Feeling Better

2241 Words
Aurelia I had no idea how long I had been in the cold room, but it felt like weeks. I was starting to smell, and my hair was a greasy mess. I desperately needed a shower, to brush my teeth, and to have access to an actual toilet instead of a bucket. The pain had finally started to subside yesterday. And today, I felt substantially better. My cramps were almost non-existent, and the need to use the vibrator constantly wasn't as intense. I could at least resist the s****l urges now. However, I was left with the humiliating memory of what I had done. So many strangers had walked in on me doing the deed with the vibrator, and I even remember at one point begging one of the guys that carried me to the cold tub to f**k me. I shuddered at the memory. God, what did they drug me with? Normally, I would never act that way. If I was being honest, some guys I dated in the past called me a prude because I wasn't very open sexually. Yet, here I was, begging a stranger to have s*x with me and shamelessly f*****g myself with a vibrator while they cleaned out my room or brought me food. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me so I never had to face any of those people again. Now that I was feeling better, I needed to leave. These people might have helped me, but I wasn't sure they were completely sane after hearing some of the weird things they said. Maybe they were part of a cult. If so, what could they possibly want with me? Pulling my weak body up from the mattress, I walked to the wooden door on shaky legs. I could see my breath every time I exhaled from the cold air that lapped at my naked flesh. And now that I wasn't overheating, I really felt the chill straight to my bones. I reached the door and tried the handle but cursed when I discovered it was locked. I knocked loudly. "Let me out of here!" I shouted, my voice coming out hoarse and broken because of how dry my mouth was. "Please, let me out." I tried again when no one answered. I kept knocking until my arms grew weak and my voice was barely audible. I returned to the mattress and sat on the edge before picking up a piece of toast from the tray of food that had been dropped off at some point in the morning while I was still sleeping. I hadn't eaten much the past few days since my stomach was far too upset from all the cramping. I had lost of lot of weight and was practically skin and bones now. I sighed in frustration before taking a small bite of the toast to test how my stomach would react. Luckily, it didn't protest, so I took another and another until the toast was gone. It felt good having a little substance in my stomach. I grabbed another piece of toast and was about to take a bite when I heard the lock on the door click. I dropped the toast, jumped to my feet, and tried to cover my privates the best I could with my hands. I know. What was the purpose, right? I had f****d myself with someone else's vibrator with no shame, yet here I was, trying to be modest. I couldn't help myself. Now that my brain was fully functioning again, I wanted to protect myself as best I could. The door opened, and two women and two men stormed into the room. The woman who was leading the group was scowling at me. She stopped only a few feet away and scrunched her nose in disgust as she assessed me from head to toe. She wasn't much taller than my five foot three inches, and she was petite like me, but she had a rough edge, unlike me. Her long black hair was braided on one side and hanging over her shoulder, while the other side of her head was shaven. Her eyes were a deep blue that almost looked black in the room's poor lighting. Even though she looked like a badass, she was still absolutely stunning. "Good, you're awake. We need to go," she said sharply before turning around and heading for the door. "Wait!" I protested. "Where are we going?" "Ray, get her dressed." The woman instructed the other woman in the room, who nodded once. The second woman was a bit taller, maybe five feet nine inches, and had light brown hair and kind eyes. She didn't seem nearly as intense as the first one. They were all wearing the same thing: black cargo pants, long-sleeved shirts, and bulletproof vests. It was all I saw anyone wearing since I had arrived. "Excuse me. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on," I snapped as the first woman continued to ignore me and headed to the door. I wasn’t usually confrontational, but I had reached the end of my limits. The first woman froze after hearing my words and slowly turned to face me. The look in her eyes made me gulp. She looked pissed. What was she expecting? For me to just blindly follow after everything I had been through. These people were strangers, and they had locked me in a room naked with s*x toys for God knows how long. Excuse me for wanting a bit of an explanation before I followed along blindly. She took slow, calculated steps toward me until she was only inches from my face. "Are you going to be a problem, Omega?" she asked in a low, harsh tone. "I'm not trying to be difficult, but you have to understand that after everything I've been through, I'm not exactly ready to trust you guys blindly," I stated firmly. "We save your ungrateful ass. Now we need to move because our location has been compromised. What else does the princess need to know?" she snapped, making me flinch. I wasn't in nearly good enough shape for a fight. My body was still exhausted, and the fact that I wasn't wearing clothing hadn't slipped my mind. "Where am I?" I asked, my tone a bit softer. "One of our safe caves," she replied. Her words weren't helpful at all. What the hell was a safe cave? "What state are we in?" I decided to try a different approach. She narrowed her eyes and assessed me for a long moment before saying, "You're not in the human realm anymore, Omega. You're in our world now." "What the hell does that mean? Are you guys on drugs or something?" I scoffed, unable to keep the hostility from my tone. I mean, they were either f*****g with me or completely insane. I was really hoping it was the former. "I don't have time for this s**t, Ray. Handle her. We need to leave," the woman reiterated, once again dismissing me and turning her attention to the other woman in the room. Before the second woman could reply, I spoke up. "I'm not going anywhere with you guys. You’re all f*****g insane." I tried to push past the two beefy guys standing by the door, but they blocked my exit. I glared between the two of them, even though my heart rate picked up speed. What were they going to do with me? They clearly weren't going to let me leave. I turned to face the one who seemed to be in charge. She was slowly heading in my direction again, assessing me with that same thoughtful frown. "Do you know what happens if you leave this cave without our protection?" she asked, her tone low and cruel. "I go home," I shot back, my irritation just as evident in my voice. "No, Omega, you don’t go home. Your heat cycle isn't completely over yet, so we can still smell it on you. You leave here without us, and you'll attract every Alpha within miles. Do you know what would happen then when they catch you, not if?" she asked. I didn't like this woman. She was condescending and a total b***h. "What?" I snapped back because even though I didn’t fully believe her, I still had doubts. "Remember what those Alphas did to you in the forest?" she asked and waited for me to nod before continuing, "In the human realm, they could barely smell your heat and reacted the way they did. Here, in our world, you're like the most desirable meal any Alpha could smell. They turn into uncontrollable beasts when they smell an Omega in heat and fight each other till death to rut you. Chances are that you would end up being f****d by most of them. Or at least the ones who survive the savagery." I still didn't understand half of the stuff she was going on about, but one part rang in my mind ‘Fight each other to rut you,’ as in like an animal? "So, you're saying they would all want to rape me?" I asked, my tone shaky. She laughed, but it was humorless and borderline psychotic. "No, princess. They wouldn't rape you because the second you smelt their alpha pheromones, your Omega instincts would kick in. You would beg them to f**k you. All. Of. Them." "You're bloody insane," I scoffed. "You don't believe me?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "You wouldn't only ask them to f**k you, Omega. You would strip naked, get down on your knees in the dirt, bury your face into the ground like a submissive little slut with your ass in the air, and beg them to f**k you." "Never." It was my turn to laugh humorlessly. "Sl@sh, we need to go," the girl named Ray said. The woman in charge, referred to as Sl@sh, ignored Ray and kept her attention on me. "You don't believe me." she noted with her head tilted to the side before adding, "Fine, I'll prove it." She walked up to me, grabbed me roughly by the bicep, and dragged me out of the room. I nearly tripped as we moved quickly down a dark stone tunnel. I tried to fight, but the woman was freakishly strong for her size, and I had barely any energy left after the past few days. The three others followed quietly behind us. "We reached another wooden door at the end of the tunnel, and Sl@sh finally stopped dragging me. One of the guys stepped in front of us and pulled a key from his pocket before unlocking the door. Sl@sh pushed the door open and stepped inside, dragging me with her. The first thing I noticed was the smell. It was sweet, rich, and decadent, making my mouth water and my eyes close so I could savor it. Something wasn’t quite right about it, though. Even though it smelt good, it felt off, like something was missing. My eyes shot open when an animalistic growl echoed through the room. What the f**k? Was she going to feed me to a feral animal? The thought crossed my mind as my knees involuntarily trembled and almost buckled. I felt that growl straight to my toes, which did something to me. My body came to life, and the throbbing in my core returned with a vengeance. "Omega, come here," A deep, growly voice commanded from the other side of the room. I could hear chains rattling together. My eyes snapped to a naked man chained against the far wall with his hands above his head. He was fighting the restraints savagely while a continual growl rumbled in his chest. His nostrils flared as he smelled the air and bared his teeth... No, wait, were those canines? What the f**k? His mannerisms seemed more animal than human. I didn't have much time to think about it when my body started moving on its own accord toward the scary, giant man chained to the wall. I didn't want to go to him; it felt wrong, but at the same time, I couldn't stop my body from moving. It had a mind of its own as if it was being summoned. Luckily, Sl@sh grabbed my arm, stopping me. She pulled me out of the room and shut the door behind us. I let out a relieved breath. I didn't like how my body responded to that man in there. It felt wrong. "Your heat's pretty much over, so you were reasonably civilized. Had I put you in that room when you were at your peak, you would have run to him and begged him to f**k you," Sl@sh said harshly. I wanted to argue with her since I wasn’t that kind of woman, but I couldn't, not after how my body reacted to his presence. What the hell was going on? "You going to do as you're told now, or do you still want to go out into the real world on your own?" she asked with a cruel smirk. I was terrified, and she could tell. My whole world was crashing down on me, yet she seemed to find it amusing. I didn't want to go with these people, but at the same time, what choice did I have? God, help me.
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