Chapter 3

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Gary couldn't take his eyes off the man. His almost violet eyes mesmerized him. His whole body was telling him to touch him, to mark him, and his wolf wasn't helping him maintain control as he constantly insisted that Gary make love to him, right then and there. Lucifron, on the other hand, fought Zog, who wanted to unite his heart with the wolf's. - I don't know how this can work. I'm not leaving the island and what I've dreamed of all my life, and I believe you're not leaving your pack. - I'm the alpha, and the pack depends on me. You are the general's son. Couldn't you try to change your dreams and be my Luna? Don't you want to be the mother of the pack? Lucifron narrows his eyes. He didn't know if he was more offended that the man was downgrading his desire to be the next general than the fact that he wanted him to become the "mother" of the pack. - And why don't you come with me to Dragon's Island and become the future general's "wife". - he says, pressing the word wife. Gary noticed that Lucifron was upset, and was quick to clarify. - Luna is just a title. Yours can be called second alpha, like Ryan and his mates. Lucifron scoffs again. - Look, I don't want to reject you, but I need to think about this. I have to decide what's best for me. I know you might think I'm being selfish, but we're very different. Gary knew it was true. They were very different, but he already loved his mate. The matebond makes him feel like he's known Lucifron all his life. - OK, I accept. I'll wait for you, but I'll only wait a month. Lucifron wants to complain, but Gary raises his hand to silence him. - I will wait a month for you to come to me, but if you don't, I'll look for you, even if it means dying trying to find you. Lucifron was stupefied. That mutt had just met him, and he was ready to die. Would this matebond be as strong as that? - I see doubts in your eyes. Don't let them get stuck in your head. Ask me anything you want. - Gary says, with a sweet look in his eyes. - What does matebond really mean to you? – Lucifron asks, looking at Gary with an expressionless look. - Wolves mate for life. Yes, it's true that some find a second chance mate, and others even a chosen mate, but this happens in special circumstances. - What circumstances - Lucifron asks. Gary stutters. - Why are you stuttering? – Lucifron asks, squinting. - Because I'm afraid to give you bad ideas. Lucifron laughs. Even Zog's eyes gleamed a lot because Lucifron was laughing. - I promise not to get any ideas. - he says. Gary sighs and continues. - When our mate rejects us, or dies, sometimes the Moon Goddess gives us a second chance mate, or when that doesn't happen, we can choose a mate who, like us, is mateless. But it will never be the same.. - Dragons don't have mates, we have firehearts. It works similar to your matebond, but it's different. We have a fog in the heart that is incomplete, and when we find our fireheart, the fires are completed. When a dragon loses its fireheart, it's alone for life. We have no second chances, fireheart and we will never be able to love another person. Many dragons that end up firehertless choose to stay together, but it will always be for s*x and children. Their hearts will never burn with love again. - So, like wolves, dragons mate for life. - Gary says, more to himself than to his mate. - Yes, we only have one chance to find love. That's why I need to think about us, Gary. Rejecting you will represent centuries of loneliness for me, but accepting you will represent what? How does a union between a dragon and a wolf work? Gary looks at Lucifron with love in his eyes. - I will wait for you. I hope you decide to come back to me. May I give you a kiss? Lucifron stands up abruptly. - No. - Why? - Gary whines. - Because just a simple kiss seals our union. - Then can I kiss your hand? - The werewolf asks. Lucifron frowns. - Kissing your hand doesn't make you a woman, if you think about that. It's just proof of my love and respect for you. I was looking for a Shewolf. This was a big surprise for me too. But I love you already, and I will be very happy to have you as my mate... to be your fireheart. Lucifron raised his hand and gave it to Gary. He grabs it and the hit that runs through his body makes every cell vibrate. Lucifron fills it too. He fills the fire in his heart burning strongly. Both men looked each other in the eyes, as Gary raised Lucifron's hand and put his lips on the back of the dragon's palm. - Lets stay here in silence, hand in hand, until the end of the party. - Gary asks, and Lucifron agrees. They didn't know how long they had stayed like that, but so soon, the time to go back home arrived. The two went back to the packhouse, without losing contact with each other's palms, and when they arrived, the eyes of the other dragons wore on them. Boris and the others don't say anything. They realize what's going on, so they don't intervene, and with another kiss on the hand of Lucifron, Gary moves over and lets Lucifron join his friends. Where before were people, now big and wonderful dragons stand. Gary can't stop admire Lucifron. His big red, gorgeous dragon was spectacular. With a silly smile, he sees the red dragon rise from the ground with a flap of wings, which lifts the leaves around it. In the air, he flies over the head of his fireheart, who looks at him in amazement, and Gary swears he saw the dragon smile. - What is your name? - Garry yells into the air. And to everyone's surprise, the dragon responds. - My name is Zog. And the eight dragons, led by Boris, fly until they are no longer seen on the horizon.
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