
361 Words
DEMITRI The night of the breakout was upon us. We had travelled several nights to get here, and were now ready. There was around two hundred of us, nearly all fully grown Vampires. Hopefully it was enough to break out over a thousand. We had completely surrounded the lab, of course we had to get inside and down to the lower floor, but we were confident. Actually, I think arrogant was the word. Everything was going fine. Until we got within three meters of the building. A high pitched whistle broke through the night. We all glanced around. Then I fell. Along with several others. I was hit. Leanda helped me up. I pulled the dart from my shoulder. It was made of wood. A few inches over and I would have been dead. They were flying all around us. All we could do was try to dodge them. Then they stopped. One second, hundreds of darts. The next, none. I saw Leanda next to me pull a dart from her leg. We edged forward more. Prepared. Senses heightened. I smelt the coal before I saw the flames. Quinn, out in front of me, jumped back. A wall of flames towered over us. None of us Vampires would be able to pass through without grave injury. Before anyone could react. Alecto ran forward. Jumped through the flames. There was a collective gasp. And then the flames vanished! We could see Alecto about a meter in front. Slightly smoking. But otherwise fine. "Easy" he shouted with a laugh. We had barley began to move forward again when Alecto must have set off the next defence. Bright UV lights shone through the night. A few screams rang out. A flurry of movement. Everyone scurrying to hide themselves. Behind cloaks and each other. It was agonising. Unable to move. The light still burning us through our clothes. No where to hide. And then. Darkness. I looked up to see Quinn walking out of the building. He wiped his sword on the grass. Leaving it stained red. He had saved us all. All by himself. There was a stunned silence. Then we remembered our mission.
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