Chapter 3: Breaking silence

1087 Words
CHAPTER THREE: Breaking silence MAXWELL’S POV I went straight into my room, removed my clothes and went into the bathroom. As I showered in the bathroom, the memories of everything that happened in the office kept playing in my mind over and over again and I couldn’t stop thinking about Sarah and her intelligence complimented with her beautiful round face. As the water from the shower dropped on my head, I could hear my heart beating faster than the usual way. At that point, I realized that I was in love with my secretary—Sarah. Just then I heard a knock on the door of my room. “Who is that?!” I shouted from the bathroom, I hurriedly finished bathing and I changed my clothes to open the door to see who was knocking. “Good evening Sir.” Annabel our house maid said to me while standing at the door of my room. “What happened? Why are you here?” I asked her sharply. “I’m sorry to disturb you. But mum said I should call you for lunchtime at the dinning table because your food is ready and she doesn’t want it to get cold.” Annabel said. “Okay, I’m coming.” I told her and she walked away immediately. I closed my door, dried the water on my hair, applied nice scents and went to the dining room to eat with my parents. “I’m sorry I’m late.” I said to my parents as soon as I got to the dining table. “It’s okay son, eat your food before it gets cold because I know that you don’t like eating cold food no matter how hungry you are.” My mother said to me. “Yes mum.” I responded, opening the plate set before me and started eating. There was silence for a moment, the only sound being heard was the clashing of plates and spoons, chewing of food and adjusting of chairs at the dining table. “So straight to our discussion.” My Dad said, breaking the silence. “I’m all ears Dad.” I looked at him with rapt attention. “I am retiring the position of the CEO and I want to make you the new CEO of the company, you will be in charge and the co-owner of the company. You will no longer be the manager but the owner of the entire company and you will no longer get orders from me because you are the boss of yourself.” My Dad announced. I was shocked, I dropped my fork and knives unconsciously due to what he just told me because I never saw it coming. “Dad…. I…..That’s massive, that’s crazy!!” I shouted out of surprise and excitement. “It’s your time son. Live and enjoy it to the fullest!” My mum added. “Thanks mum. But will I really be able to do it? Will I really be able to bring return on investments and the company won’t have to run on loss or bankruptcy at any point in time?” I asked out of curiosity. “Well, those are brilliant questions from a young CEO. Well that’s why we came up with a plan.” Dad said “What plan Dad?” I asked him. “You’re going to get married Maxwell!” My mum said with a tone of urgency. “Married?!” I asked wondering if they knew what was going on with me at that particular moment. “Yes son. You are marrying Hannah. The daughter of Mr. Smith. The real estate billionaire in Oklahoma.” My father declared. “What! You want me to marry someone that I don’t know? Someone we haven’t seen or talked to each other before?” I asked my parents. “Don’t worry. She is a beauty goddess and I’m sure that when you see her you will fall in love at first sight.” Mum said “It’s not about the beauty mum, It’s about the heart.” I corrected her. “Heart? Your heart is empty and that is why we want to fill it up with Hannah.” Dad said sharply “Dad, someone else had occupied my heart and that’s who I want to marry!” I told them bodly. “Who? Who occupied your heart that deep to reject a billionaire’s daughter?” My mum yelled at me. “Are we not also billionaire? We have our own wealth.” I replied her. “Answer the question that she asked you! Who occupied your heart?!!” Dad shouted angrily, raising his voice at me. “Sarah!” I told them. “Sarah? Which Sarah?” My mum asked me raising her eyebrows. “My…erm…. My secretary.” I announced after stammering. “What?! Are you out of your senses? How will a CEO be marrying his secretary who came from a lowlife background?” My dad yelled at me. “But she is human and that who occupied my heart.” I insisted. “You better empty your heart and give space for Hannah. That’s the only way to became the CEO if not I would pick someone else to rule over you in that company and you won’t even be a manager but a mere staff.” Dad threatened me bluntly. “But Dad..” I tried to talk him out of it. “Excuse me!” Dad said, shifting his chair backwards and walking out of the dining table leaving my mum and I “Maxwell you have to listen to your father.” My mum persuaded me. “This is an arraigned marriage and I don’t love this Hannah of a lady, I don’t even know her at all.” I said with a tone of worry and frustration. “You don’t have any choice. You just have to marry her in order to ascend that position and please your father. The marriage is to make us more wealthier as a family and have connections with an affluent family like us.” Mum explained. “Am I really going to do this?” I asked her. “Yes you are. If you want peace to reign and if you want to be on your own making rules and regulations as a company owner.” My mum said. I sat down there thinking about everything I heard and it was an hard pill for me to swallow at that moment.
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