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{Ashlyn’s POV} What we’re the words that were coming out of my mouth? Why am I kissing him this way. My mind is muddled and all I want is him. Could this be my wolf, Rin? What was she thinking? I’ve still never done it, I’ve never even kissed like this before, and yet here I am offering myself to him. I pull back still in a daze. “S-Sorry. I don’t know why I said that. I-I’ve never really even kissed a guy before, so I’m a little surprised myself.” I say. My face heats up as the last sentence leaves my lips. I’m too afraid to look up so I keep my eyes plastered on the ground. Suddenly a deep throaty laugh catches my attention, and I look up to see Levi looking right into my eyes and laughing like a mad man. “It’s okay princess, I understand heat cycles, I don’t expect you to sleep with me. That’s the reason I’ve been trying to stay away from now. Your heat will keep you in pain, and need. For your mate to be around and not be able to help ease it, it makes it a little hard on us. Just not nearly as rough as you have it, which is why I want to make sure you take your medicine.” He said after stopping his laughing fit. “I see, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it would be this difficult for either of us. I’m just afraid, if someone else were to do something, I don’t think I could live with myself.” I said focusing my eyes back on the ground. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so my face met his. “My little love, I care only for you. I won’t let anything happen to you, and I’m not going to do anything with you until your ready.” He said leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “Really?” I said confused. Does he not want me as much as I want him? Does he only feel the need to do something because of my heat cycle? Is that the only reason I feel this way? My head was beginning to ache as I couldn’t really understand any of this. I began to walk back to my head when suddenly a surge of pain ripped through me. I stumbled to the ground and panted heavily. It felt like my insides were being torn apart. Levi rushed to my side laying his large hand across my forehead then pulling away as if my skin burned him. “Da** you just took your medicine, why is it starting up again?” He asked picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. He filled the tub with cold water, my heat kept rising and soon I felt like I was on fire. I needed Levi to take me now. I needed to feel his strong arms wrapped around me, and his body pressed tightly against mine. “Levi.. please..” was all I could choke out. My body suddenly felt weak, I heard a loud banging on the door in the bedroom. “Sh**!” Levi muttered under his breath. “The guards can sense you. Your father had some posted outside your door.” He added before picking me up and putting me in the tub. The ice cold water cooled my skin, helping the burning sensation that had previously taken over my body. “Levi, what do we do?” I asked, terrified as the banging continued against the door. “It’s okay princess, I won’t let anything to you. I’m going to go call the doctor and see what we can do.” He said standing and walking into the bedroom. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, before picking up the couch that was seated on the far wall in the room and placed it in front of the door. He then moved the dresser in front of that barricading the would be intruders out, but also barricading us in. He was on the phone for a while before he walked back into the bathroom swearing under his breath. “W-What’s wrong Levi?” I asked barely able to catch my breathe between the waves of pain, lust, and panic. “The medicine isn’t working because you’re not a full wolf. The doctor said that there was something strange about your blood and he’s currently running tests.” He muttered as he looked at my body. I could sense his eyes roaming all over me. I became very conscious of how my clothes clung to my now soaked body. I could feel his want for me, and I needed him so badly. He wouldn’t so much as touch me, and I craved his touch. “What does that mean for me?” I asked shyly. “You can take more of the medicine, but he doesn’t know how it will effect you, you’ve already had 2-3 doses, and it’s only been one day. You should at most take two a day. He’s worried it could have adverse effects.” He said trying, and failing at pulling his eyes away from my body, “L-Levi.. a girl could melt under your gaze.” I said flushing as I kept feeling his eyes on me, wishing in my heart that it was his hands roaming my body. He paled at my words and looked away. “I-I’m so sorry little love.” He said turning his body all the way around and sitting with his back up against the tub. “I’m trying really hard. My wolf wants you, and he is trying to get out. There are a few things you could do that will help make it a little less strong. Of course, it involves things that I shouldn’t be here for but I can’t leave. Not with them still trying to get in here.” He said twiddling his thumbs. My body began heating up more again, the water was heating up now too. {Levi’s POV} I could feel her need rising again, I knew what I would have to do to fix it, only things like having an or**** could help her without us actually having s** which I knew she wasn’t ready for. My heart was pounding heavily in my chest, and my breath felt like it was hitched in my throat. Suddenly I saw arms slipping past my face and then drape gently over my shoulders with her hands placed softly on my chest. Then I felt her breath against my neck as she began kissing and sucking my neck. “Ashlyn, stop. You don’t want to do this, it’s your wolf!” I said in a deep breathless voice. “My wolf is being a good girl in the back of my head Levi. I need you!” She whispered in my ear then nibbled on my earlobe. “Please!” She whispered seductively into my ear licking up the side of my neck. “Sh**!” I let out a sigh under my breath picking her up out of the tub the water was so hot, I swore it could boil at any moment. Her skin felt like fire against my skin. I carried her quickly into the bedroom. Her clothes were drenched, but her body felt completely weightless to me. Her long hair flowed in curls and I was barely able to resist the urge to run my hands through it. All I wanted to do was tangle my hands in her hair, and take her, mark her, and let everyone know that she is mine! Wolves are very possessive once we find our mates. The banging on the door was growing louder, and her waves of heat were becoming stronger. I set her down gently on the bed and pulled out my phone to try to call the doctor again. “Levi, it hurts!” She gasped out her eyes closed and her body writing on her bed. “Please! Make it stop!” She practically screamed when another wave of heat course through her. My mind was beginning to blur the lines between wrong and right. She needed me, but I couldn’t do that to her. She was raised differently, and her whole life has been turned upside down. We just met, and I knew she would regret giving herself to me in this circumstance. “I can’t, we can’t! You’ll never forgive yourself or me if you give in like this. I can’t do that to you, I know we just met, but I love you! You’re my mate, and I can’t let you give up something that you’ve saved. It should be special.” I said walking across the room and sitting down in front of the barricade I made. I took a few deep breaths before I saw something that almost made me lose control. Ashlyn was standing by the bed taking off her clothes, they were dripping water onto the floor, as she threw them aside to the corner of her room. Her naked body standing beside the bed was enough to drive me crazy. I closed my eyes, but the image was burned into my mind. “Da** it!” I sighed under my breath. This woman was going to be my undoing. I could feel myself unraveling and my wolf was coming to the surface trying to break out. I kept sitting and focusing on my breathing, which was now ragged and heavy. “Levi!” She moaned out pulling me from my thoughts, looking up at her my mouth dropped. She was perfect, her long legs were bent at the waist her curvy body slouched over onto the bed, her breasts heaving at each heavy breath she took. This was going to be a rough night for me. Apex was howling at the sight trying his hardest to push through and reach her. “Apex no!” I said sternly. “We can’t do that to her. She isn’t ready! We have to have more control than that!” It was no use arguing with him in this state, he was an animal after all, and the only thing on his mind was mating our perfect mate. “Apex, Levi, help me!” She moaned out breathlessly. “Don’t call out for him Ashlyn, he’ll hurt you. He doesn’t care in this state!” I said trying to get her to listen to reason. But the lust filled look in her eyes, and the sweat glistening on her body let me know that her heat was getting worse. I could feel myself and Apex being drawn to her, we needed to mate her and mark her. It was the whole purpose of heat. I stood to my feet and began walking towards her. “Apex, stay back, I’m warning you.” I said trying to push him to the back of my head. I grabbed her comforter and wrapped her naked body up to conceal it from my vision. I wrapped her tightly so she couldn’t move and laid her in the bed. She began clawing her way out in no time, but the blankets were wrapped so tightly that it was hard for her and she was struggling to break free. Suddenly my phone rang, “doctor?” I asked my voice coming out breathless. “Levi, she’s half wolf, half Kitsune! Her heat is worse because she’ll only every have one mate for life. There’s only one way to stop her heat now. It’s either lock her up and let her go through with the pain, or you have to mate and mark her!” He said, my ears felt like they were ringing. Of course I’ve heard of Kitsune, but they were thought to be extinct, now I’m finding out that my mate is one. I look to my mate to find that she is no longer in the bed. “Where did you go Ashlyn?” I said hanging up the phone and looking around the room. I walk around the bed to see her naked form writhing on the ground. “L-Levi. It hurts so much!” Another wave ripped through her causing me to lose my footing and fall directly on top of her. My face just inches away from hers. “Please.. help me!” She said her eyes pleading for me.
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