
546 Words
 ETNA Over the next few days, it became apparent that Grace and Beauty didn't suspect me. They followed Zyanya round like lost puppies. Leaving me plenty of time, in between tests, to snoop around. During the day, everyone was busy, and no one was paying attention. It was very easy to walk into staff only areas and have a look around without anyone noticing me. When I started snooping, I felt like some sort of spy - 007 on a mission! After finding the fourteenth cleaning cupboard, I felt more like an i***t randomly opening doors. Its surprising how different expectations and reality are. It wasn't until the fourth day that I found anything interesting. I'd nearly given up, bored of wondering aimlessly and finding nothing. I'd been miserable and preoccupied in thought, so I ended up in a part of the complex that I hadn't been to before. It also wasn't on the map! To my surprise one of the rooms contained lots of filing cabinet. Most things these days were digital, so I really wasn't expecting that much paperwork. I looked through a few, and found that they were filled with test results and notes from all volunteers. I quickly hunted through until I found mine. They weren't in alphabetical order, but rather a filing cabinet for each room. So I found mine in a cabinet called '3C'. Most of the paperwork inside meant nothing to me. Blood counts and blood pressure numbers. More interesting though was the notes. They collated the test results and explained what they meant. Handy find really. Three paragraphs down, I read: 'Subject's results show that they are close to the change. One to watch. Extremely elevated levels of adrenaline shows that they are months away, not years. Increase blood tests and stress tests to daily from 2 weeks time, this will give is the best picture of what is happening.' I put the file back and had a quick peak in a few other files. It took a while, but I found Zyanya's. Though her results showed nothing of interest, someone had written 'AWARE?' in red pen across the front. By complete fluke I found Alecto's file too. I hadn't seen him at all and didn't even know he was here yet. I was flicking through his file, when I heard someone in the corridor outside. I put the file back and quickly hid behind a cabinet. "..a few that show promise" one was saying as the door opened. "So what's the next step?" Said a man with a deep voice. "Send the rest home, and focus on those few. The rest are of no interest to us. The ones closer to the change will hold the answers, if there are any to be found". "Fine, how long do you reckon?" "I could not tell you sir, I have no clue what we'll find or if it will help at all". "Just remember the clock is ticking, we do not have forever". "We have plenty of time, if there is an answer to be found, we will fine it before her date, I can promise you that sir. Right, I've got the files, lets go". They walked out, leaving me to wonder what was actually going on here.
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