
466 Words
DEMITRI Seeing Leanda again was lovely, though slightly scary. We swapped adventure stories briefly. She told me of the places they had travelled and the downtime they had spent, the friends they had seen. Quinn chipping in every now and again. All very pleasant. I told her of my meeting Etna, and the two ladies got to know each other a bit. The conversation stretched a little further than our drinks, but inevitably, all to soon we had to change topic. "Lets talk in my study, I hate to talk business in this room!" Leanda said, standing. She led us down the hall to her study, which had not changed much since the last time I was here. Big desk, several chairs, too much paperwork. Quinn turned to Etna, "I do not wish to insult you at all, but you should be prepared. If you do not want to be here, I can take you to the library - this will not be a pleasant conversation". It was sweet he had thought to warn her. I had not even thought, I mentally kicked myself. Quinn's manners always outshone mine, making him stand out as the better man every time. "No no, I'm quite alright. I made my decision when I followed Demitri - there is no going back now. May as well face it all". Etna sounded sure, and brave. I beamed at her, she was going to be great to work with. "As you wish, but if you change your mind, do not hesitate to say." Quinn gave Etna a small bow of his head, before turning his attention to Leanda. "Thank you my love. Now the reason I have called you here is for an update. Unfortunately things are getting worse, and I felt that you should know about it as soon as possible" Leanda was no longer smiling as she had been in the drawing room, she was in full business mode. My face quickly dropped as her words sunk in. "How much worse exactly?" It was Quinn who answered my question, "Not as bad as last time yet, but it definitely looks like it is heading that way and fast. If we are going to do anything, now is the time to do it. Be that fight, or hide Master Demitri." "I'm sorry," Etna interrupted. "But I don't really feel you can warn me off the conversation and then talk in riddles. I appreciate the three of you know what your talking about, but I'm not up to speed here". "Forgive us greatly! Maybe we should take five minutes. Quinn, Demitri, you two go and sort out some food for us all? I will fill Eternal in on the past, then we can eat while she processes, and revisit the present afterwards".
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