
448 Words
QUINN Its times like these, I feel I begin to understand how others see me. Human servant. It is true that Leanda and I are in love. However, I also do a lot for her. Especially as I can walk in the sun and she cannot. Most of the time, I do not mind. Today, I do. Large quantities of blood are hard to find. We hit the usual suppliers, the ones that take 'left overs' from blood tests and donations and sell them for a bloody big profit. Genius, wish I had come up with that one! But even with the little forewarning we were able to give them, there is only so much they can get together. However, the one thing this city is never short of, is desperate idiots. Usually selling their bodies - they're more than happy to sell their blood instead. So here I am, with a few others, hitting all the w***e houses in town, trying to convince people that we are not joking, and we are willing to pay. I hate these places, everyone is so desperate. It is no way to live. The receptionist looks us up and down as we walk in, the three of us do not look too odd, just very exhausted. At least we showered and changed before heading out. "What can I do you for gentlemen?" She seemed friendly enough. "Hi there, we have a bit of an unusual proposition for your ladies.." I approach the subject gently. "Whatever your kink darlin', we have an anything goes policy here!" The way she said darlin', focusing on the r like some sort of country singer, made my skin crawl. "Oh no, you misunderstand. We are not here for that". She raised one eyebrow. "There has been a terrible accident, and there are a lot of people in a nearby private hospital needing a blood transfusion. We do not have the supplies to help everyone. We are willing to pay handsomely to anyone willing to give blood." I lied easily, she looked sceptical. "We have the proper equipment and identification if needed". "How much are we talking exactly?" I took a pen and paper from the desk and wrote down a number, pushed the paper towards her. "Each?" she enquired. "Of course" I said and she whistled loudly! "Money up front, in cash, bring your equipment in, you can set up in the first room on the right.. I'll get the girls". She sounded excited. Thirty women in total gave blood in that one place! Everyone of them had a gleam in their eye as they saw the money. The world was a very depressing place sometimes. 
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