
247 Words
ETNA The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. It was a shocked, deep thought silence, as all of us reflected on the information Quinn had just told us. After a few minutes, I could take it no more. "So, this underground lab.. What are they doing down there? Do we know?" I asked, pulling everyone back to the here and now. It was Leanda who replied, with a heavy sigh and a sullen tone. "That Eternal, is the worst part. The underground lab is where they are testing the adult vampires". She reached forward and flipped through the file in Demitri's hands until she found the photo she wanted. Then she sat back, and deliberately looked away from it, as if it had insulted her. Demitri gasped and I moved to look over his shoulder. The photo seemed to have been taken from high up, possibly a balcony overlooking a room the size of about 10 football pitches. It was obviously some sort of medical centre. Row upon row, upon row of beds with equipment here, there and everywhere. There was easily at least 1000 beds, all occupied. I felt sick. It didn't matter who the people were, or what they were - they were living, and should not be treated this way.  I doubted they were there willingly, as none of them were sat up.  Every single bed had someone in it, lying down.  "All Vampires?" I asked. "Sadly, yes" Quinn replied.
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