Something's Wrong

2280 Words

Maddox Ever since Hunter left, Aurelia had been pacing the small cabin, unable to sit down and relax. Don't get me wrong; I was stressed, too, but seeing how worked up she had surprised me a little, especially since she was still so reluctant to accept the bond. She obviously cared a lot for Hunter even if she wasn’t willing to admit it. I wanted to point that out but I figured now wasn't the right time, not when we were both on edge. I needed to distract Aurelia before she drove herself mad with anxiety and, in turn, drove me crazy, too. "Kitten, come sit down before you wear out the hardwood," I said, patting the couch beside me. "I can't sit down. My brain won't let me," Aurelia huffed, continuing to pace. I stood from the couch and walked over without her noticing. Picking her u

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