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DEMITRI It was a couple of weeks after the lab breakout that we began to worry about Etna. She seemed to be enjoying the tests, and they were pushing her further and further. We were discussing options for getting her out, especially as she did not seem to be finding any new information. Then she stopped checking in. She was meant to check in every other day now. We waited 24 hours, still nothing. "If we have heard nothing by tonight," said More. "Someone should go look for her," finished For. "I agree, we should start to discuss who is going, and which plan would be the best" wondered Leanda aloud. "I volunteer! I could go during the day, might be easier," offered Quinn. "Very sweet of you, but she is my responsibility. If we have not heard from her by sun down, I will head straight over," I was determined to find her and bring her back now. I went to bed feeling uneasy. Not sure what I would find when I woke, and what the night would bring. I found that I cared for the girl more than I thought I had. I worried about her more than I should.  When I awoke, there had been no message. I quickly showered and got ready. I borrowed Quinn's sword, not usually my style, but always good to have back up. Leanda waved me off, "stay safe and bring Eternal home!" The train would have taken too long, however travelling that distance alone was easy. I ran. Vampire speed meant I was there in a couple of hours. When I arrived, I was shocked at the lack of security. After the underground lab, I had expected more. I walked into the main reception without any problem at all. The lady behind the desk gave me a big smile. "Hello there, what can I do for you?" "Good Evening, I am a friend of Eternal's. I need to speak with her please." I smiled brightly at her, but her smile vanished. "She is no longer here, she left the other day." I was pretty sure she was lying. "Lets not lie or play games hunny. How about you go get Etna, or you go get someone in charge who can help me!" Without another word, she walked off, hopefully to find someone for me. I had expected more of an argument than that to be honest. I was beginning to think about wondering off on my own, as it seemed like a long time since she'd left - when the door opened. I have never been so shocked as when I saw who it was! "Achille!" "Demitri." He was obviously shocked too, but he recovered fast. He rushed over and took my hand! "So good to see you again fella! It has been far too long! Do come in, Ill fix you a drink, you can tell me all about what has been happening with you!" "I think your story may be more interesting Achille! I would first of all like to know where my Etna is." I was not willing to play friendly with him until I knew what was going on. "Oh alright, come on, lets go." I followed him across most of the complex, and into a section with no windows. As we walked, he talked. "Eternal is fine, better than fine. She is actually our best volunteer! I would have never guessed one person would be so useful. We are very close to an answer, all because of her. Though, I also would not have guessed she knew you, or knew what we are. She is a very good actress, no one suspected her." "So where is she? And what is going on here?" "All in good time Demitri. Lets get a drink, there is some people you should meet. There no need to hide anything from you now your here." He led me into an office, where the receptionist was waiting. "Go and get Jesse and Amia please. My friend here would love to meet them." He said, and she left the room. He began pouring drinks. "I have become quite partial to a blood and red wine mix. Maybe from spending so much time with humans. I have not seen another Vampire in such a long time." He handed me a drink. It was actually quite good. I sat down, trying again, "so what is going on Achille?" He was about to speak again when the door opened. In walked a man and woman, they were both human and looked very similar. "Demitri, this here is Jesse, my closest friend, and his sister Amia."
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