Face Smacking

1034 Words
Elsa who sat in Damien's room, having tea got interrupted by the knock on the door. She narrowed her eyes looking annoyed. "what's it?" "Sorry to bother you Luna Elsa but they're some people downstairs claiming to be related to you" A soft voice announced from the door. Elsa narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, she laughed out coldly. The maid behind the door shivered. Soon, the door in front of her jerked open and Elsa stood opposite her in a suave manner. Raising a brow, Elsa asked, "Are they being entertained?" The maid suddenly felt her hairs stand on end. They had no idea the group were actually related to Luna Elsa. Fearfully, she shook her head, "I'm sorry Luna, I'll do that as soon as possible" Elsa waved her right hand. "It's alright. There's actually no need" Soon, the duo walked downstairs, some guards following them along the way. Alpha Derik's eyes widened seeing Elsa. It was indeed true! He's daughter had become a Luna! One with great influence! He made to race towards her but was kept in place by a guard nearby. Seeing the hold on their Alpha, Alpha Derik's army also moved but was stopped by a wave of Alpha Derik's hand. "Elsa" he called out, a face full of smile. Elsa's lips curved into an arc but she said nothing. "Elsa, dad was so worried about you. We had to rush here immediately after hearing of your survival and your stay in Alpha Damien's castle" Eva butted in seeing her father was at a loss of what to say. Almost immediately, the eyes of the people with Elsa and Elsa herself darted across the faces and dresses of the people who tried to mean they had rushed in. Elsa shook her head, her face still maintaing her smile. Her eyes darted to the maid a little farther beside her. Taking that as a cue, the maid stepped forward and said with a mild voice, "I'm sorry to tell you this but you'll need to go and return another day" "What is that supposed to mean?" Eva blurted out angrily. For a while she had lost her rationality forgetting her dad was the Alpha and was the rightful one to speak. The maid's eyes shot to her instantly. The piercing look greatly discomforted Elsa and she was a little angry. How could a lowly slave act like a king when facing her!? "Luna Elsa has a hard time comprehending some things. It's really inconvenient to discuss some things with you due to the fact we are yet to confirm your claim of your being related to her" The maid answered calmly. Eva bit her lips angrily trying to rein her tongue. She succeeded then stepped backwards. Glancing towards Elsa she didn't fail to notice the latter's smile had changed into that of mockery. "It's okay, we'll come another day maybe...'' Alpha Derik's speech was cut short when the door opened and Alpha Damien walked in, hands held behind him, a brow raised in surprise. Damien's eyes lingered on the man middle aged man in front of him. It was obvious he had a hard time comprehending what was going on. Elsa inwardly rolled her eyes. Two weeks with the man and she could already tell when he was pretending and was serious. Apparently, at the moment he was pretending not to read a meaning out of the situation! Alpha Derik straightened his back staring back at the younger generation in front of him. Damien chuckled noticing what the man was aiming at. He didn't stop even after getting to them, he walked past them and straight to Elsa. Behind him, Eva gripped her palms tightly, her teeths also coming down ferociously on her lips! One had to know that apart from being a a powerful Alpha in his young age, he was also one of the most handsome male on earth. In front of the commercial, human world, he ranked No1 as the most handsome man in the world. Not only that, he was wealthy and influential. While Eva maliciously thought, Damien had already gotten to Elsa. He frowned slightly noticing the few droplets of sweats on her forehead. He reached out and wiped it off with his fingers. "Are you alright?" Elsa shook her head in reply displaying a pained expression. Almost immediately, Damien swept her off her feets and raced towards their room but stopped midway, without turning to look at the guests, he said, "Call again some time later" After Damien left, the maid raised a brow at the family of three who she thought was becoming shameless. Alpha Derik felt greatly displeased. Twice he had been slapped in the face. It was one thing that they weren't invited in but they weren't even allowed to sit in and rest a little upon coming. His face darkened and was about screaming out angrily when a warm hand landed on his shoulders. Breathing in and out, he turned around and stormed out of the Castle angrily. His wife and daughter silently followed behind him but not without the duo stopping to throw a lustful glance at the castle. Back in the castle, on the second floor a pair laughed out loud not failing to notice the brewing storm on a certain person's face. "They don't look quite presentable," Damien muttered staring out the window. Elsa sighed, lowering her eyes onto her laps. Her family wasn't a sight she wished to return to. Their coming was something she never anticipated but at the same time she really underestimated them. She quickly forgot how crazy the man she called father was when it came to amassing power and wealth. "So" Damien pierced into her thought, "I believe they would be back soon. What do you intend doing? I might help in some way" Elsa smiled once again, her smile becoming bitter. She faced him squarely, dropping a hand on his chest, she drew circles on it and said, "They're shameless and would be back tomorrow and about my plan.... I'm not in a rush, I wanna crush them slowly and leave them in a burning storey building with no way out"
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