Episode 2

1128 Words
KADE ROMANO I opened my eyes and turned to see a striking black woman standing before me. She had dark brown eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets, and black curly hair that framed her face in an alluring manner. Her bold, alluring beauty was undeniable, and it was evident that she had a presence that couldn't be ignored. I regarded her with a sense of curiosity, the words escaping my lips before I could stop them. "And what makes you think that?"She offered a playful smile, her voice laced with confidence. "It's in your eyes, in the way you carry yourself. You have the air of a man who's used to being in control." "Ahh"I said. A little while later, we felt a strong attraction pulling us closer. I immediately took her to my private room in the club. We held each other, kissed passionately, and our chemistry was intense. As the night went on, we became so wrapped up in each other that the world around us faded away. Our passion was like a powerful storm, leaving us breathless and completely absorbed in each other. When the first rays of morning sunlight entered the club, I woke up to an empty bed. She had left, and all that remained were the signs of our passionate night. I felt a mix of emotions, which was unusual for me as I usually keep a composed exterior. But at that moment, I couldn't deny the sense of emptiness I felt. I got dressed quickly and left the room. I looked around one last time, hoping to see her, but she was gone. Leaving the club, I stepped out into the cool morning air. The world was just starting to wake up, and the chaos of the night had given way to the quiet of the early hours. I got into my car, started the engine, and drove away from the club. I had just returned to my penthouse apartment, the memories of the passionate night still fresh in my mind when my phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, but I answered it, my voice a low, commanding tone. "Kade Romano," I stated, my ice-cold demeanor undisturbed. A deep, authoritative voice on the other end responded, "Kade, it's your father." My eyebrow arched in surprise. My father rarely called me directly. He usually preferred to communicate through intermediaries. "What is it, Father? Why are you calling me directly?" There was a pause on the other end, and then he spoke, his voice revealing the weight of the matter. "Kade, we have arranged a marriage for you." I felt a chill run down my spine at the unexpected revelation. A marriage? I had never considered such a notion, and it had never been a part of my plans. "Marriage? To whom?" "Her name is Brianna Anderson," my father replied. "She is the daughter of Abraham Anderson, the head of the American Mafia." My mind raced as I processed the information. I had heard of Abraham Anderson, a formidable figure in the world of organized crime. The idea of an arranged marriage to his daughter was unsettling. I heard she was a spoilt brat. "Why, Father? Why this alliance?" I questioned, my voice tinged with anger. My father's response was measured and unwavering. "It's for the sake of our family, Kade. An alliance between the Romano and Anderson families would strengthen our position in the criminal world. It's a move that will ensure the safety and prosperity of our family." I couldn't contain my anger any longer. "You dare to arrange my marriage without consulting me first? I'm the head of the Italian Mafia, Father! I make my own decisions." My father's voice remained calm, a stark contrast to my rising fury. "Kade, it's not a decision we take lightly. The future of our family is at stake." My anger flared, and I couldn't help but shout, "I will not be used as a pawn in your schemes, Father! This is my life, and I will not be controlled." There was a tense silence on the other end of the line, and I could almost hear the weight of my father's disappointment. "Kade, I expected more from you. But I understand your anger. Take some time to think about it, and we will discuss this further." I took a deep breath, attempting to calm the storm of emotions inside me. "Fine, Father. We will discuss it further." "Kade, there is one more thing," he said before hanging up. I couldn't contain a scoff of disbelief. "What now, Father?" He continued, "You are to meet Brianna Anderson today. It's important that you make a good impression." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Today? Father, you expect me to meet this woman today?" My father's voice held a note of urgency. "Yes, Kade, I do. This alliance is crucial for our family, and I need you to be on board with it." I let out an exasperated breath, a mix of anger and resignation. "Fine, Father. I will meet her today. But I won't make any promises." My father's tone softened, a sense of relief evident in his voice. "Thank you, Kade. I know this is a lot to ask, but it's for the best." I hung up immediately he finished talking. I returned to my work, attempting to regain some semblance of control over the chaos that had suddenly entered my life. However, about 30 minutes later, the need to take action gnawed at me. I reached for my phone and dialed Hermes' number, my voice crisp and commanding when he answered. "Hermes," I began, "I need the address of Brianna Anderson. We are going to meet her today." There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Hermes responded. "You sure, Kade? I thought you'd be against this arranged marriage stuff." I gritted my teeth, the frustration of the situation simmering beneath the surface. "I am, Hermes, but it seems I have little choice in the matter. Just give me the address." Few minutes later, Hermes and I drove to the mansion that belonged to the Anderson family. Moments later, the door swung open, and the person who stood before us was none other than the woman I had shared a passionate night with, Brianna Anderson. Her dark brown eyes widened in surprise as she recognized me, and her gaze locked with mine. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of astonishment and a sense of déjà vu. She was the last person I expected to see at the doorstep, and the connection between us was undeniable. Her voice was filled with a mix of shock and recognition as she finally spoke. "Kade Romano?"
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