Episode 3

1117 Words
BRIANNA ANDERSON "Come on, Ava, you can't just hide away in your house forever," I said to my best friend. "We're going to that club, and we're going to have a blast!" I had to pull out all my persuasive skills to convince Ava, but eventually, she relented and agreed to join me. The idea of a night out dancing and letting loose appealed to her just as much as it did to me. As we entered the club, the pulsating music and the dimly lit atmosphere surrounded us. The crowd on the dance floor moved in rhythm to the beats, and I couldn't help but get caught up in the energy of the place. Ava was quick to find herself a dance partner, and I watched as she followed a handsome man to the dance floor. I stayed back for a moment, content to observe and soak in the atmosphere. But as I surveyed the club, my gaze landed on the man sitting alone at the bar. He had a rugged and charismatic look, with dark wavy hair, icy grey eyes, and a scar that ran from his eyebrow to his chin. He exuded a sense of dominance and mystery, and I couldn't tear my gaze away. I couldn't resist the pull to engage him in conversation. With a playful smile, I approached him and remarked, "You look like a man with a lot on his mind." He turned to face me, his expression guarded but curious. "And what makes you think that?" I leaned in, our eyes locking in a silent exchange. "It's in your eyes, in the way you carry yourself. You have the air of a man who's used to being in control." "Ahh" he said and his guarded demeanor began to melt away as we delved into conversation. A little while later, the magnetic pull between us became irresistible. He immediately led me into a room, he seemed like he knew. It was as if the only things that mattered were the desires that drew us closer. His touch sent shivers down my spine as we held each other, his lips crashing onto mine in a passionate embrace. Our kisses were fiery and intense, our chemistry electric and undeniable. The weight of the world lifted as we succumbed to the allure of our connection. As the night progressed, we were lost in each other, the club's chaotic atmosphere becoming a distant background noise. The next morning, after our passionate encounter, my phone rang. I answered it, not expecting what I was about to hear. It was my father's stern voice on the line, and I could sense the weight of his words even before he spoke. "Brianna, I need you to come home immediately," he said, his tone commanding. Confusion filled me as I questioned, "What's going on, Father? Why do I need to come back right now?" His voice held no room for argument. "You will understand when you get here. Just come home." I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I hung up the phone. I quickly dressed and made my way back to the mansion, my mind racing with thoughts of what had prompted my father's urgency. As I entered our opulent living room, my father and mother, Isabella, sat with somber expressions, their faces a portrait of seriousness. I took a seat, my heart pounding with anxiety. My father spoke, his voice unwavering. "Brianna, we have arranged a marriage for you." My eyes widened in disbelief as I stammered, "A marriage? Father, why? To whom?" My mother's gaze held sympathy as she responded, "It's for the sake of our family, dear. An alliance between our family and another powerful one." I couldn't hide my frustration as I blurted out, "But I don't want to be part of an alliance, Mother. I have my own life to live." My father's tone was resolute. "This is not a choice, Brianna. It's a matter of family and our future." He delivered the news that would change the course of my life. "You will be marrying Kade Romano, the head of the Italian Mafia." My heart sank, and I couldn't hide my disbelief. "Kade Romano? Father, I don't even know who he is!" My father's eyes bore into mine. "It's a powerful alliance, Brianna, one that will ensure our family's safety and prosperity. You will do your duty, Go get ready, you'll be meeting him today" "Today, Father? But can't it wait? I don't even know him."My father's expression remained resolute, and he left no room for argument. "Brianna, this is a matter of great importance to our family. You will get ready, and you will meet him today." I grumbled as I went upstairs to freshen up. I decided to call Ava to explain my abrupt departure from the club. The phone rang a few times before she answered, her voice laced with frustration. "Brianna, where on earth did you disappear to last night? You left me all alone at the club!" Ava's tone held a hint of accusation. I took a deep breath, attempting to explain. "Ava, I'm sorry. Something unexpected came up, and I had to leave." Ava's anger was palpable as she retorted, "Unexpected? Did you leave because you got laid, Brianna? You followed that handsome man, didn't you? "I couldn't deny her accusation, and I felt a sense of guilt. "Ava, I apologize for leaving you like that. It was a spur of the moment decision, and I promise it won't happen again, But you were also with a guy" I accused. "I didn't go home with him" She said pointedly and I apologized again. Ava's frustration was evident as she sighed. "Well, I hope whatever it was, it was worth it." I decided to confide in Ava about the arranged marriage that had been sprung upon me. Her reaction was one of shock and disbelief as she exclaimed, "Married? Brianna, can't you talk your dad out of it?"I sighed, the weight of the situation on my shoulders. "I wish I could, Ava, but it's already been decided. There's no way out of it."Ava's sympathy was evident as she responded, "I'm so sorry, Bree. This is unfair to you." We talked for a few more minutes then i went to shower and dress up. A few hours later, as I waited for the arrival of the man I was to marry, the doorbell rang, and I hurried to open the door. To my astonishment, the person standing on the other side was none other than the guy I had a one night stand with. My Surprise was evident as I blurted out, "Kade Romano?"
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