1366 Words

Lilith "You don't think she will tell you that, do you?" An unknown voice reached my ears while I was sleeping, not so sleepy now, I was alert now. But my senses are not as sharp as before. Since my wolf is not in contact with me it's difficult to do things. I miss her.  I kept my eyes closed and listen to whoever is in my room. "I don't want to pressure her, she can tell me if she wants and it's perfectly fine if she doesn't." The voice I recognized as Draven's replied. Were they talking about me? Of course they are talking about me. "Questions are being asked. Everyone wants to know who is the mysterious girl the Alpha brought home." "I guess they will have to wait then. Why don't you go back and finish some work? I will stay here for a while." Draven said and moments later I h

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