Chapter 2

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It is a typical day at school for Keira. As soon as she walks into the building Adam and the soccer team start tormenting her right away.. Their favorite game is to throw insults at Keira’s weight and the clothes she wears. Keira “Hey, homeless girl!” I hear someone shouting behind me, followed by laughter. Don’t turn around, I tell myself and keep walking toward my locker. If I turn around, I know something worse will happen. “Hey, chunky monkey, I’m talking to you. What’s wrong? Did the Thrift store only have clothes for the homeless again?” Take a deep breath, and keep walking forward, I won’t let Adam see how his words are hurting me. “Nah, man, that’s not thrift store clothes, it is clothing she had for 4 years, nothing in style fits her fat ass!” I hear my brother yell along with laughter. I have to fight the tears. Adam’s words I can handle, but my brother Kevin, those words hurt me deeply. I know deep down my brother loves me. He is only acting like this so he can keep his status. When it is just me and him he isn’t a jerk. When I had appendicitis and had to have surgery last year. I saw the real Kevin. The one that was my best friend when we were 10. As soon as I recovered and went back to school the caring, loving best friend disappeared and the jerk asshole brother came back. I finally get to my locker to put my books in and get out what I need for my next class, and I hear the voice of my best friend, Jaime. “Keira, there's something in your hair!” I feel the back of my head to feel something was indeed in my hair, little pieces of paper. Damn it! Adam, my brother, and his other friends must have been shooting spitballs at me going down the hall. “What’s wrong with those guys! They are 17, not 5-year-olds!” Jaime says. “Here, let’s duck into the bathroom.” She says grabbing my hand to go to the bathroom close by. —- Adam I’m walking into school with my best friend Kevin and one of the guys from the soccer team Colt. Up ahead of me is Keira, the class joke. The funny thing about Keira is she is actually Kevin’s twin sister. Those two are so opposite of each other, that you would never believe they are twins. She looks like she is dressed like a truck driver. I don’t think she cares about herself at all. One time I asked Kevin if she just randomly pulls clothing out of a thrift store. Nothing fits her right. Everything she wears is way too big for her. She isn’t a small girl either. Honestly, it was hard to see how big she really is with the way her clothes fit. She looks like she is wearing 10 layers of clothing, sometimes it looks like how the homeless people wear all their clothing on their bodies. That’s how we came up with the nickname of homeless for her. Keira is just a mess. “Hey, homeless girl!” I call out to her. She ignores me. Colt had a straw and started shooting spitballs into her hair. Her hair is super long, so the white balls really stick and also stand out in her dark strands. Colt, Kevin, and I laugh as we see the spitballs. Colt was shouting at her as we started to make a pattern in her hair from the spitballs. Even Kevin thinks Keira is a joke. Sometimes I do feel bad for her especially since Kevin makes fun of her. Truth is Keira brings this upon herself. Maybe if she did her hair or bought clothing that actually fits we would not make fun of her as much. I have known her since I moved here 7 years ago. She was always just a whiny little girl. She had to go everywhere Kevin went. It actually started to get annoying. I understood at first why Keira had to go everywhere. Their mom worked all the time and their dad wasn’t in the picture. As Kevin explained to me, he basically had to babysit his kid sister since no one was at home. Yes, they are twins but Kevin was technically the older one by 12 minutes as he likes to remind Keira. Kevin was more responsible out of the two. In fact, Kevin was just better at almost everything. It was like Keira didn’t even try. The only thing I could honestly say that Keira was better at than Kevin was school. Keira got better grades, but then again she really didn’t have a life outside of school. Kevin and I started teasing Keira just to get her to go away. The teasing and pranks started to become second nature to us. Hey, as long as we don’t hurt her physically or make her cry, it is fine, is what we told ourselves.
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