Chapter 4

1185 Words
When the dragons arrive on the island, Lucifron tries to escape. He really did't want to be questioned, but his friends grab him and take him to the games room, all sitting on cushions, cornering him. - What's his name? - Iposa asks. - Gary – replies Lucifron without showing any expression. - How old are you? - asks Nymph. - Twenty-two – he says, resound bored. - Is he really your fireheart? - Hannah asks. - It seems so. – he says, opening his mouth in sleep. - Why are you answering like that? Hell, he's your fireheart, you should be excited, happy, filling on top of the world. - Dalkor says, clinging to Valdar, to prove his indignation at his lack of affection for his fireheart. - That's easy for you to say. Your fireheart is a dragon like you. Mine is a mutt. - Don't say those things, you know that our fire doesn't always choose someone of the same species. – Valdar says, with a smile. - It seems to me that you want to see me far away from here. You want me to give up my dream of replacing my father and becoming the king's general. - he says, slightly irritated. This was new to him, as he never showed emotions. - Lucifron, nobody wont that. Your fireheart can come live here with you. - He's the Alpha. He's not going to drop everything to come here. He has a higher rank than mine. It's up to me to get there. I need to think. I have to choose between everything I've dreamed of and being alone for life, or accepting Gary and giving up on my dream, and ending up losing him when I'm still at the beginning of my life. - Lucifron, why don't you seize the moment? You will live with him, and when he passes the title to your children, then you will come to live on the island. A good idea, don't you think? – Hanna says. - Children? - Lucifron blushes and his friends are amazed. They'd never seen Lucifron blush before. - Yes, children. Don't you want to have kids? - Hanna asks. Lucifron gets up and informs them that he's going home to sleep. Gary returns to the Red River Pack and words travel fast. The Alpha found his mate and the future Luna was a dragon. Many were happy. A happy alpha represents a happy pack. But many were worried. How could a dragon and a wolf breed? Weren't dragons hatched from eggs? Was that a legend? Could a werewolf hatch from an egg? It was all very confusing. While the pack debated inane things, Gary took a shower and lay down. He was happy, but not rested. What if, within a month, he didn't come back? What would he do? Would he look for his mate on the Dragons Island and bring him back by force? He shakes his head. That was ridiculous. - Lucifron, I don't want to know what you are, I just want to have you by my side. The Moon Goddess made you my mate. She always knows what she's doing. Come to me, love. I won't be able to live without you. In the forest, near the Red River Pack, a group of rogues are gathered under the leadership of a Shewolf. The woman was feared and adored by the rogues who followed her and everyone called her Alpha. She was a hybrid, the daughter of a weredeamon and a witch. Inside her was a wolf, and a demon, and her human part could work the blackest magic there was. There was nothing on the face of the earth that scared her. Her wolf was respected, her demon was feared, but the witch in her terrified all who dared face her. She was almost fifty years old, and she was there to take Gary as her mate. For years she had waited for Nox to keep his promise and give her his first born, as a mate. But the damn mutt dared to die before fulfilling his promise. She hoped he was somewhere being tortured by her grandfather. It was fortunate that she had known that it was Nox's son who had taken the place of Alpha of Red River after Nox's death. She had watched him, and she knew exactly what was going on with him. It didn't matter to her that the young alpha had found his mate. She would be his real mate soon. She would make him fall in love with her, by magic, and when he was fully under her control, they would make love, they would mark each other, and she would kill him, opening the doors to evil with his blood. There was no one who could stand between her and the target, and if that "mate" tried it, he would die. - Alpha, what do you want us to do? The pack isn't very strong, but we don't have enough men to attack. - No need to attack. Tonight, when midnight comes, I'm going to cast a spell that will put the entire pack to sleep. Then you just have to go in, capture Gary and bring him to me. The rogues smirked and left their leader's tent. She snaps her fingers, and two young rogues, a boy and a girl, who look no older than 16, run towards her. The young woman had in her hand a platter with roast meat and some vegetables, and she knelt down in front of her with the platter in her hands. The young man gets on all fours behind her, and she sits on his back. She began to eat slowly, indifferent to the girl's arms trembling, who seemed about to drop the platter at any moment. But she wouldn't let it fall, because the only time she did, the Alpha put her inside an old suitcase , with no room for her to move, for 3 days and 3 nights, without food or water. The boy also felt his muscles weaken under the woman's weight. He only ate once a day, when he was lucky. Sometimes only every two days. He was very thin and small for his age, all because of the mistreatment that he and his sister suffered. The woman had kidnapped them from their parents when they were very young and raised them to serve her in the most ignoble way possible. When she was bored, she ordered them to undress, and called two or three rogues to have fun with them in front of her. She had never touched them, but she took a sadistic pleasure in seeing the minors being violated by those monsters. When she is sated, she gets up, and calls for water to be brought, which the boy immediately does. Then she sends them back to the room and leaves the tent. They hug and remain silent in the room. Today had been a good day, and their owner was pleased with the service. There wouldn't be any punishment.
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