
291 Words
DEMITRI Most screamed, not fainted! However, she did ask for proof faster than most! In a flash of speed, I closed the short gap between us and caught her before her head hit the stone floor. I laid her on the table again, and started to do the washing up. She would adjust, hopefully with no more fainting. If there's one thing I cannot stand, its the damsel in distress routine! Especially from one of us. I glanced over at her and saw her begin to stir. Finishing the washing up, I dried my hands and took my chair. "Hello again my dear," I said as she woke. "Ugh, déjà vu. I don't ever want to wake up on this table again." She only sounded slightly annoyed, but it made me smile, at least she was not running screaming, yet! "Done. I will put you on the floor next time," I chuckled. "Not funny!" She hopped down and sat back in her chair. "Explain this to me then" "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked. She thought for a moment, "Vampires don't age, so how can I be a Vampire! I was born, and I grew up". "As we all do, my dear. We usually stop ageing somewhere between twenty and thirty years after our birth." "So how old are you?" Cheeky to ask a strangers age I thought with a smile, but "twenty-four" I replied out loud. She snorted! Loudly! "Okay okay, how long have you been twenty-four?" She was faster than most, she really was.  The amount of times it had taken people days to ask simple questions like this: "About 3000 years, give or take. It's hard to keep track after a while," I answered honestly.
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