
498 Words
LEANDA Demitri should have been here days ago. I am starting to get impatient and snappy, he knows I do not appreciate waiting. I also hate staying in one place for too long, especially these days. The time for settling down or staying still has long past. Though those times are usually far and few in between.  "Quinn darling, if Demitri is not here tonight, we will leave at first dark tomorrow, please ask the staff to make sure we are ready to go. I will not waste another minute of your precious life on him!" Quinn kissed my cheek before bowing low, "Of course my love", he answered before leaving. I sighed. He was such a sweet man, one of the few I have ever truly loved! The next nine years would go so fast, and then he would be gone. I should be used to humans coming and going, but I was filled with such sorrow - selfishly, more for myself than him. I will miss him. I was so lost in thought that I did not notice Quinn enter until he spoke. "My love, Master Demitri and a lady by the name of Etna have just arrived. They are in the drawing room". "Finally!! Thank you Darling. Is the lady....?" I enquired, not needing to finish my sentence. "I believe, not yet". "Ahh that may explain his tardiness! Get the staff to bring blood and red wine to the drawing room then please Quinn", I requested. "Yes my love" and again he left with a low bow. I entered the drawing room quietly, seeing Demitri and his friend deep in conversation. I cleared my throat, not overly wanting to disturb them, but they had come to see me. Upon noticing my presence, Demitri immediately stood and bowed low, "I am so deeply sorry for my lateness m'lady. I was making good time, until I happened upon young Etna here, and that slowed me considerably! I can only thank you for waiting and request your forgiveness!" He looked like a scared puppy dog, I sighed internally. Of course he was forgiven, he had a good excuse - but there would be no need to tell him that right away. Hiding my smile I approached the lady. "Stand" I commanded her. To my surprise she immediately did so and dropped into a curtsey. At least she has manners. "In three short sentences, tell me about yourself" I snapped. "M'lady," she said, obviously following Demitri's lead. "My name is Etna. I have been alive nineteen years, with no expiration date. And... It's an absolute pleasure to meet you!" Hmmm not bad, "two true and one lie, your actual name?" "Eternal" she spoke with a clear grimace. "And what do you know about myself, Eternal?" "That you are a Vampire". "Anything else?" I questioned. "Not a single thing, not even your name" I turned to Demitri. "I see there will be no need for the frying pan this time".
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