
401 Words
DEMITRI "Pleased to meet you" I nodded my head politely toward both of them and then turned back to Achille. "This is an old friend, Demitri, who just happens to know Eternal. Small world hey!" Achille addressed Jesse mainly. "It is a small world! Am to assume then that he is a good enough friend that you've brought us here to tell him everything?" Jesse asked. "Yes, if that is okay with you two?" He walked over to stand in front of Amia. What was his fascination with these humans? "I trust you completely," Amia told him, and he kissed her, before taking her hand, and turning back towards me. "This is my wife." He stated, my mouth fell open. Of course I had no problem with the relationship - it was just a shock that he'd marry, such a human tradition!! "Congratulations!" I stammered. "I knew you would approve where most would not! And I am so glad to finally tell someone!" He beamed, and she blushed. "So..." I had no clue where this was going. He nodded to Amia. She walked towards me, and slid her dress off her shoulder. I was confused, about to comment on her inappropriate behaviour, when I saw she was showing me her expiration date. It was two years from now. "I am sorry my dear, I hope you enjoy every minute you have left together". "We plan to, and more!!! That is what were doing," said Achille excitedly. "We have been investigating the difference between humans and Vampires to see if we could change Amia into a Vampire," said Jesse. I was, yet again, shocked! "It is not possible, that is not how it works." "Maybe, maybe not, that is why we are looking into it." Achille replied, putting his arm around Amia. "I cant bare to lose her! I have never met anyone who makes me feel so happy. You will understand one day Demitri, when you fall properly in love. There is no feeling like it! She means the world to me, and I will do anything to keep her by my side forever." Yeah, including experimenting on your own kind, I thought. "Where is Etna then? What does she have to do with this? You said she was important" "Actually, I really must be getting back to her! In case she wakes. Would you like to come with?" Jesse asked.
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