Human Realm

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Jaxson I hated when we had to go to the human realm. Long ago, the werewolf counsel and the human government agreed to have a witch cast a protection spell over the territory to protect humans from shifters. It meant that on the rare occasions we went there, like today, it weakened our enhanced abilities and prevented us from shifting into our wolves. Humans didn't know of our existence, but the government did. The werewolf counsel agreed on the spell in hopes of keeping our kind a secret from the human race. Unfortunately, we couldn't shift into our wolves in the supernatural realm either right now, thanks to a curse that had been placed on our kind a long time ago. But at least in our territory, we could use our other abilities without shifting, such as enhanced speed, hearing, strength, and a few more. In the human realm, all those were diminished, making it nearly impossible to rely on our senses. That was why I froze when I saw the brown-haired beauty with almond-shaped grey eyes at the coffee shop. Something was special about her, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I knew she was the woman who failed to attend her Omega testing appointment based on the description I was given, but it was more than that. I was drawn to her. At least I thought I was. I mean, she was stunning. Her tanned skin looked smooth and soft. Her petite figure had voluptuous curves in all the right places, and she had a cute little button nose with big pouty lips that drew my eyes to them like a moth to a flame. I had never seen a more exotic creature in my entire life. She was breathtaking. Those grey eyes against that tan skin were hypnotizing; just thinking about them gave me goosebumps. But it was more than her looks that awoken the beast inside me. A faint smell I hadn’t recognized had me drooling. It was so faint I had to strain my senses to smell it and I couldn't quite pinpoint where it was coming from. I had been so caught up trying to figure out what was special about the woman, that I failed to stop her when she left the coffee shop in a hurry. Boy, did I ever regret not stopping her before she returned to her office. Because everything went to s**t after she met Counselman-fucktard Richards and ran into my chest trying to escape him. The moment my hands grabbed her bare arms to steady her, everything clicked into place. A faint electric current zapped through my body, starting where our skin touched and traveling straight to my toes. I was close enough then to get a better whiff of her scent and knew right away she was an Omega. But not only that, she had gone into heat. Only a true mate could trigger an Omega’s heat, meaning she was mine—my fated mate. Nowadays, fated mates for Alphas were almost unheard of because of how rare Omegas were. An Alpha could only be mated to an Omega and vice versa. Whenever an unmated Omega was discovered, the werewolf counsel immediately forced them into a mating bond with an established Alpha pack instead of giving them time to find their fated mate. This was all done discreetly since forcing anyone into a mating bond was a crime in the supernatural realm. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough evidence against the dirty council members to prove their crimes even though I had been working on the case for the past three years. The biggest problem was that once an Omega was bonded to her Alphas, she usually became pliant and willing, making her an uncooperative witness. There had been a few over the years who didn’t fold after being forced into a mating bond but unfortunately, those women either disappeared or ended up contracting a mysterious illness that prevented them from communicating. As I said, it was all very corrupt. Unfortunately, without hard evidence, there wasn’t anything that could be done. I let out a frustrated sigh as I thought back to why we were in the human realm, to begin with. We had gotten the government's approval to test the female population to see if any Omegas were hiding there. I hadn’t really expected us to find any since they were so rare, let alone my fated mate. We had been going from town to town for months now and hadn't found any. I had assumed today would be no different, but nope. There she was, in all her glory, looking f*****g perfect. My mate. My Omega. I was a well-trained killing machine with a poker face that could fool anyone, yet the minute I realized I was holding my fate mate, all those skills flew out the window. I couldn't stop my instincts from kicking in, revealing what she was to me in front of everyone. Including Counselman-fucktard, also known as Theodore Richards. It was pure chaos after the prick, realized who she was to me. It wasn't like I could stop myself from acting the way I had. Werewolves were possessive creatures by nature. She was mine, and had I not been outnumbered, I would have killed every fucker who tried to keep me from my mate. Unfortunately, without my abilities, I wasn't able to fight off all six soldiers. I managed to kill two, but then they subdued me with wolfbane before I could cause any more damage. I have no clue how long I had been unconscious before waking up in this damp, cold cell in the werewolf counsel dungeon, shackled to the wall with silver cuffs. My wrists and ankles burned where the silver touched my bare skin and my entire body ached from the fight. The silver was also preventing me from using my accelerated healing abilities, which sucked. The only thing giving me hope was that I was still alive. I didn't care about myself, but I knew if they had caught my mate, they would have killed me immediately. Her having a fated mate would be problematic for Theodore's plans since she would still feel a connection to me. So, the fact I was still alive led me to believe she escaped. Theodore was likely keeping me alive to try and lure her in when he found her. At least, I prayed to the moon goddess that that was the case. Otherwise, her fate would be grim, especially now that she was in heat. At least in the human realm, her heat would only be slightly worse than what the humans called a period. But if they brought her to our realm, she would be in physical agony unless an Alpha rutted her. Not to mention, her smell alone would turn every Alpha within a mile radius into feral beasts desperate to mount her. f**k, the thought alone sent red-hot rage coursing through my veins. She was so small and defenseless. What the hell was she doing in the human territory alone and unprotected anyway? If Theodore gets his hands on her, he would pick a pack of Alphas he deemed deserving and hand her off for them to mate and breed, hoping she would produce more Omegas to replenish our kind. The Alphas Theodore tended to pick were just as corrupt as he was, hence why he chose them. They weren't deserving or good men, but likely had something that Theodore wanted in exchange for an Omega. Money was usually the biggest incentive. I growled viciously at the thought of my mate being given to another pack of Alphas. Like f**k was I going to let that happen. She was mine. Mine and my brothers. If only there was a way for me to notify Maddox and Hunter of what happened. f**k, they needed to find her before that asshole Theodore and his men got their hands on her. Now that Theodore knew of her existence, he wouldn't stop searching until he found her. My mate seemed so innocent, and based on her reaction to everything, I had a feeling she didn't know of our kind’s existence which put her at greater risk. I let out an angry growl as I slammed my fist into the cement wall next to where I sat on the cold dirty stone floor. I embraced the pain that shot through my body since it was the only thing keeping me grounded. I felt helpless not being able to protect my mate like my instincts demanded of me. What a f*****g mess. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of a deadbolt unlocking somewhere down the hall. I sat up a little straighter as I waited for whoever it was coming. Unfortunately, due to the restraints, my movements were limited. No one had come down to see me yet since I woke up a short while ago. Heavy footsteps approached my cell. By the sounds of them, it was only one person. I clenched my jaw the second Theodore stepped into view on the other side of the bars. But then, when I took in his angry expression, I smirked. I knew what that expression was about. My earlier assumption had been accurate, and my mate escaped. “What? Four guys weren’t enough to catch one tiny, weak Omega?” I taunted, my voice raspy from both the sedative and my dry mouth. “She had help,” he admitted, pacing in front of my cell, looking deep in thought. “Help?” I chuckled with an eyebrow raised. Maybe she wasn’t as clueless about our kind as I initially thought. Was she trying to hide in the human realm? But how did her so-called help know we had found her? “So let me guess, I’m still alive so you can use me as bait?” I asked dryly. “For now, yes,” he admitted thoughtfully, adding, “It’s nothing personal Jax, but she won’t bond with another pack of Alphas as long as she feels a connection to you. Unfortunately, we haven’t come across an unmated Omega in weeks, and I already have a pack lined up for her. There’s a lot at stake if I don’t fulfill my end of the deal with this pack and provide them with an Omega by the end of the month.” There obviously was no reason for him to hide his corruption now that I was awaiting my end. Before today, he had been hushed about information like that hence why I could never nail him for his crimes. It was infuriating really, because he was likely going to get away with his dirty business unless I could figure out a way to get out of here. Sadly, the silver coating my restraints was seriously lowering my chances of escaping unless someone helped me. Knowing I had a mate out there was the only thing keeping me determined to break free. She needed me and I couldn’t let her down. “You corrupt bastard. I can’t wait to watch you go down for your crimes. I hope you burn in hell asshole,” I gritted out between clenched teeth. He stopped pacing and turned his attention to me. One corner of his lips twitched upward into a smirk. “Go down? Who’s going to report me? You? The only reason you’re still alive is in case we need you to locate your mate. The second you’re no longer useful to us you’re a dead man.” “You won’t find her. My pack mates were the ones who helped her escape your guards,” I bluffed, trying to get a rise out of him. I wasn’t surprised when his eyes widened after hearing my words before he schooled his expression. Theodore thought I was pack-less, everyone did. I had been working undercover for a few years now and part of my story was that I was a lone wolf before joining the counsel’s guard. He had no clue that I had two brothers waiting for me. Well, they weren’t blood-related, but they were the closest thing I had to family. I was hoping to throw Theodore off by planting suspicion in his head. That could potentially give my mate some time to get to safety. I highly doubted it was Maddox and Hunter who helped her escape, but still, if Theodore believed it was a possibility, maybe he wouldn’t invest as much manpower to try and find her. If he believed what I said, he would know that my pack mates would have already marked and claimed her by now, making his search for her a waste of time. “Well, well, well. Isn’t today the perfect for all the secrets to come out,” he said casually, but I could hear the irritation in his tone. “And why would you lie about your pack status?” he asked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I smirked. I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was wondering if I was lying to throw him off. Or maybe I was telling the truth. If I was telling the truth he was probably wondering why. He probably already thought of the possibility that I was undercover. Good. At this point, I had nothing to lose so f*****g with his head was my best option. I wanted him sweating, maybe if he was worried about being caught, he would focus on hiding his tracks instead of hunting down my mate. “I think you're full of shit.” He narrowed his eyes. “What if I’m not? King Landon might already be onto you,” I taunted with a shrug, knowing I was fueling the suspicions swirling in his pea-sized brain. “I’m not going to stand here and listen to your lies,” he growled before storming down the hall the same way he arrived. I laughed maniacally at his retreating form, knowing I had gotten under his skin. Once I heard a door close and a deadbolt click, I knew I was alone again, and my expression turned serious. I needed to come up with a plan to escape this shithole, and fast. Goddess, please watch over my mate until I find a way out of here and can protect her myself. I silently prayed.
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