
257 Words
ETNA "However I do have one rather large problem" the lady spoke in a harsh tone, she was rather scary! She was shorter than me, tiny waist line, with pure white hair. The same pale skin, and golden eyes like Demitri, but she looked younger. Maybe it was just her size, but she looked about 15!! "W-what is that m'lady" stuttered Demitri. A grin spread across the lady's face as she spoke "how many times", she hit Demitri playfully, "do I have to tell you", she hit him again, "to call me Leanda, not m'lady". She was laughing now, and so was Demitri. She turned to me and hugged me a little too tight. When she stepped back she smiled brightly. "Leanda, pleased to meet you too Eternal. And this is Quinn", she added as the man who had answered the door entered with four glasses of red liquid on a tray. Demitri walked straight to Quinn and took his free hand, "so good to see you again". "You too Master Demitri, you look well" replied Quinn, then he handed out the glasses, first to Demitri, then Leanda, me and finally took the last for himself, while muttering "blood, blood, wine, wine, perfect". Demitri raised his glass "to old friends", he looked at Leanda and Quinn as he spoke, "and new" he said looking at me. "Fine fine, but after this glass its down to business, I'm afraid the time for a proper catch up passed with your lateness" said Leanda, and we all took a seat.
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