttered. Lowering her eyes she sighed. Here she was thinking something important happened. Guessing her thoughts, the boy opposite her stared disdainfully at her. "Elsa, are you serious?" Staring around, the boy lowered his mouth to Elsa's ears and whispered, "I also heard Alpha Damien has found his mate" "That's great'' Seeing he was about to continue taking, Elsa waved her hands upsettingly, "Go away go away. Don't return if nothing violent is happening." The boy's mouth fell open and angrily he walked out. .... Elsa yawned walking into her father's place. It was already midnight and way past dinner time. She expected no one to be awake waiting for her but she smile as her wolf senses caught the subtle breathing sound which belonged to her father. "Is this the time a responsible person should be returning to her home?" He asked. Elsa who was about lifting her leg, paused. What exactly was he saying. Lifting her head, she smiled obediently: "Alpha Derik, you're awake? I'm sorry this insensible person neglected the time" She made sure to drag on the word 'person'. Alpha Derik was a little startled. Hearing her refer to herself as 'person' sounded a little strange and wrong to his ears. He was about softening when he recalled the report Eva had given to him during the day. "You should stop fooling around and bringing disgrace on my name." He paused, stared fixedly at her and added: "Eva found her mate two months after awakening her Alpha powers. It's almost year and still nothing..." Elsa who was originally listening to him suddenly got distracted by Ava's mumbling in her head. "Are you listening to me?" Alpha Derik asked waving her hands frivolously in front of Elsa. Coming back to reality but not in a daze, she warily replied: "Yes. I would be going to bed now, I feel extremely sleepy" Not waiting for approval, she turned around and ascended the stairs up to her room. Elsa opened her eyes the next morning to a pup l*****g her face excitedly. Casually, she pushed it off her bed. Staring down at the pup in disdain, she said: "You i***t! Why do you ways lick my face!?" Almost immediately, the Pup's hands changed to that of a human, then it's leg, face and body. Standing n***d in front of Elsa, was Mabel, the last child of Elsa's mother's younger sister. At the moment, Mabel showed a disgusted expression, drew the sheet off Elsa's bed and threw it over her body. "You know, it's not my fault Ann likes you. She forces me here every morning against my will. You're not a bit as upset as I am!" Whilst saying that, Mabel walked over to Elsa's wardrobe and searched for a dress to put on. Elsa said nothing in reply, she quietly got up from her bed and walked straight to take a shower. Once outside, Mabel watched as she wore her school uniform in a slow but steady movement. "Do you only remember schooling when there's nothing to do in the pack?" Mabel muttered narrowing her eyes. Elsa was someone that paid little attention to school. Going to school was all for formality sake. And seeing the world, also, causing mischief. Casually flipping her school back into her back, Elsa tilted her head to a side, her eyes staring right at her cousin. "Are you coming with me or not?" Mabel sprang up from the bed instantly. Her cousin hated school but she loved it but she had been skipping classes for some time. They say useful habits spoil good manners, no bad habit spoils useful manners? Forget it forget it. Mabel lowered her head as she silently scolded herself while walking behind Elsa. The family of three which were happily discussing paused upon her arrival. Mabel sighed, she knew right from the moment she began distinguishing between good and bad that the cousin she loved most was not really welcomed by her family. But everyday she asked herself why. Ignoring the change in the atmosphere, Elsa waked straight into the dinning, sat down and ate her breakfast as quick as she could, not sparing any of the people also seated in the dinning a glance. "I'll have...." "There's no need" Elsa calmly cut in. She knew exactly what her father had in mind to say. She attended the same school with Eva but because they were not identical twins, had different huge characteristics, and attended school separately no one ever knew Eva and Elsa were twins except those for Blue Moon Pack who detested Elsa and would say nothing about their relationship to the public. Alpha Derik merely shrugged. He had tried his best. The girl was clearly the one making things hard for herself. Elsa quickly downed her meal and walked outside to see Mabel leaning against a sports car, her eyes firmly shut. Anyone seeing the sight would exclaim seeing how pretty Mabel, especially as the sun cast golden rays on her face but certainly not Elsa! Elsa went round the car twice and smack ed her lips in excitement.
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