


MARRIED TO THE CAPO is a billionaire romance set in the mafia world, where Kade Romano,Head of the Italian Mafia and Brianna Anderson, Daughter of the American mafia boss, Abraham Anderson. After a passionate one-night stand, they are forced into a contract marriage. Their relationship is filled with jealousy, secrets, and misunderstandings. When Brianna discovers she's pregnant and gets kidnapped by the Russian Mafia, Kade must rescue her. The story revolves around their journey towards love, trust, and understanding amidst the dangerous backdrop of the mafia world.

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Episode 1
KADE ROMANO I adjusted the knot on my silk tie, my fingers deftly working through the motions. The dimly lit room of my penthouse apartment was filled with the soft glow of a dozen amber candles, casting flickering shadows on the mahogany furniture. The luxurious fabric of my tailored suit clung to my muscular frame, emphasizing my imposing presence. I glanced in the mirror, my icy gray eyes meeting their own reflection, and gave a nod of satisfaction. Hermes Moretti, my closest friend and right hand man, stood nearby, his gaze studying my every move. "You're going to have to tone it down a bit tonight, Kade," he said, a mischievous grin tugging at the corner of his lips. I raised an eyebrow at him, my confidence unwavering. "Tone what down?" Hermes chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "Your charisma, your aura of power. We're just going to the club, not to a war zone." I rolled my eyes in amusement at his words. "My Club, Hermes" I said and he shook his head. Hermes adjusted his own suit, his boisterous and outgoing personality in stark contrast to mine. He was the yin to my yang, the perfect balance to my cold, calculating demeanor. He was fiercely loyal, and I trusted him with my life. We had been through thick and thin together, and our brotherhood was unbreakable. Soon we made our way down the winding staircase of the penthouse. The club was my domain, and it was crucial to ensure that everything ran smoothly. The business needed to thrive, and I had to maintain my iron grip on it. The world might see a ruthless, cold mafia boss, but only a select few knew the other side of me, the side that showed emotions to my family and closest friends. The sleek black Mercedes Benz awaited us outside the building, and I slid into the driver's seat while Hermes took the passenger seat. The engine roared to life, and I navigated the city's darkened streets with precision, the night's possibilities swirling in my mind. We arrived at the club, The neon sign that read "La Luna" illuminated the facade, casting an eerie, otherworldly glow on the sidewalk. As I stepped out of the car, the cool night air enveloped me, and I scanned the area with a scrutinizing eye, always vigilant for any potential threats. The bouncers recognized us instantly and bowed in respect. "Boss" They chorused. The dimly lit interior of the club pulsated with energy, the thumping bass of the music reverberating through the air. The patrons, oblivious to the dealings that happened behind the scenes, danced and reveled in their own worlds. We made our way to the back office, and I couldn't help but notice the slight change in Hermes' demeanor. He knew the importance of our visit tonight. The club was a front for our operations, and I needed to ensure that everything was in order. As we entered the office, the manager, Luca, stood up from behind his desk, a mix of anxiety and deference in his eyes. He was a loyal employee, but he knew that I didn't tolerate any mistakes. "Boss, Hermes, welcome," Luca greeted us with a nervous smile. I gave a curt nod and settled into his seat behind the desk, my fingers drumming lightly on the polished wood. "Luca, let's get straight to business. I need to go through the financial records and ensure everything is in order. I don't have much time" Luca immediately handed me a folder, filled with intricate spreadsheets and reports. I skimmed through the numbers, my brows furrowing with every irregularity. It wasn't long before I was pointing out the errors. "This," I said with a cold, hard edge to my voice, "is unacceptable, Luca. You can't afford these mistakes." "Kade, take it easy. We can correct these errors." He whispered to me. "Luca, we need to do better." Luca nodded, his shoulders tense. "I'm sorry, Boss. We'll fix it immediately." I leaned back in the chair, my gaze on Luca. "You're lucky, Luca. Don't let it happen again." The tension in the room began to dissipate as we continued to go through the records. After a while, we finally finished our work. I closed the folder and handed it back to Luca, a stern look in my eyes. "This better not happen again, Luca. We can't afford any slip ups." Luca nodded fervently. "I understand, Boss. It won't happen again." After we left Luca's office, the club was still alive with the energy of the night. The pounding music and the dance floor filled with bodies moved in rhythm to the beats, a stark contrast to the intense business atmosphere of the back office. Hermes tugged at my arm as we walked. "Come on, Kade, let's stay for a while and enjoy ourselves. I need to get laid." I glanced at him, my icy grey eyes locked onto his imploring blue ones. "Hermes, you know I don't come here to have fun. I come here to make sure everything is in order. I'll go home, You do what you want." He let out an exaggerated sigh. "Just a little while, Kade. It won't hurt, I promise. We can stay for a drink or two, maybe even dance. You might actually enjoy it." I contemplated the idea for a moment and with a reluctant sigh, I finally gave in. "Fine, Hermes, but just for a little while."His face lit up with excitement. "That's the spirit, Kade! You won't regret it, I promise." He said and I rolled my eyes. I made my way to the bar and when the bartender saw me, he became extremely nervous. "Be careful" I said icily and ordered a shot of vodka. As i continued to drink shots, I looked around and saw Hermes with a beautiful woman. She had bright green eyes that sparkled with mischief, and long, golden blonde hair that fell in waves. Her appearance was kind of "Barbie-like," with a cute and endearing charm. I shook my head and looked away. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the woman who had approached me until she spoke. "You look like a man with a lot on his mind."

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