
510 Words
QUINN We ate back in the drawing room. Master Demitri had helped me get together a small cold buffet, more than enough for the four of us. It was nice to spend time with Master Demitri, he was a very easy man to get along with, and he'd always been one of my more favourite friends of Leanda's. The only one who treated me as a friend too, treated me as equal. He knew I was more than a mere human, following Leanda around like a lost puppy. Most cant comprehend a Vampire loving a human, but Master Demitri never even questioned it. I am sure someone could tell him they were in love with a Diplodocus and he would just say "the heart wants, what the heart wants my dear". More people should be like him, whether Vampire or human. I was just pouring drinks when the ladies arrived. Even after forty years together, my breath still catches and my heart skips when Leanda walks in the room, just like it did the first time. She smiles warmly at me, walking over and kissing my cheek - she is never embarrassed of our relationship and never tries to hide it, no matter the company. "Right, now that Eternal is up to speed, let us eat and be merry for a bit, before we have to get back to it. No sad faces, no business talk!!" I saw Etna pull a face as Leanda used her full name, again, but I did not think anyone else noticed. I handed out the drinks, "blood, blood, wine, wine, perfect" I mutter - one thing you should never get wrong. We chat and laugh between eating, whenever Master Demitri comes, its like he has never been gone - and Etna is fitting in perfectly already. Though I have seen her glance at me a few times. Probably confused as to what my relationship is with Leanda, but that is normal. Once we had finished eating, Leanda dismissed everyone to freshen up before we go back to her study. When Master Demitri and Etna had left, Leanda came over to me and put her arms around me. I held her close, savouring the moment. "Shall we hide? I would usually fight, but it seems like such a waste of the little time we have left! I do not want to miss a moment." A tear rolled down her face. I hated to see her so sad. I wiped the tear from her chin, "no my love, we will fight, side by side, even if it is until my last hour. I would have it no other way. I wish to spend my time with you, having adventures. Not hiding away! I have always fantasised about dying in battle. A brave, noble death to end a perfect life, spent with the perfect woman!" She smiled! "I can never say no to you, come on then, lets get this over with" she kissed me quickly, before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. 
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