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Draven She looked so fragile, lying motionless on the bed as I watched her from a distance. It had been two days since I brought her here and she has been resting all through it. Her cheeks had lost its rosy colour and her lips were slightly chapped. Her skin had lost its colour leaving the ashen hue on its place. I had freaked out when the I first saw her in this state, but the doctor assured me that she would be fine once she had enough rest. All she needed was rest. Her wolf was not responsive, the reason it was taking her so much time to heal. Normally it would take less time for the wound to heal but I was informed that it was a silver weapon that was used, which only made the situation worse. I had purposely kept the room dark, so that the light won't disturb her. I was yet to what was it that I was feeling but it could wait until she is perfectly fine. Does she feel the same when I touch her? Does she feel the sparks? The peaceful dealing washing over? She groaned in her sleep, indicating that she was waking up. She tried to sit up on her own but doubled over in pain. I winced at that, her pain had to soon go away, I cannot bear to see her in pain. "You are awake." I switched on the light but cursed myself for not adjusting the brightness first. She blinked to get used to the light as I just stood there like a statue watching her in fascination. "Who are you? And what is this place?" She rubbed her eyes cutely with her small hands, she was short, shorter than an average wolf. But it only adds to her cuteness. I tell her my name and that she is at my house, I didn't reveal the name of the pack, then I asked if she was in pain and I should call a doctor. She refused at first but then shrugged. I know she was struggling but was not comfortable sharing it yet. I let her be even though I wanted to know what happened to her and why. She smelled like a rogue but since her wolf was not responding I couldn't do anything. I will have to wait until she opens up to me. I asked for her name and much to my delight she replied positively. Lilith suited her. So beautiful. I leave her to rest and exit the room. Outside I nod to Gage who was assigned to guard her door all the time when I'm not in. I take long steps to my office where Oliver had already made himself comfortable on the chair opposite to mine. "I need you to fetch me these medicines." I place the prescription paper in front of him on the table and take my place on the big leather chair. He confusedly assessed the paper and then narrowed his dark brown eyes, giving me a look. I ignored him. "It's for that girl you brought, isn't it?" "Don't say it like that, it feels wrong. She needs our help Oliver." "Many people need 'help' Alpha, but you don't see us bringing them here." "Mind your own business Oliver and get me those medicines pronto." With a sigh he left the office. He did not like that Lilith was here, he could smell rogue on her and it irked him, not only him but most of the guards too. But they knew when to keep their mouth shut, unlike Oliver. He was a dumb b***h who did not know when to shut his trap. But I knew he was concerned for her too, like the others he also trusted me and if he didn't he can deal with it. I did some work until Oliver came back with all of the stuff. I checked the stuff myself and raised an eyebrow at him when I saw a big bar of dark chocolate and milk chocolates in the bag. "Don't look at me like that. I have heard that chocolate helps lessen mental and physical pain. It has everything to do with science, nothing else." I let a smirk slip on my face when I sensed his nervousness. "Right." "It's true!" I left the room without saying anything else and made my way back to the guest room where Lilith was. I wanted to keep her in a room closer to mine but it would raise questions, I have never had any kind of relationship with the female species other than my mom. While I was passing the kitchen I grabbed an already made sandwich from the fridge for Lilith. She must be hungry. I kept the chocolate bars in the fridge for her to eat later. Bringing Lilith here has already raised eyebrows in question and I don't want anyone to assume anything when even I am not sure. I knock two times on the door and walk in. Her eyes were closed, heartbeat steady. She was sleeping. I smiled a little and slowly crept inside without making a sound. "You don't have to do that." Her eyes opened and she smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes at her but my own smile betrayed me. "You're awake." She hummed in response still lying flat on her back, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Placing the Medicine and sandwich on the bedside table I dragged a chair all the way to the bed and sat there. Closer than before. She yawned cutely and covered her mouth in embarrassment, a dusty blush covering her cheeks. I smiled. "How are you feeling?" "Better than before." She grunted and attempted to sit up, I immediately helped her and laid her in a comfortable position. "Yup, definitely better." "I brought you a sandwich, I'm sorry I can't cook and that was the only thing left. If you want I can ask someone to cook something-" "Thank you." She cut me off and looked at me with a smile, the slight bruises on her face not letting it reach her eyes and suddenly I wanted to kill the one responsible for it. But at the same time I wanted to pull her closer to me, so close that our bodies mould together and never be apart. I wanted to kiss those pink lips until they are swollen. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts that messed up my mind. This is not right. "It's alright. It's not much thought." I looked down at my intertwined hands. "It is for me. Care is not something I grew up with and the fact that being a stranger you are caring for me is endearing. You saved me. I'm thankful." She left a little pinch in my heart, her words not only conveyed that she was thankful but also a part of her. Was she never cared for? Loved? Who wouldn't love someone like her. The desire to know more was getting to the surface but I pushed it down. It was bad enough that she was recovering slower than average wolf healing, I don't want to pressure her and make it worse. "I don't know what your past is, or how you ended up like this, but I can assure you that while you are here you will be cared for and loved like you deserve." I felt her small hand cover mine and she gave me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile. I took her hand between mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Those sparks were still there, the tingling sensation sending ripples of pleasure and please through my body with just a small contact. I let out a chuckle at the situation. While here I was basking in the sparks and what not I did not realize that little Lilith had already dozed off. Brushing the hair out of her face I let my fingers linger on her face for a few more seconds. She would not live a single day in pain, I would not let that happen. She would only know happiness from this day. And that's my promise. 
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