
Surprising the Bully (True Love Series Book 1)

opposites attract

"He'll regret it! Keira, stop looking down on yourself!"

"But he called me fatty."

"Oh, screw him! Trust me, when he sees the new you, he'll regret falling in love too late."

"Really?" Keira looks at herself in the mirror.


Unlike her twin brother, Keira was overweight and had only one friend. Kevin was an athlete and popular. Keira was a nobody. Adam was the popular “It” guy at school. He was popular, well-loved, and handsome. Worst of all he was Kevin’s best friend. Plus, Adam was Keira’s biggest bully.

During her senior year, Keira’s friend decided Keira needed self-confidence in herself and decided a makeover was the best way to show how wonderful Kiera truly was. Everyone noticed her as she slowly transformed, especially Adam.

Keira’s bully started noticing that there was more to Keira than just his best friend’s sister. How could a simple makeover make her this sultry vixen that captures his imagination? When did she start to invade his fantasies?

Watch as this bullied girl goes from the class joke to a person full of confidence and desirability, surprising her bully by being the kind of person she has always been inside.


Book 1 of the True Love Series. The book that started the True Love Series! Surprising The Bully starts as we follow Keira’s Journey.

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Chapter 1
7 years earlier Kevin and Keira are twins. Their entire lives have been spent together as best friends. If you saw Kevin, Keira was not far behind. They were fraternal twins, but they were the opposite of each other. Besides the obvious of Kevin being a boy and Keira being a girl, everything in their two lives was the exact opposite. Kevin was tall, lean, athletic, and outgoing. Keira was short, chubby, shy, and sometimes a klutz. Kevin made friends easily and Keira struggled to do that. To Keira, it wasn’t a big deal. She had her brother, her best friend, and that was all she needed at the age of 10. If you saw Kevin, Keira was usually with him also. Keira was his best cheerleader when he played his soccer games. Kevin always encouraged his sister to try things, even if she wasn’t good at them. The twins took care of each other. They were from a single parent home. Their mother was always working, so Kevin and Keira were alone a lot. That was one of the reasons they were always together. “Kevin, I want to go home,” Keira whined to her brother. “Keira, will you chill, I promised the new guy from school I would meet him and kick the ball around,” Kevin told her while he was playing with a soccer ball. “This is so boring.” Keira huffed and sat down on the ground. Kevin rolled his eyes and reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a granola bar. He went over and handed it to his sister. “Here, eat this, that will make you happy.” Kevin said to her. Keira’s eyes lit up as she took the granola bar. “Oh, peanut butter! My favorite! Thanks, Kevin!” “When is this guy going to be here?” Keira asked as she ate the granola bar. “He should be coming any minute now. I think that is him coming now.” Kevin said, As he was looking at the gate opening of the soccer field. “So, he plays soccer too?” Keira asked Kevin. “He said he did at his old school,” Kevin told her. A 10-year-old boy came walking toward the twins. Keira looked up at the boy and blushed a little. He was kind of cute. He had on shorts and a T-shirt. His hair was dark brown and a little messy. He walked up to Kevin and said “hey”. “Hey, Adam this is my twin, Keira.” Kevin turned his head and said, “Keira get up off the ground and come here to say hi.” Keira got up off the ground and stepped over to the boys. When she got a better look at the boy, she noticed he had these green eyes with long eyelashes. He really was cute! Keira was hoping he would like her and Kevin. She would not mind hanging out with this cute boy. As Keira was looking at this boy’s eyelashes, Keira blurted out “you have really long eyelashes for a boy.” The boy blushed and said, “yeah, I guess I do.” “Keira, that isn’t nice, sorry Adam, she sometimes doesn’t have a filter.” “I’m sorry, just your eyelashes are so pretty.” Keira tried to explain herself. “Keira, just shut up now! Why don’t you go over there and sit while we play a little game with the ball.” Kevin told her. “Your sister doesn’t play?” Adam asked Kevin. “Nah, she isn’t into sports. In fact, if she tried to kick the ball, she would just fall on her butt trying.” Kevin explained to Adam. Keira smiled at the boy and then walked to the grass on the side of the field and sat down. He is cute. He doesn’t seem to talk a lot though, Keira thought in her head. After a while, the boys came back over to Keira. “You have some talent with the ball,” Kevin told Adam. “I have 2 older brothers who taught me a few tricks,” Adam told Kevin. “Oh you have two brothers, are they your best friends like me and Kevin are?” Keira asked Adam. “No, they are just my brothers. I really don’t have a best friend.” Adam told her. “You should find one! Me and Kevin do everything together. He is the bestest friend out there!” Keira smiled up at Adam. Adam looked over at Kevin and he just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. Adam nodded his head as he understood the silent conversation between him and Kevin. 1 month later “Kevin! I don’t want to go to the movies!” Keira whined. “Adam and I want to see this new marvel movie and you can’t stay home alone,” Kevin told her. “We are always with Adam. It is always what you and Adam want to do. What about me?” Keira said. “Keira, I want to hang out with my friends, why don’t you find friends you can hang around with?” Kevin asked her. “ You don’t wanna hang out with me?” Keira asked Kevin. “Keira, look I love you, you are my sister but sometimes I like to do stuff without you. That’s why I think you need to find friends of your own to do stuff with.” Kevin told her. The doorbell rang and Kevin opened up the door to let Adam into their house. “Sup,” Adam said to Kevin. “Keira, get your shoes on, we have to get going to make the movie time,” Kevin told Keira. “Is she coming too?” Adam asked Kevin. “Yeah, she has too, my mom is working and I’m babysitting.” Kevin told him. Babysitting! We are the same age, why is Kevin telling Adam he is babysitting? “You're not babysitting me! I’m not a baby! You are my twin, we are the same age.” Keira told him. Kevin sighed and said “I’m 12 minutes older, and just get your shoes on. We need to go.” Keira huffed and said “we’ll yeah, technically I am the baby of the family. But you're not babysitting me.” Adam laughed and said to Keira “ If it makes you feel any better I am the baby of my family. The way you’re acting right now I would say we’re babysitting you.” Keira huffed and went to get her shoes, as she left the room to go get them she heard Adam say “your sister is so bratty, wish she didn’t have to tag along.” When they got to the movies Keira saw the snack stand and turned to Kevin. “Kevin, can we get popcorn with extra butter please,” Keira asked her brother. Adam spoke up and said, “Do you really need the extra butter?” Keira was mad that he was questioning the extra butter? This boy is really getting on her nerves. “I like extra butter,” Keira told him. Adam just rolled his eyes at her. Kevin reached into his pocket and gave Keira some money. “I will get a small one just for you. I don’t want any.” Keira took the money and turned to get in line at the snack stand and heard Adam say “She always has to have food in her mouth, it is so annoying.” “Keira likes to eat,” Kevin said. “Well that’s why she is fat,” Adam said. “Yeah I know, sometimes it is embarrassing to be seen with her,” Kevin said. Ouch, Kevin was embarrassed to be seen with her? Keira closed her eyes as the pain of hearing Adam and Kevin’s words hit her. She was fighting back the tears. “Hey, it is your turn.” A voice behind her said. Keira turned to see that the voice belonged to a girl. “Sorry, I changed my mind,” Keira said, stepping out of the line. The girl shrugged her shoulders and went up to the counter. Keira stood frozen in the spot by the snack counter. Trying very hard not to cry. She was realizing she had lost her best friend. He was embarrassed to be seen with her. Kevin was changing and it was all because of Adam. “Hey, are you ok?” The voice of the girl from earlier asked her. Keira opened her eyes, but a tear started to run down her cheek. “Hey, don’t cry. Are you lost?” The girl said to Keira. Keira shook her head and said, “My brother got a new friend, I think I lost my best friend who doesn't like me anymore.” The girl looked at Keira and said, “we are in the same class at school aren’t we?” “I don’t know, maybe?” Keira said. “You have a twin brother, Kevin is his name right?” The girl asked her. “Yeah, I’m Keira.” She told the girl. “I’m Jaime, what movie are you seeing?” The girl asked her. “Some superhero thing Kevin and Adam want to see.” She told Jaime. “Want to see the beach movie with me instead? I heard it is funny and the lead actor in it is cute.” Jaime asked her. “Keira, what is taking so long?” Kevin and Adam came up to Keira and Jaime. “Oh hi, Jaime is your name, right?” Kevin asked the girl. “Hi, Kevin, Adam. Sorry, I ran into Keira here in line and we got busy talking. Anyway, we decided we want to see the Beach movie together.” Jaime told the boys. “Oh, ok. Well, Keira after the movie is over, meet me back in this lobby, ok? We will see you after our movie is over.” Kevin said. Keira nodded her head, Kevin and Adam turned and went to the theater their movie was playing in. “Come on, let’s go see a movie, I think you need a laugh,” Jaime told Keira. She grabbed her arm to follow her to the theater. Keira looked over her shoulder to where she saw Kevin walk off. He stole my best friend, she thought in her head. 3 years later Keira and Kevin are now 13 and Keira has now developed out of the chubby 10-year-old girl body into a more curvy teen. She is heavier than the other girls in school and her breasts seem to be growing larger every day. The bigger Keira became the more she had to hide her body. Her mother told her that girls that were built like Keira needed to dress in layers. Her mom explained that the layers would help her hide the fat on her body plus at the same time would make her look thinner. Because Keira’s breasts were larger than all the other girls in the class, the boys constantly teased her about that. Keira started to buy clothes larger than her size. She wanted to hide her fat as her mom told her to do. She also wanted to hide her breasts so the teasing would stop. Keira was so embarrassed by her body. No matter what she did she got made fun of. If she wore clothes that were her size, they teased her. If she wore the oversized clothes, again she was teased for that. No matter what Keira wore, she was teased. So she decided that hiding her body was a better choice in her clothing search. This way no one can see how big she really was. “Keira, are you going to wear that to school?” Kevin asked his sister. “What is wrong with what I’m wearing,” Keira asked him, as he was looking down at the shirt and pants she had on. “It doesn’t fit. That shirt is way too big on you.” Kevin told her. “I like my clothes to fit big. It hides stuff.” Keira mumbled. “Whatever, I will see you at school,” Kevin said, grabbing his book bag and walking out the door. “Mom, do I look ok?” Keira asked her mom. “Sweetie, you look fine. Just ignore Kevin. He doesn’t understand that girls like us have to cover ourselves up.” Her mom told her. “Now get to school. I will be coming home late today, I have a meeting about starting a new position at work today.” “Ok, mom. Love you!” Keira left the house and started walking to school. “Hey! The circus is in town!” Keira heard someone yelling as she walked into the schoolyard. “Yeah, they got a new Shamu exhibit I heard.” A familiar voice said. Keira turned to see her brother with Adam and their soccer friends. The boys came closer to her. “Keira, nice shirt, did they only have the tent size available? Adam laughed and the other boys, including Kevin, laughed along with him. “Shut up Adam,” Keira told him. “Keira, I told you that shirt doesn’t fit you,” Kevin told her. “I told you I like wearing it big.” Keira huffed out. “Yeah, you need to hide your fat ass!” Adam laughed. Keira turned away from Kevin and Adam and the other boys. She could hear one of them yelling “boom da boom da boom.” As she walked away. Followed by laughter. She got closer to the building, Jaime came over to her and said “Let me guess, your asshole brother and Adam.” “I just wish they would leave me alone. “ Keira told her. “No, you need to learn how to stand up to them and tell them off,” Jaime told her. “Let’s just get to class,” Keira said. Keira and Jaime went over to their lockers. Keira tried to open hers but it seemed to be stuck. She yanked on it and it would not budge. “What is wrong?” Jaime asked her. “The locker is stuck, I can’t seem to get it open,” Keira told her. Jaime came over and gave the locker a tug, it seemed to only loosen up the handle. So both girls together started tugging at the locker door. Finally, the door flung open and garbage bags of all different types and colors came falling out. A loud roar of laughter rang out in the halls from the students that were there. “What the hell!” Jaime said, looking at all the trash bags everywhere. Taped to one of the bags was a note “Got you a new wardrobe!” Kevin and Adam made their way through the crowd and saw Keira and Jaime picking up the trash bags that spilled out of Keira’s locker. Jaime looked at the two boys and yelled at them, “did you do this!” Adam got a cocky grin and said, “hey, thought we could help her out, if she wants to dress like a hobo, why not just dress in the trash bags then!” Kevin laughed and said, “Come on Keira, it was just a harmless prank.” “Kevin, this isn’t funny. She is your sister, why would you do that to her?” Jaime said. “Just chill out! Look, it was a prank, no harm was done ok.” Adam said. Kevin shook his head and said to Adam “come on, let’s get out of here.” “One day he's going to realize that this stuff isn’t funny.” Jaime huffed as she threw the trash bags into a garbage can. “Keira, are you ok?” She said, turning back to Keira. “Yeah, let's just get to class.” Keira looked at the trash bag she was holding before she threw it away. For one moment she wished she could trade places with Kevin and Adam. She wished they would realize how the teasing and pranks really hurt. She was just a nobody to them. Present-day Keira “Beep” “Beep” “Beep” Ugh, time to get up and start this day. Sometimes I just dread it when the alarm goes off. I have to get up and face another day at school to put up with Adam and my brother tormenting me. Who am I? Keira, I'm nobody! There’s nothing special about me. I’m an average girl that is a little bit chunky. I have curves and I’m not a size 2. I’m not athletic, I’m not even that smart. I would love to fit in with all the other girls in my class, but I just don’t. So, I'm constantly bullied and tormented over my weight and how I dress. This is my final year of high school. I am finally graduating this year and getting out of that school. My hope is when I get to college to just start over. Each day I dread getting up and going to school, I want to end this torment. What is the main cause of my dread, Adam Case! When we were younger I did think he was cute. That lasted maybe a month when I was 10 years old. Over the years, I will admit he was handsome as we got older. He is now 6’2, with a body of a God, and thick black hair. He was perfect. He looks like a GQ model. Every girl wanted him. He is the “it” guy in our school. He was also the biggest jerk I knew. He is also my brother Kevin’s best friend, So that means I see Adam all the time. My twin brother Kevin, once he was my best friend. We did everything together. Once Adam entered his life around the age of 10, Kevin, my twin, went from my best friend to just someone I once shared a womb with. Enough with the stalling, I need to get out of this bed and face the day so I can get it over and done with. What to wear? I am a bit overweight at a size 16 and I have curves, so I hate getting dressed.I have an hourglass figure, so I have curves. I have large breasts and a bubble butt. Clothes are challenging for me. I wear clothes that are oversized on me. It is part of the reason I get made fun of. My mom taught me that being overweight, you need to dress in layers, it helps hide the fat. Plus being larger-breasted nothing cute seemed to look good on me. So my clothes just sort of just sit on my body. A simple tank top with jeans and a button-up open shirt is my go-to that works. Time to sneak out before my brother sees me, so I don’t have to hear him making fun of what I’m wearing first thing in the morning. Let’s get this day over with.

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