Silver lining

1398 Words
*Cali POV* I wake up the following day feeling like I’ve been hit by a train. After running out of Marcus’s mansion, I headed towards the secluded part of town. The aim was to get enough cash and get out of town. The exams were done, I did not need to stay around anymore. I could get my results electronically whenever I decided to settle. My unlimited card had more than enough but I would not use it again because it could be traced. I remember bright lights before that SUV ran into the ATM I was in. Everything after that is blurred. My accident is all over the news. Looking at the images now, I am convinced that I should have died but here I am. I guess I should be grateful for another chance at this. I’m starting to feel like a cat with many lives. Marcus is sitting next to my bed looking worriedly at me. “The last time I was hurt, I was convinced that a wolf bit me and you told me that I must have been dreaming.” “Err…” he hesitates. I sit up to look at him. He is definitely hiding something. “I should have died, yet I am her without a single scar.” He sighs. “You heal very fast, too fast. We can’t explain it and we can’t risk anyone finding out about it. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to make sense of of what he is telling me. “You can’t return to school yet. Everyone has seen that video. You can’t be seen looking like this.” “Am I a wolf?” He sighs again. “I honestly don’t know, Cali. The Lily town pack has very unique wolves but they were exposed to radiation. We don’t know where you came from,” he responds sincerely but my head is now spinning. “Could I have come from there?” He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s possible.” “But?” “We reached out to our contacts there. No one else from there has the same healing powers as you.” “Wow. Not only do I have no roots, I might not even be a wolf!” He gently holds my hand. “Hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. The full moon is over three months away. We will know then.” “I guess.” “And, you will always be family, no matter what,” he reassures. I am reminded yet again how kind he is and just how lucky I am. “Really? What if I am a wolf eating monster?” He bursts out in laughter. “Never heard of it but if you are one, then we will get you wolves to eat. A wolf buffet sounds yummy,” he teases and I can’t help but laugh with him. “Thank you for always looking out for me.” “That’s what family does, Kiddo.” “You do realise that I am only a year younger than you, right?” “Still and always will be my little sister.” A week later, I finally return to school. Well, the last day of school. More like the last night. It’s the prom night. The royal blue designer strapless princess gown fits me like a glove. The glittering diamonds adorning it make rainbow stripes every time the light reflects on them. The pure silk gracefully moves with my every movement. I feel like a princess. Nora insisted on doing my makeup and hair despite my objections. Looking at myself on the mirror now, I can’t help but gasp. I look like a vixen. “Let them eat their hearts out,” Nora beams. She is my biggest fan and reminds me of Betty, the only other woman who looked out for me. Marcus whistles dramatically when I come down the stairs. He looks like a million dollars in his navy designer suit. He puts a silver corsage on my wrist and stands back to look at me. “You look perfect, Your Grace. Some girls are going to have a heart attack,” he teases before bowing. “We shall bury them,” I giggle before curtsying, making him laugh. He offers me his hand which I gladly accepts. “Shall we?” We walk outside and my jaw drops. “No, you didn’t!” “It’s not everyday that we go to prom,” he beams. “I am glad you approve,” he adds. I can’t believe that we are taking an airplane to prom! All black with a Taylor logo on the side, our transport is majestic and bound to turn heads. It just happens that we are a bit late. Thanks to the sound of the plane landing, everyone comes out to investigate. Marcus is holding my arm as we disembark. I get the usual strange and envious looks but I have gotten used to it now. I keep my head high. It’s my prom and I will enjoy every moment of it. We have just walked into the hall when I catch sight of Leroy and Rose. I quickly look away when I meet Leroy’s eyes. I know that he carried me away from that rumble because I saw it on the video, but we have not spoken since the day his mate wanted me gone and he strangled me. To my desmay, he and Rose approach us. Marcus embraces him and ignores Rose as usual. “Your Majesty,” I bow respectfully to greet Leroy and also ignore Rose. I don’t have to acknowledge her. “Cali? You.. are all well!” Rose can’t hide her shock. She and her evil mother definitely had something to do with my attempted murder. “Why would I not be?” I ask coldly while avoiding her date’s eyes on me. She opens and closes her mouth, speechless. The witch! “You…. You got crushed in that ATM. Everyone saw the video yet you look so well,” she responds after recollecting herself. “My big brother has the best medical specialists on his speed dial,” I brag with a huge grin and pull Marcus away. I really don’t want to spend a minute of my prom night talking to Rose, nor avoiding her date’s alluring eyes. The prom night begins with the school principal who gives his speech and well wishes for the future before calling on Sir Lenray to announce the scholarships awards. I can’t help but be nervous. I did my best but there are no guarantees with these things. “The scholarship to Fallow and Miss prom for this year goes to Miss Cali Taylor!” The halls goes wild with cheers and clapping. I am shocked that my school mates even voted for me to be the prom queen. Very few of them ever spoke to me. My head is spinning. OMG! I can’t believe this! I am going to the prestigious University in the world! Just when I thought my life was hopeless, this happens. Marcus hugs me and pats my back. “Congratulations, Cali. I am so proud of you!” he beams. I guess this is the silver lining the prophet spoke of on my disastrous eighteenth birthday. I advance to the stage to have the prom queen crown placed on my head by our science teacher, who hugs me tightly. “Congratulations, Kid. You did us proud.” Mr Lenray gives me a thumbs up. I could not have gotten this scholarship had he not helped me hide my real marks. I can only nod. No words coming out. This all feels like a dream, the best dream I ever had. “And our prom king is none other than our very own Alpha, His Majesty, Alpha Leroy of Ruber pack!” There is even a louder cheering as Leroy comes forward to be crowned. Tall, dark, majestic with an aura of nobility and perfect in every sense of the world. His every step commands respect. I am yet to meet anyone sexier. He has no competition in our pack. “Dance! Dance! Dance!” The students shout while my hands start sweating. I thought I would be able to keep my distance from him, clearly not.
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