
2452 Words
Aurelia Oh God, everything hurt so bad. What was happening? I felt like my entire body was on fire and it was a million times worse now than it had been. Sweat dripped off my body as if someone had dumped a bucket of water over me. But what ached the most was my core. The emptiness was almost unbearable, and the need to reach down and relieve the ache was intense. I tried reaching between my legs, but I was too weak. For whatever reason, it felt like I was fighting a war against gravity, and I had to lift my arms to reach my legs instead of lowering them. What the hell was going on? My body was bouncing around, making me nauseous and I swear I was upside down with my arms dangling below my head. I cried out and then moaned in pain when an intense cramp rippled through my lower abdomen. "Settle down, Omega, we're almost there," a stern female voice stated. Almost where? "W-Where?" I mumbled, unsure if she could understand me from how slurred my voice sounded. "The cave. You're in the supernatural realm now," another female voice explained. She was serious too but sounded more friendly than the first. I forced my heavy eyes open a crack, and all I could see was the back of someone's legs and the ground. I realized I was hanging over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. From the thickness of the legs I was looking at, I was pretty confident it was a man carrying me. The ground was covered with dirt and rocks, not helping me figure out where I was. Memories of what happened before I passed out suddenly flashed through my mind. The government testing. I didn't attend my appointment, so they came to find me at my office. They said I was who they were looking for. Then that guy Jaxson held me in his arms as if I was precious to him before calling me his mate. Everything went downhill after that. I was chased through the forest and tackled by men in camo gear. Oh my God, they were going to rape me before I was rescued. I never even saw who rescued me. Another crippling cramp tore through my body straight down to my toes, making me cry out. My core throbbed from the aftershock of the pain, causing a whimper to leave my lips. I tried again to reach between my legs to relieve the ache, but cold, firm hands stopped me. "Not happening, Omega. You can f**k yourself senseless when we get you into the cold room, but I ain't in the mood for a show right now," that same cold female voice snapped. My eyes closed again as my head started to spin. Bile rose in my throat, and before I could warn the guy carrying me that I was going to be sick, I vomited on the ground and the back of his legs. "For f**k's sake. These are new pants," he cursed. I ignored his angry statement since I was too weak to apologize. I needed to save the little bit of energy I had left for the important stuff. "W-What happening," I asked in a slur before crying out from another intense cramp. It felt like someone was shredding me from the inside. I had to be dying. There was no other explanation for this excruciating pain. "You're in heat. It feels worse now that you're no longer in the human realm. Don't worry; we're getting close to the cave, and then we can get you into the cold room. It won't fix what you're going through, but there are toys there to take the edge off and a cold tub to lower your fever, so you don't die," the nicer female explained. Although, none of what she said made sense. Heat? Cold room? The one part that did register in my head was the ‘so you don’t die’ part. Holy s**t. That last one had a surge of adrenaline rushing through my body, and even though I felt like utter s**t, I started fighting. "L-Le me d-down," I slurred incoherently, kicking my arms and legs and thrashing my body against the man’s shoulder. The man grunted in pain when my foot connected with his stomach. "f**k, she's strong for such a small thing," he cursed. "What? Is the little Omega too much for you to handle, Felix?" The friendlier of the two females teased. "Shut up, Ray," he grumbled, trying to restrain my legs so I couldn't kick him again. "Settle down, Omega, or I'll knock you out," the stern female warned. I stopped struggling, not because of her warning but mainly because my body was so exhausted that I had no fight left in me. My body lay limply over the man’s shoulder, swaying from side to side as he carried me to God knows where. I felt myself slipping into the darkness again and fought to stay conscious. Unfortunately, after a while, I lost the battle and slipped into the darkness. ---------------------- I had no clue how long I had been unconscious, but when I woke up again and forced my heavy eyes open, I was alone in an unknown room. My body was still burning up, and I was in excruciating pain, but the room was freezing, making my teeth chatter. The cold temperature was shocking my feverish body, causing violent shivers to rake over me. I noticed the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room were made of stone and if I hadn’t been in such agony, it would have concerned me. Was I in some old-school dungeon? As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I remembered the friendlier of the two women mentioning a cave. The walls made more sense after I remembered that comment. Did these people live in a cave? I was lying on a stiff mattress on the floor with no blankets. When I glanced at my body, panic washed over me as I discovered I was naked. Oh God, they took my clothes. Why? I tried to get up, but even with the surge of adrenaline, I was too weak. "H-Help! W-Where am I?" I shouted, my voice hoarse because of my dry mouth and throat. I couldn't remember the last time I had anything to drink. No one answered my pleas. My eyes moved around the room, and I noticed what looked like a giant hot tub in the corner, but I assumed that was what the woman called a cold tub. What was it for? There was a bucket beside the mattress and a long purple thing next to it. It took me a second to realize what it was, a vibrator. My eyes widened. What the hell was that for? As soon as the question crossed my mind, I remembered how desperate I was to touch myself when I was being carried. I still was. I had this burning desire to be filled to the brim with something. Anything. What kind of mess had I gotten myself into? Had they given me some type of drugs? Ecstasy maybe? I had seen a few patients in the ER who had overdosed and some of their symptoms were similar. I glanced up at the only light source in the room and discovered that it was an oil lamp hanging from the stone ceiling. I rolled into the fetal position when another excruciating cramp tore through my stomach. I cried out before grinding my teeth together, waiting for the pain to subside. Suddenly, a coppery metallic taste invaded my mouth, and I realized I had bitten my tongue to the point where I drew blood. Once the pain settled, that same ache deep in my core returned with a vengeance. A warm gush of liquid slipped out of my p***y and coated my inner thighs. The sudden need to be filled became overwhelming. I was past the point of caring about my pride when I reached for the vibrator, and with shaky hands turned it onto the highest setting before thrusting it inside me. I was so far gone that I didn't even care if the toy had previously been used. I cried out from the sudden invasion, but the sound quickly turned into a moan from the feeling of being filled. It wasn’t enough, though, I wanted more. A lot more. I pumped the purple device in and out as fast as I could while running my fingers over my sensitive skin until I reached one of my n*****s and pinched it hard. I moaned from the pain mixed with pleasure. Unwelcomed thoughts of the guy named Jaxson flooded my mind as I f****d myself harder and faster with the vibrator. "MINE," he had growled. The memory caused goosebumps to erupt all over my skin, and my p***y gushed just thinking about the possessiveness of his tone. Why did that single word turn me on so much? Or the way he buried his face in the crook of my neck and ran his nose lightly along my skin. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I craved to feel it again. I imagined it was him working his c**k in and out of me instead of the vibrator and that had me teetering on the edge of euphoria. My orgasm was building at an intense speed the faster and harder I f****d myself while thinking of Jaxson. Oh God, I was going to come. A few more thrusts and I cried out as the orgasm tore through me like a violent hurricane. The vibrator stilled, and I lay on my back for several minutes, panting as the post-orgasm spasms slowed. For some reason, the ache in my core didn't subside. I had the intense urge to do it again but with something bigger than the pitiful vibrator. Unfortunately, I had nothing else, so the vibrator would have to do. I gave in to my desires and brought the vibrator back to my core. I wasn't sure how many times I made myself come; I lost count after a while but continued until my core ached and felt raw. Eventually, I passed out from exhaustion. When I woke up the next time, it was because I was being carried. I cracked my dry, crusty eyes open and found that two men held my biceps, and I was dangling above the ground. Panic consumed me. I was naked and didn't recognize these guys. I thrashed and screamed, trying to break free from their iron grip. "Settle down Omega. You just need another dunk in the cold tub so you don't overheat. We aren't going to hurt you," one of the men stated. His voice sounded almost bored as I fought uselessly. I gasped in shock when they submerged me in water that was as cold as ice. Once the shock of the cold water subsided, I realized it actually did relieve some of the burning sensation in my body. The two men stood next to the tub and didn't speak as I sat in the water, holding the edge so I wouldn't slide under the surface and drown. I was so weak I couldn't do anything but wait for the two strangers to lift me out of the tub a few minutes later and carry me back to the mattress. I took a minute to take them in. One had brown hair and the other black. They wore the same outfit: black cargo pants with combat boots and black long-sleeve shirts with a black vest over the top that looked bulletproof. They also had a gun holster and knife sheath on their belts. Who were these guys? Military? At least they weren't leering at my naked body or trying to take advantage of me in my weakened state. As soon as they lowered me onto the mattress, they walked toward a wooden door against the far wall I hadn't noticed before and left the room without another word. I thought about crawling to the door to see if it was locked, but I didn't have the energy. Plus, before I could put too much thought into it, the crippling cramps returned, paralyzing me where I lay. I wasn't sure how much more of the pain I could handle. I had never felt anything like it in my entire life. I lay on the mattress, going in and out of consciousness until the wooden door creaked open again. My eyes weakly fluttered open to see who was entering my room this time. Was it the guys coming back to dunk me into the tub again, or someone new? My gaze locked on a young girl in her early twenties. She had long brown hair tied up in a high ponytail and a friendly smile. She walked toward me carrying a tray, knelt, and lowered it onto the cold stone floor. I glanced over weakly and discovered food on the tray: toast, fruit, eggs, and bacon. There was also an unopened bottle of water. My stomach lurched at the thought of eating, but the sight of the water bottle had me reaching for it. "You're probably hungry. Just make sure you go slow, or you'll throw it all up," the girl warned, her tone friendly. "W-Water," I croaked. She grabbed it for me and unscrewed the lid before handing it to me. I grabbed it from her, but my hands were shaking so violently that I spilled more of the liquid everywhere but in my mouth. The girl took pity on me and helped. She took the bottle from my hand and brought it to my lips before I gulped down a bunch of the cool liquid. "Woah, slow down, or you'll make yourself sick again," she warned. I lay my head back on the mattress and closed my tired eyes. "W-When is this going to stop?" I asked, my voice shaky. "I'm not sure. A few more days, maybe," she replied, sounding sympathetic. I whimpered from hearing her words, unsure if I could handle a few more days of this pain. "Do you need anything else?" she asked. I shook my head, too weak to say anything. "Okay, I'll be back later to get the tray," she said before I heard footsteps retreating, followed by the door shutting. I knew I was once again alone with my misery. I let out a pained sigh, gave in to exhaustion, and let sleep consume me. I prayed to God that I would feel better the next time I woke up.
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