Out of control

1430 Words
*Leroy POV* Linda and I are discussing some of our work when her phone rings. I am surprised to see who it is. She and Cali hardly ever speak from what I know. Linda moves a few feet away from me to take the call but I can hear her responses. It sounds like Cali is looking for a contraceptive. That gets Sky edgy. Is she really planning on losing her virginity? I have a mate, Why the f**k should I care? It really does not matter how many times I ask myself that question. I care, period. I care so damn much that I would tear any man who so much as touch her. I am pacing by the time Linda’s call ends and she returns to my side. “What did she want?” She shoots me a disapproving stare before responding. “It’s confidential.” “Are you keeping secrets from me now?” “Leroy,”she cries. She is a doctor with a lot of confidentiality responsibilities. I usually do not push her once she throws in that word. I can’t let her be now or I will explode. “I love and respect you. Don’t force me to command you.” She sighs and shakes her head. “She wants something to stop ovulation.” I curse under my breath. I will kill Marcus for telling her. My reaction must have given her a wrong impression because she looks disappointed in me. “Leroy?” “What?” “She is not planning on sleeping with someone else, is she?” “How would I know?” “I would help if I know what is going on,” she says with a deflated tone. She does not have to say it, her reaction says it all. She thinks I am sleeping with Cali. This friend of mine is an upright person with very strong morals. She has absolute trust in the mate bond and strongly believes in its sacredness. Me sleeping with Cali is a crime in her books, hence her reaction. “I am not sleeping with Cali. I don’t know how long that will last. I am pulled to her but Sky wants a pup to keep her with us even after we mark Phoebe.” I come out clean. I don’t keep secrets from her and Marcus. “What? Leroy, that will crush your mate forever.” “Last night I could not control myself. The prophet says her cycle is summoning Sky. She was ovulating last night. That was why the pull was stronger. That’s why she wants your help,” I explain my complicated mess. “This is getting out of control.” “Yeh, it is.” “Maybe she should move in with me,” she suggests and Sky growls in disagreement. “I cant let her out of my sight, you heard the prophet and Sky will go crazy.” She slumps on the chair looking dejected. “What are you going to do?” “I don’t know yet.” “What do I do if there is something to stop her ovulation?” I let out a loud sigh and suppress my raging wolf. Sky obviously hates the idea for obvious reasons. “Leroy?” “Don’t tell me. I can’t be trusted.” “That bad?” “The pull is tremendous. I don’t know how to fight it.” As if I don’t have enough problems, my mate calls the moment Linda leaves. She and her friend are coming to Ruber city and she sounds mad. Two hours later, I find them already at Marcus’s mansion. I would have preferred somewhere else. Somewhere where Cali is not around but they insisted on the venue. Marcus is sitting on the couch with his mate leaning on his chest. Phoebe is on the couch opposite the two while Cali is sitting on the ottoman a few feet from the group. I can immediately tell that she is not comfortable. Her eyes are glued on the book on her lap. She does not even lift up her eyes to look when I walk in, nor when I greet. Phoebe springs to her feet the moment I approach where she is seated. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. I can’t help but pull her closer and kiss her back. I don’t mean to rub this on Cali’s face but this is how the mate bond works. It will only get worse once I mark Phoebe. We are both breathless when Phoebe breaks the kiss and sighs. “Are you okay?” I ask because she sounded angry over the phone earlier. She flashes her phone at me and my heart sinks. Yesterday at school I lost it and possessively pulled Cali in my arms. Someone must have taken the photo. “It’s trending on social media. I just met my mate and he is already cheating on me,” she accuses. I can only look at her. Only if she knew how worse things really were, she would be livid. “Leroy?” “I have a soft spot for Cali but nothing is going on between us.” “These photos say otherwise.” She clearly does not believe my explanation and I don’t blame her. The photographs look very intimate. The one I am sniffing Cali and the one with my eyes locked on those alluring golden eyes look way more than the soft spot I am claiming. “It was her birthday. I was only wishing her the best.” I hope I don’t sound defensive. I don’t plan on keeping secrets from my mate but I am so confused right now, I can’t tell her anything without freaking her out. Her next words sink my heart. “I want her gone.” “She does not stay with me.” “No. She stays with Marcus but you are always here, around her.” “That’s Marcus decision not mine.” I know that I am not being fair to Marcus here but I am hoping Phoebe drops the subject. I can do anything for her but she can’t demand Marcus to do anything. “Then I want her gone,” Flora jumps in, crushing all my hopes. “Excuse me?” Marcus asks his mate in disbelief. This is all my fault. I should have stayed away from Cali in public as we planned, but I didn’t. “Phoebe is my friend. If she wants her gone, then I want her gone,”Flora clarifies her stand. “Cali is like a sister to me. She is my family. You can’t just…”Marcus tries to reason with his mate. I hope he succeeds because the alternative is a nightmare for me. “I will go,” Cali interjects before Marcus could complete his sentence. She had not said a word, I was starting to think she was not listening to the conversation. “No, you will not!” I say decisively while Phoebe frowns at me. I ignore my mate and focus my attention at the woman who is now on her feet, preparing to leave. I stand up and stride towards her. “Confirm it,” I demand, ignoring the daggers her eyes are shooting at me. “Leroy?” Pheobe asks, clearly confused by my actions. This makes me guilty as charged but I can’t let Cali off my sight. The prophet was clear in this and I can’t risk Sky going bananas. “You will confirm it!” All I want is an acknowledgment of my command from her then I will let her leave the lounge. “I will not!” This woman stubbornly shakes her head and glares at me. Now I am pissed. My hand instinctively grabs her neck and squeeze. “Leroy!” Phoebe cries before getting up and coming to my side. “You are killing her,” she says softly, snapping me back to sanity. I quickly let go of Cali’s neck and watch in a daze as she bends down and coughs violently before storming out of the lounge towards the stairs. Marcus shakes his head but does not say a word. He hates these confrontations between me and Cali. Lately I have been snapping at him a lot too. I need to get my act together before I lose my best friend and my mate. Still, Cali can not go. She can never go.
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