Her plans

1499 Words
*Cali POV* I wake from a nightmare to find Leroy’s alluring eyes on me. My heart immediately starts racing. I make a mental note to avoid looking at his eyes. I am still at that when his lips meet mine and I completely melt. My body is reacting to him as if we never had the altercation before going to sleep. It is quite clear to me that he has no plans of stopping when he tries to remove my top. That was what I longed for a day ago, not anymore. He is not mine and never will be. It takes everything in me to push him away and leave my bedroom. I quickly descend the stairs and head to the bedroom a floor below mine and knock. Nora opens the door and looks worriedly at me. “Miss Cali? Are you okay?” I shake my head. “Do you mind if I sleep on your couch?” She looks around and signals me to come in. “Not at all, Dear. Use the bed and I will..” “No. The couch please,” I insist. She reluctantly nods and prepares the couch for me. She and all the employees really do treat me as Marcus’ sister, making me their boss but I would never displace her from her own bed. “Thank you, Nora,” I mutter and slip under the blanket and soon drift off to sleep. I wake up the following morning to find Marcus staring worriedly at me. Nora must have told him about her strange midnight visitor. “Good morning,” I greet him with a yawn. I slept like a baby on the couch but my body still feels like lead. “I am sorry. I should have not left you alone,”Marcus blurts out, his tone breaking my heart. I sit up to look at him. “You have nothing to be sorry about. Nothing that happened yesterday was your fault. I am sorry for getting you yelled at by Leroy.” He flashes me a warm smile before narrowing his eyes. “About Leroy…” “I don’t want to talk about him,” I interject and frantically shake my head. Just thinking about Leroy gives me a splitting headache. “He told me what happened between the two of you last night,”he continues. “This whole thing is confusing to him too. The prophet says your cycle is affecting him,” he adds, his words shocking me. “What?” “Apparently you are ovulating and summoning Sky. He wants a pup and Leroy can’t…” Marcus is explaining but my head is already spinning. I have lost the man I thought was my mate, I don’t need any of this confusion. “Sky can’t want a pup with me. That’s just…” I interject. “Impossible?” he completes my sentence. “It should be impossible but nothing about you and Leroy is conventional. Sky believes that his pup will keep you by his side even after they mark Phoebe,” Marcus explains the insanity I happen to be entangled in. As crazy as it all sounds it explains a lot about what happened between Leroy and I last night. I massage my painful temples. Leroy or his wolf are becoming a headache I don’t know how to deal with. In madness I wanted to lose my virginity to him and told him as much, but that has changed. I saw how he and Marcus looked when they met their mates. I want to meet my own mate too but that will never be possible if there’s an alpha wolf possessing over me. There is also the part of me that completely melts the moment Leroy’s eyes lock with mine. What if I don’t manage to resist him next time? I momentarily close my eyes and find Marcus still staring at me when I flip them open. “What really happened to me yesterday?” I ask and change the Leroy subject. “I don’t know. We found you unconscious by the lakeside. I was worried sick when I did not find you here. Don’t ever go there again,” Marcus says sternly. “Yes, Dad,” I tease while flashing him my puppy face. I can only imagine how worried he was. This means I must have really been dreaming about being attacked by rogues. It felt so real, but I can’t find any evidence of the bite on me. Marcus shakes his head and laughs at me addressing him as Dad before becoming serious again. He takes out an envelope from his pocket and gives it to me. “Take this.” I look curiously at the black shiny envelope before me. “What is it?” “It’s the keys to the house at sixty Forkhill. It’s under your name and can never be changed. In case Flora turns out to be unkind and wants you out. I won’t have control over it but I never want you to be homeless. The unlimited card I gave you yesterday can not be reversed either,” he explains and I can’t help but become emotional. He is already putting measures in place for my future. Becoming homeless and back to s*****y is my worse nightmare and he has ensured that never happens. I really don’t know what I did to deserve him. “Thank you, Marcus,” I say with a shaky voice, my emotions getting the better of me. I have no words to express my gratitude and doubt that I ever will. He flashes me his breathtaking smile and stands up. He is by the door when he turns around to look at me. “Leroy is a good man. I don’t know what happens when he is around you. You are his weakness and that scares him,” he says and leaves me dissecting his statement. My cycle summons Sky, who wants to give me a pup so I stay by his side. I know a lot of girls who are crazy about Leroy. They would jump at the opportunity of being his mistress. Most Alpha’s keep mistresses but that’s not me. I will get a scholarship to Fallow, pursue my dreams. I will hopefully know my roots when I finally get my wolf and maybe I will meet my own mate who will compliment me. If my dreams are to be fulfilled, I need to sever whatever is drawing Sky and Leroy to me. I grab my phone and call doctor Grey who answers on a second ring. “Cali?” “I am sorry to worry you…” “Anything for you. How can I help?”she asks tenderly. She hardly speaks to me but uses that big sisterly tone whenever we do talk. “Do you by any chance know anything that would prevent me from ovulating?” I get straight to the point. I don’t think I will be able to resist Leroy next time. He obviously does not plan on stopping being my sleep mate and I can’t sleep in Nora’s couch forever. If my ovulation is the problem then I will fix that. “You want a contraceptive?”she asks and I can hear the shock in her voice. “No…Maybe…I don’t know. Does it prevent ovulation?” I don’t really know much about this stuff. “Contraceptives prevent conception but that’s also not one hundred percent protection,” she patiently explains but that’s not what I am after. “I don’t want that. I want to stop ovulating. There must be something you can recommend. Please,” I plead. I am certain that she can hear my desperation. I just can’t be a mistress, even to an Alpha. “That’s a strange request. What is this about?”she asks curiously. I hesitate, not sure what to say. Leroy is her best friend and her Alpha. Will she help me if she learns that I am trying to oppose him? “Cali?” “I can’t tell you the details, but it’s really important. Anything, please,”I plead. She is the only doctor I know. She sighs before adopting the motherly tone. “I know that Leroy finding his mate hurt. I promise you that no matter how much it hurts, the pain passes faster than you think. You will meet your mate soon or one day. Just don’t do anything that you will regret for the rest of your life,” she advises. She completely misunderstood my intentions but maybe it’s better that way. She probably thinks I am some disgruntled teenager who decided to sleep around. I am used to people making conclusions about me, so I don’t bother correcting her. “I have to go now. I will be forever grateful if you could help me with this,” I say instead and end the call.
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