
401 Words
One month earlier DEMITRI I was bored. Etna had been gone for about six weeks, and I was itching to get started on preparing her for the change. I knew it was sometime away yet, but, this was always my favourite part. Watching the almost Human excitement is something incredibly innocent and lovely to see. It is thought the earlier you changed, the more powerful you were. I do not believe it. I changed at a nearly average age, twenty-four years old, and I am pretty great, even if I do say so myself. Though I suppose I am nowhere near as powerful as Leanda and she changed at fourteen years old, the youngest I have ever heard of. It is not all about strength and speed. Some of us have extra special qualities, and the younger you are, the more you have, or the stronger they are.  I should not be bored really, there had been a lot to occupy me.  I was not sure why my mind still wandered to Etna a lot. We had many meetings over the weeks since she had set off. When Zyanya and Alecto came back, we were all worried, but having mastered fire messages, Etna was able to keep in contact with us quite easily. She was keeping us up to date on things she had found out. Which is how Id found myself in this meeting, utterly bored. Yet again we were going over what would be best to do about the lab of Vampires. Etna had found out that they were giving humans a cocktail of Vampire blood injections, with some surprising results. The last thing we wanted was humans to find out that Vampire blood made them stronger or cured most of their common diseases. Being hunted to cure world diabetes is not my idea of fun! So we were back to the conversation. When and how do we get the Vampires out of the lab. Unfortunately it looked like a 'smash and grab' was the best anyone could come up with. Of all the oldest minds in the world, and we come up with "ahh lets just wing it". At least it was easy to remember. We talked strategy and facts for most of the night. By sun up, we all knew where the security cameras were and where the Vampires were being kept. Simple. Or so we thought.
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