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DEMITRI As we left the Drawing room, I led Etna to freshen up. As we walked, I thought it best to make a couple of things clear, reiterate Quinn's sentiment earlier. "Given what Leanda has told you, I am sure you can see where the next conversation will be heading. I want to make it crystal clear that nothing is expected of you, nothing at all. You do not have to attend this meeting if you do not want to. You do not have to help, you do not have to fight. There are always options. I have some friends that always hide in these situations and have taken people like yourself in for us before. Do not feel pressured my dear. The choice is always yours." She stopped walking and turned to me, looking me dead in the eye, "I appreciate you saying that, however I am here, and I am not going anywhere, I will follow you, whatever you decide". I kept her eye contact - she was determined, not a hint of fear in her eyes. She would make a fine fighter one day.  She looked a little taller to me now, maybe it was just an illusion as my opinion of her got higher. I nodded, and we carried on. Back in Leanda's study, the topic familiar - it feels like too many times we have had this conversation, but with different friends each time. It reminds me of the ones we have lost, the ones we have nearly lost, and the ones that were never the same again. Too much death and sadness all round. Leanda cut through my thoughts, "Now as I said earlier, the situation is getting worse, and the time for decisions and action is upon us". Quinn bowed his head, and handed me a file. "In here are photographs taken by an insider, and information about what has been happening. Technology has come on leaps and bounds since last time there was a situation like this, so rather than inflict pain, they are taking blood and other samples, doing tests, scans, collecting data." "But that wont get them far," interjected Etna. We all looked at her, she was the last person I expected to speak up. "Please explain Eternal?" Leanda seemed as interested as I to hear what she had to say. "When I was born they carried out loads of tests on me, my parents told me so. Other than the lack of expiration date, they said I was completely fine. Our genetics are exactly the same as humans". She explained. Quinn looked pleased as he spoke, "Interesting. Very helpful to know. Especially as they are currently testing subjects who have been alive for around 15 years. Therefore they are not close to changing. Hopefully they should still have the same genetics too." "Why that age?" I enquired. Usually it was more random than that, whoever they could find. "They are volunteering! You should see the adverts for people to come and get tested to try and find out why they are as they are. They are also being paid," Leanda said, obviously shocked at the words coming out if her own mouth! "Money?" "Yes, big sums of money to anyone willing", Leanda looked worried now. "Whose bank rolling all of this?" It didn't make sense. "And there in lies the bad news," said Quinn. "There does seem to be someone behind the scenes pulling strings, and if it were just idle curiosity and volunteers... But there is a more sinister part that many do not see, an underground lab. Whoever is in charge is not trying to find out what these people are or why they are. Whoever it is, already knows, and is trying to find out more about the change".
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