Chapter 2

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On the appointed day, the dragons shift and leave for Darkmoon, following the directions on the map that accompanied the invitation. When they flew over the packland, the wolves looked at them startled. When they barely touched their toes on the floor and shifted back, fully clothed, their jaws dropped. They only knew of three people capable of doing this, one because he was divine, and the other two because they were his mates and shared his power. It was a joy. Ryan ran to them, hugged them and introduced them to his mates. He proudly showed them the 3 little pups which were in the cradles. Boris couldn't help himself and started making silly faces that made the little pups laugh. Ryan briefly told his entire adventure, making the dragons cringe, with certain parts. Quickly, the dragons began to mingle and play with the wolves. However, there was one dragon that kept it's stoic expression, ready to hide in some corner, away from the mess, since it couldn't just fly home. That dragon was Lucifron, and his head was beginning to ache from the noise surrounding him. In his head, Zog asked him to get out of there, as bored as his human part, so Lucifron decides to head into the forest, hoping that no werewolf would mistake him for an intruder and attack him, not that this would pose any danger to the future general of King Boris, as he was, without any doubt, the strongest dragon in the southern clan. He finds a small clearing, where a small stream passes, and leaning against a fallen tree. He decides to get some sleep. At the party, guests continued to arrive, and one of the last ones was alpha Gary of the Red River Pack. He'd been the alpha who'd replaced that horrible, nasty, alpha Nox who'd nearly raped Ryan when he'd run away. With him was Arabella, the woman who had saved Ryan, and Ryan clung to her, moved to see her again. As soon as he arrived at Darkmoon, Gary greeted his friends, and by them, he was introduced to the other guests, but something was not right with Gary. He was nervous and was constantly looking around as if looking for someone. - Gary, is everything okay? - Dylan asks. - I don't know, my friend. My wolf is restless and I don't understand why. Also, when I arrived, I smelled something so nice and beautiful, but now I don't smell it any more. I thought it was my mate, but I must have been wrong. However, Gary continued to look around, and Dylan chuckles. Who knew that the Luna of the Red River Pack would be at his party? Gary starts looking through the crowd. But when he gets close to the trees that surrounded the packhouse, he feels that the scent's going to the forest. He followed the scent that drove him crazy. Why did the shewolf hide in the forest? Without warning anyone, and without wasting a second, he enters the forest in search of his mate. Lucifron is woken up by Zog, who in his head is constantly mumbling. Something was wrong, and he didn't know what it was. “Can you tell me what's going on? Why don't you let me sleep?" “Something's wrong. I feel the fire inside my heart burn brighter.” – Zog answers, in his head. "I also feel some strangeness, but it must be because of the noise these mutts make." “I don't think that's it. I think our fireheart is close” – Zog replies. "That's impossible. The only shedragons here, are Hanna, Nymphe and Iposa, and none of them is certainly our fireheart” – Lucifron says, without any emotion. “I don't understand either. I only know what I feel” – Zog answers, in a bored voice. Lucifron decides to ignore him and goes back to trying to sleep. He needed time to pass so he could go back to the island and catch up on the training he had missed. He closes his eyes and his chest feels on fire, as if the fire in his heart wants to break out of his chest and pull him back in the direction it had come from. Confused, he looks into the forest and sees nothing. He rises, and bows his head, and using his dragon eyes, which see farther and clearer, he peers out beyond the trees, and sees a figure hurriedly approaching. Gary felt his wolf jump in glee as he screamed over and over again, "mate, mate, mate, mate.". His legs moved hurriedly, following the wonderful scent. It smelled like coconut oil on a hot day at the beach. The smell was so intense his mouth watered and his c**k throbbed. He wanted to find his Luna, the one the Moon Goddess had created, just for him. The woman he's longed for and would love until he dies. He knew that, in his eyes, she would be perfect. She was his fated mate, and he simply wanted her by his side. When he hurriedly enters the clearing and looks at the woman whose scent mixes up his mind, he gets confused. It didn't matter to him her age or beauty, he would love her anyway... but, in front of him, there wasn't her. In front of him was a young adult, tall, muscular, with red hair and almost violet eyes. His grim features were the most beautiful he had ever seen, but it wasn't even a wolf. In front of him was a dragon, certainly one of the guests present, who looked at him without showing any emotion. - Mate – Gary lets escape, without realizing it. Lucifron tsk. What the f**k was that? He was terribly confused, but it didn't show on his face. His chest was on fire, trying to join the werewolf in front of him. A kiss would work. Just a little kiss. One kiss and his heart would be complete, but what would his reputation become if the best of all dragons on the island had a mutt fireheart? That guy didn't even know what fireheart means. He had called him "mate", but why did the Goddess of Wolves think he would be a good mate for that wolf? Was there something wrong with him? Lucifron turns his back and advances in the opposite direction to Gary, and he releases a small cry, making Lucifron shudder. - Mate - Gary repeats and Lucifron stops and turns around, sighing. The best thing would be to sit down and discuss the matter. It must have been some kind of mistake, but if it wasn't, and he refused the man in front of him, it would mean that he would be alone for centuries. The lifespan of a werewolf was also much less than that of a dragon, perhaps 8 centuries at most, and already quite old. Dragons, at 8 centuries old, were still at the beginning of their lives. It was all a mess. Lucifron returns to where he was, and sits down again. Gary, slowly approaches and sits beside him. - I think we need to talk. – Gary says, looking at his mate. - Yeah, I think so too. - Lucifron answers, coldly. The two were silent for some time, until Gary grabbed Lucifron's hand, making him gasp in surprise. He tries to pull his hand away but Gary grips it tightly. - Do you know that I'm a dragam and I can burn you to ashes or crush your hand if you don't let go?" Gary winces, but keeps his hand locked in his. - My name is Gary, and I'm the Alpha of the Red River Pack. Lucifron opens his eyes wide and, getting up, pulls his hand away from the hand that held him. - You're the monster that tried to rape Ryan. - he says with hate in his eyes. - What? No! This crime was committed by the previous alpha, the man who raped my mother and impregnated her. That man, alpha Nox, is dead. Lucifron sighs in relief and sits back down. - I'm 22 years old, and I would like to know who this wonderful creature is that the Moon Goddess gave me for a mate. Lucifron scoffs. He would also like to know what happened. - I'm Lucifron and I'm 24 years old. I'm the son of the general of King Boris's troops, and the next general in line. Gary realized now that everything was going to be more difficult. His mate wanted to be the next general of the king of dragons. He wouldn't want to be his luna or second alpha. Gary closes his eyes, leans over to his mate, who was staring at the floor, and nuzzling the crook of his neck, sniffs it deeply. - What are you doing, you weirdo? – Lucifron asks, shocking Gary. - I'm sorry, but you smell so good. My body trembles with the desire to have you and my wolf is restless. - Tsk. Mutts. - Lucifron complains, but his expressionless look broke a little. His heart wanted to complete itself and his dragon was rubbing himself on the floor, desperate for some physical contact. “Zog, what a f**k! What is the matter with you?” - Lucifron asks his dragon, inside his head. “He's perfect for us. My fire never burned brighter than it does now with the presence of our fireheart. Imagine when our lips touch, and we make love, traveling in the sky.” - Zog says, melting. “Get out of that, i***t. When have you seen a wolf fly?” Zog rolls his eyes in displeasure.
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