
334 Words
ETNA 3000 was an unbelievably hard number to comprehend, especially when the person saying it looked so young. But, I found I did believe him. There was a sincerity in his tone, and though he smiled a lot, he wasn't laughing at me. "Now the immortal description makes more sense" I think I'd feel immortal after that long alive! "Thank you. Now, do you still feel faint or can we walk and talk?" Now he was laughing at me, but I couldn't blame him. I laughed too. "No no, I'm fine, where are we going? I should probably get back soon, my parents will be worried." I suddenly realised that they had barely crossed my mind.  Maybe I was just enjoying freedom - but a part of me now felt guilty that I had not considered them and how much they would be worrying faster. "Ah, small problem" I raised my eyebrows at him in question, "you cannot. Go home that is". "Explain please?" I spoke quietly, a slight catch in my voice as I choked up at the thought of never seeing my parents again. As much as they suffocated me, they did it out of love. "When you stop ageing and begin changing, people will notice, and there is only so long you can pretend to be human. So the general tradition is that a new Vampire spends one hundred years with an older Vampire learning about their new strengths and weaknesses, and how to get by. It can be dangerous to be around humans in the beginning, but of course its up to you, I would never force you away from your home. Though you live in a small village, it could be sometime before one of us passes through again, and by then, it may be too late". With that, he walked out of the room, leaving me stood staring after him, my mind a jumble, knowing the split second decision I had to make would change my life forever.
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