Chapter 4: The chemistry

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CHAPTER 4: The chemistry MAXWELL’S POV I was still worried about what my father told me, the thought of marrying someone I don’t know, I had never met or had any chemistry with her, so this made me sick and tired of the whole situation that my parents had put me in. “Mum how do I do this? I will handle this burden that had been placed on me?” I asked my mum while still seated at the dining table that night. “I don’t know. But all I know is that you have been responsible and obedient right from when you were young so you won’t stop now, you won’t disobey your father now. You will make it happen and you will listen to us.” Mum said to me. “But I can’t do this.” I told her, with a countenance of pain and anxiety. “Yes you won’t. Only a bastard won’t listen to the words of his parents, and only a rebellious child will reject the position of a CEO and co-owner of his father’s company on a platter of gold.” My mum told me, as she stood up and walked away from the dining table. I was left alone at the dining table, thinking about my life and trying to figure out the path that will really suit and benefit me at that particular stage. I was not ready to forfeit the position of the CEO because of how much have always longed for that position and at the same time, I was not ready to allow someone else to have that post and start bossing me around as a mere staff. So I concluded in my heart that I had no other choice than to forget about Sarah—My secretary and just accept the mystery woman called Hannah. I thought about everything all night and remained restless till the next morning. “Hello Maxwell.” My dad told me the next morning when we met at the staircase. “Good morning Dad.” I greeted him sharply, trying not to look into his eyes. “Great. So what about yesterday’s discussion? Which one did you pick out of the options that I gave you?” My Dad asked me. “Well, I…. I really don’t think I can marry Hannah.” I spoke softly. “Okay fine. Let me go and announce Henry Jones as the next CEO.” Dad said, taking a step forward on the staircase. “Henry? My stepbrother? Why would you do that? I’m not even his mate.” I responded to my father. “Well since you are not interested. He will be interested. See you Maxwell.” Dad said walking away from me. “I will do it! I will marry Hannah and become the CEO!!” I shouted, making him to stop walking. He turned back looked at me and smiled in a weird way. “You see, Maxwell. I can certify that you are my true son.” My father said, nodding his head happily based on my positive response to become what he wanted. ………….. After announcing that I was going to go ahead with the arranged marriage, my parents fixed a marriage ceremony between Hannah’s family and our family. It was a very massive ceremony and a lot of important people were in attendance of two billionaire heirs tying the knot together in a luxurious style and glamour. It was a very stylish and wonderful wedding, one of the best so far in the city of Oklahoma. It was published in the news, tv stations,blogs, newspapers and social media channels all over Oklahoma and we became the talk of the town. “Hi Maxwell, it’s nice to be your wife and hope our marriage works out:” Hannah my so-called wife said to me under the cool atmosphere of our wedding. “Well, I hope so because I don’t really give a damn about you!” I said to her angrily. “That’s rude, you aren’t supposed to speak to your wife in that manner darling.” Hannah corrected me. “Who are you to tell me how to speak?!” I yelled at her. “Ouch. You must be really hot tempered, I’m sorry though.” Hannah said to me. “It’s okay.” I responded, sipping the glass of wine in my hands gently. “I love your eyes. You are really cute just as my parents had described you.” Hannah said to me, trying to wrap her hands around me. “Excuse me, courtesy demands that you don’t touch people anyhow. It’s uncalled for with all due respect.” I scolded her, removing her hands from my shoulder. “But I’m your wife for crying out loud.” She wisphered to me silently. “I didn’t approach you! You were arranged for me and that’s on period.” I yelled. “Reduce your voice, the guest can be seen watching and it won’t be nice for them to see that we are fighting on our wedding day.” Hannah said with a tone of worry and anxiety. “Then respect yourself and stay in your lane madam.” I told her reducing the noise of my voice. “Hannah! Maxwell!! I can see you guys are enjoying yourselves together and the chemistry seems to blend well!” Hannah’s mother said pointing to us. “Yes…I… we are enjoying the atmosphere.” Hannah said, as she grabbed my hand and held it tightly. “What are you saying?” I wisphered into her ears immediately. “Just play along in the presence of my mother.” She told me sharply. “Maxwell are you okay?” Her mother asked me out of curiosity. “I’m fine ma’am. We are enjoying ourselves just as she said and the whole ceremony is interesting.” I lied just to play along and avoid unnecessary questions from my so-called in-laws. “Wow.. I love this. Enjoy the rest of your wedding and I’ll catch up with you later.” She said to us. “Thank you mummy.” Hannah responded, as her mum said walked away from us. I immediately removed my hand from Hannah’s hand when her mum left, and I adjusted myself. I had wedded already and I had no choice than to bear the cross not until something terrible happened.
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