Prom dance

1433 Words
*Cali POV* Leroy offers me his hand and I don’t have it in me to turn him down. He is the Alpha, doing that would be undermining his authority. I don’t want to do that. Not with our already strained relationship. His left hand behind his back, he twirls me around with his right. I spin around with my gown opening up like a dazzling umbrella, forming rainbow shades all over the hall. Now I know how Cinderella felt that faithful night as Leroy circles around me, his eyes glued on me as if I am the only person who matters in the whole world. He suddenly pulls me into his arms and rests his hand on the small of my back. I hold my breath, blocking his infatuating cologne and the many images of us in each other’s arms. This dance was a mistake. It’s taking everything in me to follow his movements. Why can’t this song end now? He leans closer to my ear. So close, his lips brush against my ear, making my chaotic mind fire aimlessly. “You are stunning tonight. How are you?” “Fine, thank you, Your Majesty,” I reply quickly while he sighs. He hates it when I am formal with him but I can’t be casual with him anymore. “We don’t have to be enemies, you know?” “We are not, but it’s better if we stay far from each other.” He ignores my response and pulls me closer to him instead. “Congratulations with the scholarship to Fallow.” “Thank you, Your Majesty.” “Varsity year starts next month. Any requests for your room?” I look up at him and quickly look away when I realise my mistake. It’s never a good idea for me to look in his eyes because I lose myself there. “My room?” “Pack house. We will all be staying together.” I feel like I have been punched hard on my tummy. “I am sorry, what?” “Every wolf resides in their pack houses at Fallow.” “Only if they belong to a pack.” I have looked this up because I have no intentions of sharing a house with him, Rose and the rest our wealthy pack members. “You are a Beta of Ruber pack, are you not?” “I never thought being a nameless slave had an advantage,”I lament to myself than to him. I would not be required to stay in the Ruber pack house if I was still the nameless slave. “Cali.” I ignore his hurt voice. This is a nightmare. “Have you spoken to your mate about this? Because I don’t mind not staying in the pack house,”I suggest. “I know that you prefer not to but it’s not happening and yes, Phoebe knows.” “I am going to Danlow with Marcus then.” He laughs, a heartily sound that pulls on my heart strings. Why does he have this much impact on my emotions? “No, you are not,”he says decisively but I must try to convince him otherwise. “I am a handful. You should know this by now. Are you not scared of killing me?” Marcus told me about his response when my watch sent the alert with no heart beat and his vow to never touch me again. I am desperately trying anything now. Otherwise I will have to spend the next two months at Fallow avoiding him getting me pregnant and the four years avoiding Rose from killing me. “Nice try, Gorgeous. Give me your specifications before the day ends or I will decide.” “Fine, my room must be as far away from yours as possible. Keep Sky and Rose away from me. That’s all I need.” He chuckles, his chest vibrating against my breasts. “Rose knows that I will squeeze the life out of her if she tries anything on you. I am not coming over at Marcus’s because I am trying to keep Sky in check.” I look up at him. “You already knew that I got the scholarship.” It’s the only reason I can think of for him to be certain that Rose won’t touch me and already talking about room specifications when I just found out about the scholarship. “You are quite smart even though you pretend not to be and I am the Alpha.” Off course, everything goes via him. I let out a sigh when the song ends and try to untangle myself from him, but he tightens his grip around me. “Two songs is what’s required from us, then you can run,” he murmurs, amused. “How exactly do you plan on explaining all this to your mate?” He pulls me even closer and trails his hand up my back, sending sparks down my spine and making me gasp. “We have an audience,” I murmur. “So?” “Your mate will see the photographs,” I remind him. That is what happened the last time. “And you care?” I don’t know why he is not stressed about this. “Leroy!” “I am glad it’s no longer your majesty,” he teases. “Why are you doing this?” “I don’t know whats going on with us, Cali. I can’t fight this attraction. You being impossible and trying to deny this is frustrating.” “I don’t have to deny anything. You are mated!” “My mate strangely understands. It would be nice if you stopped fighting me and we try to find out what this is.” “Stop fighting you and end up with your pup?” I ask in disbelief. “I am trying to get on top of that.” “Well, I am not willing to work with you until you do. I have no intentions of being your mistress, baby-mama or whatever your wolf wants.” “What are your intentions?” “I just want you to leave me alone. I want to be an engineer, meet my mate and have my own family.” I feel his body tensing up, his grip getting tighter and his eyes becoming darker before Sky growls to my ear. “Never happening, ever!” I frantically push and hit against his chest. He is squeezing the life out of me and not even aware of it. “You are hurting me, Sky.” “You can’t leave us. You belong to us. You are our family,” he utters his insane claim. Alpha or not, I can’t accept that. “You are being selfish, Sky. You are hurting Phoebe. You are hurting Leroy too and I will kill myself if you ever force me,” I threaten and see his eyes turning darker. “Cali,”he growls but I am not scared of him. I have never been. It has dawned on me that I have been painting him and Leroy with the same brush. I was wrong. Leroy is the guy who saved me several times and Sky is his possessive wolf who refuses to be content with his mate. “I am dead serious. Let me go,” I demand and feel his arms loosen. I know that Leroy is back in control when his eyes warm up. I can see the devastation in his eyes before he looks away. “I am sorry.” “No need. I think I can handle your wolf.” He shakes his head in disagreement. He is obviously struggling to control Sky and I feel sorry for him. “Please, go with Marcus to Danlow,”he says with a defeated tone. He is really terrified of hurting me. I laugh and shake my head. “Fallow is my dream. I am not letting spoiled Sky mess it up for me.” I can hear a low growl from Sky but I don’t care. I now know that he is terrified of me dying too. That is what I will use to keep him in check. I just have to put him in his place until he marks Phoebe. Hopefully all his attention will be on his mate after that and all my problems will be over. I curtsy when the song ends and leave Leroy to find my date who is glad to have me by his side.
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